Special Needs

This group of dragons is what inspired Anna Dragon to start the Voutneth Academy. They are considered "Special Needs" because they have disabilities that rendered them unable to live how they once did, but learn to embrace it and live somewhat normally.

Sonar Granite

Breed: Earth Dragon

Aliases: Simon Grant

Distinct Traits: Blind

Sonar was a proud member of a clan until a cave-in threatened the clan's life. Sonar saved the remaining members, but was trapped in a rock slide. Because of this, his eyes suffered severe trauma, making him go blind. Unable to fight effectively, Sonar left his clan in search of another alternative to living. He discovered Anna and asked to be taught how to live with his blindness. He is one of the few that inspired the Voutneth Academy to be built.

Tikimune Shallows

Breed: Water Dragon

Alias: Elena

Distinctive Traits: Right wing is missing

Tikimune was born in a clan and really looked up to the Royal Family soldiers. She stated she always wanted to be one. However, her dreams were slaughtered when Hell Dragons attacked her clan and ripped her wing from her shoulder. Unable to fly or even swim, she was sent from her home and she sought out her only means of being able to live. She looked for Anna and begged her to teach the one-winged dragon how to live as a human. Not only did Tikimune learn to be a human, she learned how to fly on a dragon and taught Sonar Granite, the blind Earth Dragon, how to fly with collar control. With enough research and help from Sereph and Zoymey, a prosthetic wing is in the works for Tikimune. It is currently a prototype that needs work, but Tikimune is happy to test it and hopes to be in the skies again on her own. For now, she and Sonar work as a team for the Flight Class at the Academy.

Samual Hyesha

Breed: Serpentine Dragon

Alias: Sam

Distinctive Traits: Scars on hands and feet

Samual went to Anna to learn how to be human and get rid of the hiss in his words that he saw as a speech disorder. Although Samual isn't actually a Special Needs Dragon, he was teamed with Sonar and Tikimune to be around them. Being with dragons speaking properly without hissing would unconsciously train him to speak without hissing. Samual's scars are a mystery, one he refuses to reveal to anyone. Samual is easily accepted by many at the Academy despite his slight hiss, even with his speech therapy.

Arkin Tides

Breed: Water Dragon

Alias: None

Distinctive Traits: Chipped right horn

Arkin is not an actual handicapped dragon. He was sneaking around the dojo that Anna Dragon and the rest of the Special Needs dragons were staying in when the trio of handicapped dragons caught Arkin and the self-absorbed Water Dragon stayed due to being part of the inspiration to create the Voutneth Academy. It took a lot of picking at his mind by Sylark Freeze and Anna before he could be trusted. Arkin claims to be from the same clan as Mykau Shimizu, but no proof could be found due to Mykau forgetting his past. Arkin spends his free time lifting weights, focusing on his body image among other things.