Andy's Digital Portfolio

Items on My Blog:

Although my first blog post wasn't very interesting, it was my first post, so I am proud of it.

The Other Side was my first Academy Authentic and I think that it was the best. At first, it was not that great, but then after some advice and editing I thought that it was very interesting.

I really enjoyed the Denver Zoo project. My team, Alex, Lex, Susheel, Oscar, and I, made it past the school and into the zoo. We ended up winning third place out of the whole state. This was my only piece that related to the Denver Zoo project, so I wanted to show it.

Even though Taking Sides wasn't the best book that I have ever read, it was still interesting. I got a very good grade on my thesis essay and Mr. Wilkoff liked it enough to show it to high school teachers. This is probably my best essay that I have ever wrote and I am glad that I decided to read Taking Sides.

Shelby and I debated against Dillon and Oscar about how remix culture is bad and this is my information about it. The debates were really fun and I think that our debate was the closest. Both our team and the opposing team had great information and the only reason that we won was because of our rebuttals.

I didn't do as good on this thesis essay as the first one, but I did enjoy the book more. This shows that even if you enjoy something more, you still might not necessarily do better on it.

1891 was about the creation of basketball and I liked writing about that. My story was mainly dialogue, but it was still interesting.

The Go Rockies post was the only blog post that wasn't related to school. I enjoyed writing about the Rockies, but the only problem was that they got swept in the World Series. I really like this post and it was the most enjoyable piece I wrote this year.

Items on Google Maps:

The China Trek project was my first Google Maps experience. I ended up liking Google Maps and I had a great time learning about China's interesting facts.

Items on VoiceThread:

My personal curriculum was about game console sales. I read about it online and wanted to pursue it more. I put a lot of work into my project and I think that it turned out really good.

I had a lot of fun with Dillon, Dylan, Susheel, Tyler, and Jonah while working on the first part of learning about Utopias, the survival situations.

The taxonomic twisters science activity was really fun because I learned about different animals while creating a completely original one.

Items on Google Sites and Google Docs:

AU of CC took a very long time and a lot of thinking to become a perfect Utopian society. It was fun creating my own society, but it was even more fun enhancing the page with many different things, including a homemade floor plan of the houses.

This is the script for Lollipop, our radio drama. I really liked recording it and without the script, it wouldn't have been good. The script was very essential to a good recording.

Jeremy, Tyler, Terri, and I had a lot of fun recording our own radio drama. Our radio drama got fifth place out of Discovery and was very enjoyable.

This social studies PowerPoint was very time consuming and took a lot of effort for it to be good. We learned about different times in European history and put it into a great PowerPoint presentation.

This was my first and best science investigation. I liked this one the most because we got to choose what we would investigate instead of being told. I did mine on sponge absorbency.

Learning about different countries is really fun and this document comparing three different countries shows what we learned about.

The Spanish Denver Art Museum project was very interesting. I had never really thought about Spanish art like that and I really learned a lot from it.

This is my consumer and family studies fake job resume. It ended our fun unit on careers, which told me that I should be an engineering manager.

The Digital Denver scavenger hunt field trip was really fun. Alex, Matt, Michael, Kyle, Geordy, Evan, Mrs. Miller, and I had a really great time in Denver. Even with some GPS difficulties, we still ended up winning.