Erin's Portfolio

One of the things I am really proud of this year is my belief statement essay. I worked really hard on it and its one of the best things I've done this year. It really made me question myself and my beliefs. I was excited that I got all 4's because it reminded me that I can still write. I used to do it all the time and I don't anymore. Also it was great to bring God and my beliefs into school.

7th grade blog

This was more personal stuff more of my writings and thoughts of early middle school

8th grade blog

This blog was more assignments but some of it was me

7th grade utopia

This was fun. The initial idea was cool, but exploring government and stuff got really hard and complicated I learned a lot about the world worked and didn't work during this project.

Funny Stories:

On the second day of school we were running in PE and everyone was racing and we started and someone ran across me and cut me of. I fell flat on my face. I hit my chin on the ground and scraped stuff and then I just sat on the track. Mr Hanson was yelling at me to get up and keep running but i just sat there. He came over and gasped. then everyone started freaking out. I was in a daze all I remember is someone saying I was bleeding and going to the nurse and then the doctor. I got 7 stitches. Then after that I was known as "hey your that girl who fell on the track" also Ms. Gulik was trying to think of a nickname for me and we came up with tripy and it stuck. Ms Gulik still calls me tripy.

My friends of middle school

Hannah L-has been my friend forevr and will forevr more we are sisters fate forgot to give us :)

Shannon H- omg i love you girly bestest bud we work through the hard timeess all of us bestest buds we love eachother to much to give up n<3

Breanna W- gosh we've been through the loops barely know you, love you, hate you, and back to love again. we just keep coming back to being friends having fun :)

Taylor L-I'm so glad we became friends over this past year u r so fun and so true and so u! lots of fun and :)

Carrie W-u just love to laugh and love to make evryone else laugh lots of :)

Eden B-a true person u stick to who u r and its been really fun steady and true straight to the end :)

Anna S- loving happy girly we were friends from the beginning and i wish we had more classes together it would have been fun :)

Alisa R- such a cute little sweet girly. Lots of fun and u r the best bub ever! :P

Alena S- honest and true u want what you want we were often friends by association, but Im glad to have seen the sides of u

Ania S- funny and just the kinda person everyone knows u were a do it all know it be it all kinda girl

Cody M- omg idk wat to say about u u r funny and smart and party nerdy but not we just laughed a lot and he fixed a lot of stuff

"Cody FIX IT!!!!"

The Drama