Book 3

Peace in Agony

Chapter 1

As children, humans are told there is no such thing as monsters. Nothing hides in their closet at night waiting to jump out and scare them. They’re nothing but a bad dream, a nightmare.

A dream can’t hurt you, no, but dragons know monsters are no illusion, they aren’t just a dream. They are real and can hurt those around them. They are usually just feral creatures acting on instinct.

But when monsters have a master to control them-

You best hope someone will rise to the challenge and triumph over them.


Birds chirped idly among the trees of a forest. It appeared as any ordinary day, the sun was out, predators were hunting for their meals, prey searching for hiding places.

A large black and white mass fell through the trees, hitting the ground hard. The dragon groaned and opened his eyes, waiting for them to refocus. Once the dizziness subsided from his head, he lifted it slowly and looked around.

“What in Kaylano’s name hit me?” he questioned and looked back at his back, raising an eyebrow at his singed feathered wings before getting to his feet. He looked above him where he had fallen through the trees. Broken branches and scattered leaves illustrated the path he had taken on his way down. The dragon snorted at the damage before turning his attention to the forest around him, his senses sharp. There was no telling what could be hidden in the trees waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting target.

A branch snapped above him and the dragon looked up swiftly, scanning the treetops for any sign of an enemy. A bird flew from its hiding place, chirping angrily as though the dragon had disturbed it. Maybe he did, he was a large creature after all.

The dragon started through the trees, walking at a somewhat average pace. He couldn’t rush, lest an enemy think he’s purposely trying to get out of the forest as fast as possible.

Unusual sounds soon reached his ears and he perked up. He couldn’t place what he was hearing. Idle talk? They spoke differently from what he was used to. Humans perhaps? What were the other strange sounds? An unusual bell. The clicking of metal hitting something lighter than it. Something squeaking.

Through the trees the dragon came to a fence that surrounded what looked like a town of sorts. Many humans mingled about going about their day. But just a sniff of the air, a breeze passing his way, he knew they weren’t all humans.

The air shifted slightly and a scent reached his nose, one that was right behind him. The dragon spun, his tail nicking the fence, but he paid it no mind, as his focus was on the male standing against a tree. At first glance he looked like a high school student who no doubt played a sport of some kind, he wore a sports jersey.

“You know, it’s not nice to spy on people,” the human stated, his arms crossed and he was rather relaxed for being in the presence of a dragon.

“And it’s not polite to speak to my kind that way,” the dragon snorted.

“What? A black winged Archangel Dragon?” the male scoffed. “I’m not even remotely worried.” His eyes betrayed him and the dragon swung around, facing four dragons hovering behind him.

“I hope you have a good reason for lurking around Drake,” the leader of the four stated, looking the dragon over. “Arc.”

Arc scowled. “Anna Dragon as I live and breathe.” A light flashed behind Arc and he was hit by a dragon swinging his head into Arc’s side.

“Let’s go.”


Trevor stared at the suspicious dragon that laid in the holding cell. His siblings had gone their separate ways and Kathey had left after scanning Arc’s mind.

“You are still here?” Trevor looked over his shoulder as Sylark approached him.

“Yes. You here to read his mind too?” Trevor questioned. Sylark stood beside him and crossed his arms.

“Kathey and I discussed what she saw. I am simply here to confirm the information. She is not as skilled as I am in telepathy. She also has more concern for privacy and morality than I.” Trevor hummed and looked back at Arc.

“What was he doing out there?” Sylark was silent for a moment before glancing at Trevor.

“He doesn’t know himself, actually.”

“And there is your answer,” Sylark remarked and turned to face Kathey as she approached.

“He was struck by some unknown magic and fell into the forest,” Kathey explained. “He came across Drake by mistake. As for his wings, there is nothing. No memory, no recollection, nothing.” Trevor’s eyes widened.

“Is that even possible?” he asked. The telepaths glanced at each other.

“Anyone with head trauma can. But in the world of magic, his mind could easily be tampered with if someone was skilled enough to do so,” Kathey said.

