Council of the Underworld

The Council of the Underworld is a group of evil beings that are seen as embodiments of the seven deadly sins. Agony was chosen as the eighth being to lead the beings that are ruled by their name. They were created by the first ever Underworld King -Before Deathbore Hell's reign- and had been sealed away with their master by the first generation Compass Dragons. When not planning to ruin Earth and Dragoso, the Council works to revive their master, Rakasa.


Breed: [Redacted]

Aliases: Satan of Dragoso

Distinctive Traits: Brands from his sealing binds.

Rakasa is known as the Satan of Dragoso. While some believe he leads the Underworld, this is in fact false. Rakasa was once a human whose soul was snatched up and altered by the first King of the Underworld. Rakasa's given goal was to eliminate the living world and bring about the apocalypse. Unfortunately for them, the first generation Compass Dragons defeated the Council that Rakasa created and sealed all nine of them away. Rakasa's one true goal in his existence is to take over the living world to make it into his world.


Breed: Shadow Wyvern

Aliases: The Shadow

Distinctive Traits: Wyvern Hybrid. Pitch black scales, resembles a shadow, pupiless white eyes, white teeth, ruins around his neck usually white, turn red when Agony is in power

Cenod appears to be a hybrid of a Wyvern and a Shadow Dragon. While that is the assumption, nobody truly knows what he is, except pure magic created by Agony. Cenod has the ability to possess dragons, sometimes hiding inside of a dragon and giving the host free will. Cenod has the ability to create shadow parasites, gelatin like creatures that possess dragons, driving the host mad and causing an outburst of rage and destruction. While the parasites feed off the host's powers and strength, they are like a hive mind, listening to their own master, Cenod. Cenod utilizes Brokenstar the Nega Dragon and the Dragon Hunter Leader in the plans for the Council to revive their master, Rakasa, and take over Earth and Dragoso.


Breed: Archangel Dragon

Alias: Archangel

Distinctive Traits: One black eye, one white eye

Arc was found by Anna and the Vul'Gein siblings on a scouting mission after he had been knocked from the air. At the time, he couldn't remember much about himself, only his name. The team had been cautious of him for a while due to his wings being black, a universal sign of an evil Archangel Dragon. During his time at Voutneth, he was unintentionally a spy for the Council of the Underworld, allowing the Underworld dwellers to pick out weak points in the team. Once Rakasa was revived, Arc regained his memories and was horrified to know what he had been controlled to do. His loyalty to the Council had only been a curse placed upon him by Agony. After Rakasa's defeat, Arc was freed from all control and he claimed he only wanted freedom. He left Voutneth and hadn't been seen since.

*Fan-made created character


Breed: Nega Dragon

Alias: None

Distinctive Traits: Beak-like snout and feather-like crest

Agony is one of the 8 Council of the Underworld members. He is considered the leader of the Council when Rakasa is not present. Agony is not ruled by his embodiment, so he was appointed leader. He has the ability to create illusions and wreak havoc on dragon lives. Being a Nega Dragon, he feeds off their pain. He is also able to change beings and make them his puppets, though only one puppet can exist. His puppet is a Shadow Dragon/Wyvern hybrid called Cenod. Agony's one true mission is to free his master when Rakasa is sealed away and to be a loyal servant to the Dragon Satan.


Breed: Venom Dragon

Aliases: None

Distinct Traits: Sharp fangs

Lust is one of 8 members of the Council of the Underworld. She represents the sexual desire that lingers in everyone. Her voice is described to be like silk which she uses to seduce males into her trap. Lust has a Toxic Valentine Dragon to do her bidding. When she launched her attack on the Voutneth Academy, she was very skillful and sneaky about it. The Toxic Valentine Dragon lured males away from the Academy, weakening the fighting strength of the Voutneth Team. Although some lives were lost, many were saved before Lust could feast on dragon blood.


Breed: Warsong Dragon

Alias: None

Distinctive Traits: Underbite and bigger build

Wrath is one of 8 Council of the Underworld members. He represents rage and hate. Because of the rage he has, he refuses to rely on magic and uses his brute strength to do what he needs to do. Wrath's main enforcement of his power is to show that feuding breeds can never get along, no matter what. Wrath's strength is also his weakness, rage makes anyone make mistakes. But even so, anyone who approaches Wrath should be cautious.


Breed: Fel Dragon

Alias: None

Distinctive Traits: Wider body shape, smaller wings

Gluttony is one of 8 members of the Council of the Underworld. Gluttony represents the desire for food and drink no matter the consequences. Gluttony is always seen with food in his hand and usually a mug of ale or beer nearby. Because of his body type, his means of moving about are primarily on foot, unlike other dragons who fly. Gluttony had attacked a village when the Voutneth Team faced him. Cursing the soil to be infertile with his blood magic and starving the village, which was also a main source of supplies for Drake. Gluttony also made use of his mental controlling ability to take hold of the mind of Nash, a Nebula Dragon that had been part of the Royal Guard before Water Dragons were made the primary soldiers. Gluttony has the ability to make anyone desire nothing but food, though it is rarely used due to his own desire to eat.


Breed: Toxic Dragon

Alias: None

Distinctive Traits: Smaller than most dragons

Greed is one of 8 Council of the Underworld members. He represents the desire for money and property. Greed alone loves money, gold especially. Despite being a goblin, he is very well dressed and always seen with a few coins, flipping one occasionally. Greed is able to make someone want a treasure so bad, they'll kill for it. Greed has the most control over his sin, but he does enjoy watching others fight for something so small. He can make anyone want something that has very little value as well.


Breed: Useelie Dragon

Alias: None

Distinctive Traits: Slight Underbite

Sloth is one of 8 members of the Council of the Underworld. She represents the laziness in people and dragons. Sloth is known to pick on Thunder Dragons for their lazy nature, though that's about as much as she does. Because she is the embodiment of laziness, she is usually fast asleep anywhere or is laying around not caring about anything in the world. Her attack on the Voutneth Academy involved her using a Poison Dragon with a unique ability of breathing spores and putting victims into comas. The Voutneth Team launched an attack on her rather quickly when they caught the Poison Dragon sneaking around Drake.


Breed: Reaper Dragon

Alias: None

Distinctive Traits: Sharper teeth and longer fangs

Envy is one of 8 Council of the Underworld members. He represents jealousy and want. He makes others jealous of their friends and want what they have. Envy alone has major jealousy issues and wants whatever his fellow Council members have. Envy tends to target those with jealousy in their hearts and use them for his needs, much like he used Kyrus Volcano to attack Anna.


Breed: Horror Dragon

Alias: None

Distinctive Traits: Longer Horns

Pride is one of 8 Council of the Underworld members. He represents the pride that lingers in everyone. Pride is able to bring out the pride in others and make it cloud their minds. While it is assumed Pride is the least dangerous member of the Council, he holds a secret power within him, gifted to him by Rakasa. Pride does well to keep this power secret and instead makes everyone assume all he can do is turn those under his influence into bragging jerks. He is also a rather resourceful member due to his love for puzzles. Pride enjoys sending victims to the Blackwood Forest and watching them get lost or eaten by Grimswrithe.