

Fish/Humans of the sea, as the stories and tales go. In reality they are much more complex than that. The standard Merfolk are also known as Saltwater Ferfolk. They are seen being combined with a variety of saltwater fish, their tails and behavior reflecting certain fish species. They live together in family pods and keep to themselves for the most part due to the views humans have on them. 

Freshwater Merfolk

Very similar to Standard Merfolk, aside from the fish species seen in their tails and where they live. Most prefer deep bodies of water and live in harmony with the other marine life within the lakes they dwell in. Some Freshwater Merfolk can adapt to living in the ocean if they build up a tolerance for it.

Shark Merfolk

Shark Merfolk are Shark/Humans that can actually be quite vicious with each other and other Merfolk. They prefer to live solitary lives depending on the type of Merfolk they were raised by. At times Shark Merfolk will be born into a pod and be the only Shark in the pod or even be adopted if their parents died. If shown at a young age the compassion of a pod, some potentially prefer pod living. Their size is affected greatly by the shark species they represent. Shark Merfolk all have extremely sharp teeth. 

Mammal Merfolk

These Merfolk represent the many marine mammals that exist in the world. Almost all of them live in the ocean so they are most commonly seen there. From whales to dolphins, to even some rare seal and sea lion Merfolk. Mammal Merfolk give live birth and nurse their young. 

Serpent Merfolk

Very similarly compared to generic sea serpents of legend. The Serpent Merfolk are very defensive and don’t particularly like strangers. It takes a lot for anyone to gain their trust. Serpent Merfolk have plated scales on their tails and their tongues are long and forked. 

Deep Sea Merfolk

Living in the deepest parts of the ocean, Deep Sea Merfolk have bioluminescent markings and they decorate their tails with bioluminescent algae. Due to their reclusive nature, they don’t entirely like strangers or people. They have been seen getting along with Deep Sea Nagas and Purple and Black tailed Sirens. 


Many tales tell of how Sirens lure in sailors to eat them, this is not the case. The Sirens of Dragoso only use that trick if a specific sailor has hurt them or a loved one. Otherwise they leave sailors alone and live quite similarly to other Merfolk. Sirens are quite unique in their colors. They do not seem to represent any specific fish breed, but instead look like a generic fish with a long flowing tail and various intricate markings on their arms and shoulders. As for their colors, it depends entirely on their genes.

Sirens that are red are usually found close to volcanoes and thermal vents. Orange and Yellow Sirens are seen in much warmer waters and closer to any land that is usually warmer, Australia for example. Green and Blue Sirens are found in cooler waters, like Japan. Purple and Black Sirens are usually deep sea dwellers and are very difficult to find if they refuse to leave the deep. Some do, but many prefer the solitude of the dark. White Sirens are found in Arctic and Antarctic Waters and even prefer the freezing temperatures. Due to the minimal amount of humans in their territories, they can even be found on ice flows resting or caring for their babies. Colors in some Sirens can be a mixture of two parents. A Blue Tailed Siren and a Yellow Tailed Siren can produce a Green Tailed Siren with various blue and yellow markings as well.