“Agony?” Trevor questioned.

“Maybe. He is a Tenkkoa after all, they have remarkable magical ability, as proved by Severik,” Sylark replied. Trevor turned his attention to Arc who rested peacefully.

“So what now?”

“We have no leads on the Council right now,” Kathey started. “Best to go about your day as usual. I alerted Salem since I heard you were interested in fighting with weapons. He can make weapons fit to anyone’s fighting style just by watching them fumble around with a choice practice weapon.” Trevor shrugged and ran his fingers through his hair.

“You should give it a try, Trevor. It is not everyday you get to do these things with the benefits you have currently,” Sylark advised and Trevor nodded.

“Right. I may as well,” Trevor replied and started off, giving the two a half hearted wave.

Kathey and Sylark watched him go before turning to observe Arc.

“You can stop faking it,” Kathey accused and Arc smirked before opening his eyes and lifting his head.

“So you lead a school now?” Arc asked, the grin still on his face.

“Yes, it was agreed that I wouldn't take the throne when Dawn and Dusk stepped down. I had been helping dragons as it is so I found a way to do more than make them seek me out personally. You know a lot about us, hell everything in Dragoso minus human technology. But nothing about yourself. Just your name and everything about Archangel Dragons.”

“I can’t control what I can and can’t remember, Anna. My mind certainly proves that much.” Kathey shook her head and looked to Sylark.

“You know what I cannot understand?” Sylark questioned. His mind brushed Kathey’s slightly, almost like he was nudging her.

“What’s that?” Kathey asked.

“How an Archangel Dragon could end up falling a mere mile away from Drake. It seems like a coincidence, do you not agree?” Arc scoffed and shook his head.

“Look, I was just flying around and was shot down from there. I didn’t even know about Drake and this school until you told me about it. I don’t even know what’s been happening in the world,” Arc defended and he huffed. Kathey raised an eyebrow. Arc looked almost frustrated that he wasn’t aware of what had happened in the world and what was currently occurring now, possibly.

“What do you know about the Council of the Underworld?” Kathey asked. Arc looked up and swallowed.

“Uh...they serve in the Underworld as servants to the Underworld King. They’re just some tale for commoners to scare fledglings. To Archangel Dragons they’re demons of sin and don’t deserve to exist in our world. There are eight members, that’s all I know,” Arc explained. He looked between the two telepaths as they stared at him. “What more do you want from me?” Kathey shook her head and hit a few buttons on the keypad next to the cell. The doors slid open and Arc stood.

“You’re going to be watched 24/7 until we can trust you. Can you turn human?” Arc nodded and he glowed white. His body shifted and in place of the black and white dragon stood a young man with long black hair adorned with a streak of dark blue and a streak of silver. His right eye was black while the left was white. He wore a t-shirt, skinny jeans, and sneakers. On his left hand he wore a black band on his ring finger and a white band on his middle finger. The ever present pentagram pendant was around his neck as well.

“Now what?” Arc questioned.

“Sylark will show you around. I have to talk to a few students of mine about that little test they had earlier. Excuse me.” Kathey nodded to Sylark before heading upstairs.


Trevor scanned the wooden weapons hanging on the wall in the Armory. He wasn’t sure what to go with. The traditional choice would be a sword, but Trevor didn’t want to go with the cliche. He ran his hand through his hair and exhaled.

“May I make a suggestion?” Trevor jumped and looked over his shoulder at one of the Armory managers, Criss. The man had slightly longer azure blue hair and his eyes were a strange purple. He wore a purple and black plaid pattern flannel, worn out blue jeans, and black sneakers.

“Uh, sure?” Criss approached and pulled a short sword and shield off the wall and held them out to Trevor. “Okay? Why these?”

“Oh it’s quite simple really.” a boy with black cat ears and tail swung down from a pull up bar on the ceiling and Trevor yelped in surprise.

“What the hell is it with you two scaring people?” Trevor questioned and the boy, Sly, laughed before dropping to the floor.

“It’s fun. Anyway, you have the build of a typical warrior. They use swords and shields in battle and use them both effectively. Wanna train with one of us?” Sly explained and Criss rested an elbow on the boy’s shoulder. Trevor held the sword and shield, looking between the two in his hands before looking up at Criss and Sly with a skeptical look on his face.

“You do realize I’ve never held something of this weight before and the only fighting I have is my dragon form. Anybody I face is going to beat me no problem,” Trevor advised. His cheek twitched and he looked over his shoulder to see Salem standing in the doorway that combined the armory with the forge.

“If I may, gentlemen, there is something we hold close to our hearts without realizing it. Dragons even more so, do not embarrass Trevor,” Salem stated before reaching for the wooden rapier hanging on the wall. “I may have hundreds of years of experience and training in me, but I know when a battle is a battle and when teaching is teaching. Care to face me?” Trevor looked at Salem’s weapon choice before nodding. Salem led him out to an opening in the grass and he bowed to Trevor before getting into a stance, his not dominant hand placed behind his back and his weapon pointed forward.

“Um...” Trevor mumbled before looking at his hands.

“Do what feels natural. Trevor. Only then will you learn.” Salem lunged forward and Trevor held up the shield to absorb the blow, his arm screamed in protest from the abuse. “Do not keep still, you still receive damage when blocking attacks. Watch your opponent’s moves, calculate what they will do.” Salem danced back a step, twirling the blade before thrusting it forward. Trevor lifted the sword and parried the attack, stepping forward and hitting Salem with the shield, causing the vampire to recoil and smirk. “You’re learning. En garde!”

As Trevor and Salem danced around, they were being watched not only by Criss and Sly, but Kathey had made her way outside and joined the two.

“He’s looking good out there,” Kathey noted and Criss nodded.

“Indeed. He’s a fast learner,” he stated.

“Gets it from his father. Nixes Dragons always were quick at picking up new things, it’s in his blood,” Kathey replied.

“Speaking of his father, has he made contact with Evanna since the four of them were moved here?”

“No, there’s no telling where he actually is. He called Evanna when they got sick, he must be here on Earth somewhere. Could have a satellite phone for all we know. I asked Dryber to snoop around, he couldn’t find anything.”

“How’s he liking it here?” Sly asked.

“Well, considering he had nowhere else to go after Garrett was killed and the Hunters disbanded, it was the least I could do to let him stay here. He’s settling in well, been a big help with the hall monitor,” Kathey replied. She looked up when Trevor yelped and was on his back, Salem pointing his wooden rapier at Trevor’s neck. “I’d say he’s ready, Salem!” Kathey called and Salem smiled before holding a hand to Trevor.

“I agree, my lady,” Salem replied. He pulled Trevor to his feet and clapped him on the shoulder. “I require your time for a few minutes Trevor, I have to get some measurements for what I’m about to make for you.”

“Thanks, Salem,” Trevor graced and followed Salem into the forge.

Chapter 2

“I am surprised you know at least a little of what you were doing with that blade,” Salem stated as he hammered away at the sword he was forging. Trevor stood nearby watching him.

“There was a club I was in back in High School, met on a weekly basis and we learned how to use a sword. We only used foam swords so the weight was different, but we still learned. Was in the club all through my high school career,” Trevor explained, he rubbed his arm that held the shield earlier. “Forgot how bruising the blows can be though.”

“You will get accustomed to the blows the more you train and sustain them.”

“So what about you? Clearly you’re skilled in a rapier, but know how to hold back.” Salem chuckled.

“When I was a boy, I was actually an apprentice blacksmith. I would train with blades everyday. Back then the sword choice was always rapiers. I spent much of my free time sparring with myself and sometimes the guards that walked the town would come to me to train as well. I was well liked due to my skills. It was...difficult...when I was turned. I murdered so many, lusted for more than blood. I wanted power and power is what I eventually got, but at a price.”

“Must’ve been hard on you.” Salem paused what he was doing before exhaling.

“Honestly, I couldn’t be happier right now. I’m the vampires’ leader, I have my daughters, and I spend much of my time teaching my blacksmithing abilities to many who wish to learn. I could not ask for anything more, except maybe sparing Mykau the experience of having a demon in his head and remaining with the insanity and rage in him.” Trevor scoffed. “What?”

“You honestly don’t believe that do you? Mykau is the reason Kathey and Gemini split up. Granted, Gemini sounds like a jerk, but he would still be around for Sandra and Sorren at least.” Trevor felt his head twinge with pain and he dug the heel of his hand into his eye. A typical remedy for an oncoming headache that he used all the time.

“Something wrong?” Trevor looked up.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, just a headache starting. I should probably go eat lunch, didn’t realize how late it was. Let me know when my sword and shield are done.” Salem waved to him as Trevor walked out and lifted his head to the sky. The sun was warm on his skin and the slight September breeze whispered through his hair.

These were things Trevor never used to notice before he learned of who he was. A powerful creature that he once thought was just in books and stories. Hell that’s all anyone believed until a major threat was eliminated.

The Dragon Hunters. Trevor shuddered at the memory of seeing dragons under the control of humans. Beaten, damaged, lost with their lives. Well after the rescue, Sylark and Anna had worked tirelessly to free all the dragons from not only Hunter control, but the parasites belonging to Cenod. Many had flown the base while some had followed them back to the Academy to recover before heading out to start a new life. All but four dragons.

The Exotics, the worst of the captive dragons. They were in such bad condition, they ended up staying at the Academy. For how long, Trevor had no idea, but he hoped they would stay for a while.

Trevor found himself among the noise of lunch in the mess hall. He was a little late, but he didn’t care. He spotted his siblings, Aya and David arguing over who was the best among the other eight of the team Kathey had put together.

“No way! Sonar is awesome! He knows where anything is AND he’s blind!” Aya argued.

“Nu uh! Sylark is the best! He’s all serious but he’s strong!” David snapped. Trevor walked up behind the two, Brenda meeting his eyes and smirking.

“What am I, chopped liver?” Trevor questioned, making Aya and David jump and looked up at him.

“Nobody beats you, big brother,” David advised and grinned. Trevor shook his head and ruffled David’s hair before moving to sit next to Brenda.

“So what did I miss?” Trevor asked.

“Where have you been?” Brenda countered.

“Practicing, don’t worry about it.” Trevor grabbed an apple from the middle of the table and took a bite out of it. “What’re the results on our scouting test?”

“Kathey didn’t tell you?” Trevor shook his head. “We passed. We’re another step closer to being official members of the team.”

“What’s left?”

“We have some big exams that will test our reaction time and our skills. On top of finishing our classes.” Trevor squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed them.

“You okay?” Aya asked. Trevor blinked a few times.

“Headache,” Trevor mumbled. “I’m gonna eat and probably lay down for a bit. Hopefully it’s nothing major.”

“Did you get hit in the head during that practice thing you were talking about?” David asked. Trevor shook his head and immediately regretted it. He groaned and massaged his temples. Brenda rolled her eyes and shoved a sandwich in Trevor’s face. He took it without hesitation and ate it quickly. He claimed a bottle of water and started up to his room.

Trevor plopped down onto his bed and passed out almost instantly. He found himself in a meadow among a forest. He sat on a blanket watching a bird chirp on a branch. It wasn’t every day he saw a blue jay and heard its song.

“I love blue jays,” a voice stated beside him. Trevor looked over and found he was sitting beside Amy.

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” he asked, smiling.

“Their blue feathers remind me of you when the sun hits your scales.” Amy snuggled closer to him and Trevor held her close.

“What a touching moment.” Trevor and Amy whipped around and there stood a Nega Dragon. Trevor stood up and between Amy and the enemy.

“I’ll handle him.” Trevor’s hands began to glow, expecting the glow to travel along his body, but instead it died out.

“What the...” Trevor looked at his hands before looking up at the now grinning dragon. “Amy...RUN!”

Trevor turned tail and Amy scrambled to her feet. Trevor was knocked to the side and Amy was pinned to the ground.

“AMY!” He watched in horror as the dragon smirked at Trevor before lowering his head and closing his mouth around Amy’s head. “NO!”


Trevor shot up from the pillow, panting. The image of Amy being killed played over and over in his head. He put his head in his hands and worked to calm himself down. It was just a dream, Amy is safe at college, no dragon outside of the team knew the connection between the two of them. It was a dream, just a dream.

A knock on the door brought Trevor’s attention to it.

“It’s open,” he called and the door opened and Brenda slipped in. “Hey.”

“You okay? I could hear your heart across the hall,” Brenda asked, observing his eyes. “What happened?” Trevor exhaled and Brenda moved to sit by his feet.

“Nega Dragon killed Amy...she knew I was a dragon.”


“I don’t know, I guess I told her, it was a casual thing. There was a blue jay and she said its feathers reminded her of me when the sun hit my scales.”

“Why a Nega Dragon though? We’ve faced worse. Hell Dragons, a Death Dragon, Cenod, and a number of other breeds when we fought the Hunters.”

“Brokenstar I guess. He attacked me more than the rest of the team. He got me when I confronted Demise by myself. Why else would I see a Nega Dragon?” Brenda opened her mouth to reply when the bedroom door swung open.

“We got trouble in Clayton,” David announced. Trevor and Brenda exchanged looks. Trevor swung out of bed and the three of them hurried out.


The team flew over the town that was being terrorized by what looked like a bunch of warriors, least that what Trevor could tell from that high in the air.

“What the hell are Undead doing here?” Malice questioned.

“Undead? Don’t they live in Dragoso, not here?” Trevor asked and Samual nodded beside him.

“Yesss, they live on Whedabra, home of the Undead dragon classss. I have no idea how they got here or why they are here. Let’sss go,” Samual hissed and he dove towards the city, pouncing on Undead soldiers.

Trevor spotted an Undead creeping up on a child and what looked like his older sister. Trevor growled and dove down, landing between the soldier and the kids. He bared his teeth and glared at the soldier. The soldier’s eyes were pitch black, and he was ready to strike, despite standing before a dragon. Trevor roared and his throat constricted before releasing a stream of water. The soldier was hit and the water froze instantly, encasing him in ice. Trevor panted before snorting and turning towards the kids.

“Are you alright?” he questioned. The young boy stared up at him in awe.

“Y-yes, thank you,” the teenager replied and Trevor looked down at the boy. He stepped closer and held his hand up, closed in a fist. The boy looked down at Trevor’s fist before bumping it with his own.

“Get to safety, little man, keep your sister safe,” Trevor requested and the boy nodded. Trevor gave him a single nod before turning.

“Are you an older brother?” Trevor stopped and looked over his shoulder, smiling.

“Yeah, I know how it is. Get somewhere safe now before more come after you.” Trevor approached the soldier encased in ice and looked him over. The kids ran off just as Anna was flying overhead, spotting him and circling to land.

“They ran off and escaped through portals that closed before any of us could get to,” Anna explained, looking over the soldier Trevor had captured. “Good job catching one, Sylark didn’t think to freeze one.”

“And Brenda?”

“Ice Breath doesn’t exactly freeze a safe way naturally, whatever she got shattered instantly.” Trevor snorted and Anna stared the soldier in the eyes, her content face turned to anger. “Agony is behind this.”

“What?!” Trevor looked in the soldier’s eyes again. “I thought only Cenod’s parasites caused that effect.”

“No, this is a universal possession sign. This Undead’s mind has flashes of Agony, and he’s here on Earth.”


“He doesn’t know, so I don’t know. Between this and your nightmares, no doubt Agony is trying to wear us out so we don’t have a fighting chance.”

“What do we do?” Anna exhaled slowly.

“Whatever we can, for now let’s clean up Clayton. They deserve that much since the Undead aren’t part of their world.” Trevor nodded and took to the air to search for a place to start.

Hours later, Trevor and David collapsed in their beds. They had spent the rest of the day cleaning up Clayton and assisting in minor building fixes.

“What a day...I thought we would never finish,” David said into his pillow. Trevor smirked and rolled over onto his back, staring at the ceiling.

“No kidding, they kept sending us to help with tasks over and over again. My wings were ready to fall off. Why they wanted me and not Sonar or Zoymey for the heavy lifting is beyond me,” Trevor huffed.

“They were using them! How could some soldiers cause so much damage in a short amount of time?” David questioned, moving his pillow to cover his face.

“I don’t know, buddy. We probably heard about it long after they attacked. It’s what we do now, help the team and help the world. Every human will know who we are just like they all know the Compass Dragons.”

“I don’t wanna be famous. I just wanna be me.” David yawned and Trevor smirked.

“Don’t worry, buddy, I’ll take your fame if you don’t want it.” With that said, Trevor yawned as well and the brothers fell asleep.

Chapter 3

Trevor was shaken awake in the middle of the night. He groaned and found David’s face in his view, tears flowing from his eyes and he sniffled.

“What’s wrong?” Trevor asked. He blinked a few times and pushed himself up somewhat.

“Am I annoying?” David sniffled.

“What? What makes you think you are, come here.” Trevor pushed himself off his stomach and sat with his legs crossed, David crawling up onto his lap and Trevor hugged him close. “You are not annoying. You never will be. You’re my little brother and I love you to pieces, buddy.”


“I promise, David.” Trevor yawned and rubbed his eyes. He probably wasn’t going back to sleep anytime soon, neither was David. “C’mon, grab your shoes.” Trevor shoved David off of him playfully and got up.

“What? Why? Won’t we get in trouble for being up after lights out?” David asked.

“We’re members of the team now. We don’t have to follow Voutneth’s rules exactly.” Trevor pulled his shoes on and tossed David’s on the floor in front of his brother.

“What are we even doing?” David slid off the bed and pulled his shoes on.

“Going for a flight.” David paused tying his shoes.

“What are you, crazy? There’s things out there looking to kill us and you want to go out there?” Trevor scoffed.

“David, we’ve faced the worst of it. I doubt there’s nothing worse than Hell Dragons, a psycho with the power of the Underworld, and another psycho who wanted to kill all dragons in the world.” David let out a small “huh” and looked at the wall in front of him.

“I guess you’re right.” David finished tying his shoes and stood up. Trevor swung his arm over David’s shoulders and the two brothers started downstairs and out to the back of the Academy.

“This isn’t the first time I’ve come out late at night for a flight. When I’ve had a bad Flight Class day, I come out here after the daylight crew goes to sleep and fly it off.”

“Daylight crew?” David raised an eyebrow, something he picked up from Trevor.

“Darkie covers security at night. Scared the crap out of me the first time I ran into him. He’s good at low key surveillance. He hides in the shadows after all.” David nodded and Trevor’s body glowed. The light consumed his human form and he shifted to his dragon form. David followed in suit and they both stood as dragons. Trevor grinned at his younger brother and took off into the night air, David close behind him.

Trevor glided past the Academy’s fence and over the forest. He looked back at David tailing behind him before a sound of satisfaction rumbled in his chest and he sped up. David laughed and kept up with Trevor.

“You’re right, this is awesome!” David exclaimed and Trevor chuckled. Something roared in the distance and Trevor stopped short, David almost ramming into him. “What?”

“Did you hear that?” Trevor looked around for a moment before the creature roared again. He started to dive down.

“Trevor wait!” Trevor stopped short and looked back. “I don’t hear anything, it might be a trick.”

“Maybe, but it doesn’t hurt to check. Malice said griffins live in the forest. We’ll stay together, look around, then leave once we figure out what it is. Okay?”

“I guess...” Trevor continued to the ground and David hurried after him. The two landed below the trees and Trevor sniffed the air.

“Reeks of griffin and deer. Don’t get lost.” David nodded and Trevor looked around. He heard the familiar screech of a griffin and David swallowed.

“I heard that.” Trevor led the way towards the sound of a griffin in distress and they came to a clearing. “Where is it?”

Out of nowhere, a flash of green flew past them and trailing behind it was a pale fleshy humanoid creature, but its fingers were long and looked almost like claws.

“Trevor look out!” David exclaimed and the creature charged at Trevor. Trevor snarled and swiped his claws at the enemy. It screeched at Trevor and lashed out with its own claws, cutting through Trevor’s scales as if they were warm butter. Trevor stumbled back a few steps and David jumped forward, perching on Trevor’s back and spitting water at the beast. It screeched and ran off into the trees. “Are you okay?” Trevor panted as he held his chest where the creature had clawed him.

“What the hell was that?” Trevor looked at his hand, dripping with his blood. “We better get out of here before it comes back. I want to help that griffin, but if it can do this much damage with one attack, I don’t want to see it severely pissed off at us both.” David nodded and stepped off his brother and let Trevor lean against him.

The two made their way out as quickly as they could on foot. They came to the fence of the Academy and David looked to Trevor.

“Can you fly over it?” David questioned. The creature screeched in the distance and Trevor looked back before flapping his wings quickly and getting over the fence, David following behind him. The creature came through the trees and slammed into the fence, reaching through the bars at the two. David hissed at it and opened his wings to appear bigger.

“Give it a break, David. It can’t get in here,” Trevor mumbled. Out of nowhere, a jet black dragon appeared out of the ground and roared at the creature. It screamed and ran into the woods. Trevor huffed and smirked. “Took you long enough, Darkie.”

“Why was a Wendigo targeting you?” Darkness questioned.

“Wendigo?” David asked.

“Cannibals that were once human, transformed by the raw evil of eating their own species. They like dark, damp, locations and feed off humans. But since we smell partially like humans, they target dragons too. Did it get you?” Darkness looked at Trevor’s chest and grimaced. “Get Sereph to look at that, it might get infected. Those things have a ton of bacteria in their claws.”

“Was that always back there?” Trevor questioned. Darkness opened his mouth to respond, but froze and looked at the fence where the Wendigo had been a moment ago.

“No...I mean, in legends they are said to hang out in the Great Lakes region and we are in that area, but Wendigos have never been around here, ever. One sniff of alpha traits and they turn tail and run.”

“Alpha traits?” David questioned.

“Don’t look into that too much, Trevor let’s get you taken care of before you get infected.” Trevor nodded.


Trevor flinched as Sereph pulled the needle through his skin as she stitched the wound closed. He laid on one of the tables as she worked, still hurting from the disinfectant she had flooded the wounds with. He was lucky none of his insides were showing, so Sereph said.

“I know it’s my job to take care of you guys, but come on, some of these wounds are ridiculous!” Sereph snapped.

“How was I supposed to know there was a Wendigo running around in the woods?” Trevor grumbled and Sereph paused mid stitch.

“Wait, it's behind the school?”


“Son of a hellhound...” She finished treating Trevor’s wound and injected him with an antibiotic. “Get some rest, I need to talk to Kathey.” Trevor nodded and started for his room. Sereph watched him walk for a bit before heading upstairs herself and to Kathey’s office. She knocked twice before opening the door and Kathey grumbled from her bed as the light flipped on in the room.

“This better be good or I’m gonna-” Kathey stopped mid-sentence when her mind was flooded with Sereph’s memories from a moment ago. “Wendigos in the woods?”

“Just the one,” Sereph corrected.

“If there’s one then there’s more. There’s always more.” Kathey rubbed her face. “Gods be damned, I need to pry at that soldier’s mind, Agony must be behind the Wendigos too.”

“Is he?”

“You know very well they avoid that forest because of me, if they’re there, then no doubt Agony is trying to whittle us down so we can’t fight him. Trevor and David have been having nightmares, the griffins are on edge and getting spooked at something we can’t see, who knows what else is going on. Agony is a master of illusions, it’s how Brokenstar and Cenod used their powers, just off him.”

“But Brokenstar is a Nega Dragon, can’t he use illusions too?”

“Yeah, but not in the magnitude we’ve seen. That’s Agony’s expertise.” Kathey rubbed her eyes before looking to Sereph. “Tell Darkness to wake the team early tomorrow, I need to call a meeting to discuss what’s going on and what we’re going to do. If we don’t act soon, he’s gonna launch an attack on us. If we lose any battle against the Council, then it’s the end of Earth and Dragoso as we know it.” Sereph nodded and hurried out, closing Kathey’s door behind her. Kathey exhaled slowly and fell back, staring at her ceiling. “What the hell brought these psychos back and why are they attacking now?” She rolled over and went back to sleep.

Only a few hours later Kathey was awake and drinking Sereph’s rejuvenation tea as she looked over the plans she had finished writing up. It wasn’t perfect, but it was something. She’d have to consult Kaylano and Deathbore about the Council and what they do for their takeover attempts. If anybody would know, it’s the leader of the Gods and the King of the Underworld.

Kathey looked up as the team trickled into the conference room, looking like nobody had even slept. Trevor was still cringing from pain when he moved too much to aggravate his recent wound.

“Sorry to call you all this early,” Kathey apologized. She gestured to the tray of mugs holding the same tea she was drinking and everyone grabbed a mug.

“This better be good, Kathey, cutting into my workout time is annoying,” Arkin grumbled.

“Shut up about your workout already, Arkin. Nobody caressss,” Samual snapped.

“Hey hey! I know we’re tired, and I know why. Agony wants this,” Kathey stated. The feuding men looked to her.

“Agony? What doessss he have to do with thissss?” Samual questioned.

“I’m not completely sure yet, I have to talk to Deathbore and see if Kaylano can give me some insight from their previous tyranny. For now I want you guys to train and rest when you can. If Agony continues his rampage of weakening us, we’ll need as much sleep as we can get.” She looked at the faces of her team before nodding. “I also wanted to make an announcement.” Kathey looked to the door of the conference room and it opened and in walked the four most recent newcomers to the Academy, Vatuna, Ractor, Ferentar, and Comeli. They lined up next to Kathey. “As you all know, the Exotics had been with us since we rescued them from the Hunters. They have been recovering very well and have accepted my offer to join us in preventing something as bad as that from happening again. Welcome our new members.”

After pleasantries were exchanged, the team and its new members walked out of the conference room, Kathey staying behind. She rubbed her face and collapsed on one of the couches in the room.

“Kathey?” she looked up at Trevor standing in the doorway.


“Are you okay?” Kathey huffed a laugh.

“I should be asking you that. Wendigo claws to the chest aren’t fun in the slightest, I would know.”

“Has one gotten you before?” Trevor approached and sat next to her on the couch.

“Yeah, when treated immediately they heal up as though nothing happened. It sliced up my tail pretty good, caught me in the middle of my own attack and I suffered for it. After I killed it, the rest of them learned to back off, they flee anytime they catch a whiff of me.” Kathey stood and stretched her arms up. “Get to training, Trevor. No doubt we’ll have a lot on our hands when Agony decides to get stupid and attack us directly.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Chapter 4

Trevor huffed as he swung his newly forged sword at the training dummy. Salem stood nearby watching Trevor test the blade. It was basic, but built to Trevor’s preference.

This was something Salem always loved, watching a newly forged weapon be used for the first time. Armor being fitted to its new owner ready for battle. Speaking or armor, Salem wondered how Trevor would look in armor fit for a warrior but match his scales. Probably use a strong but light metal, spray it white and add ocean blue accents.

Trevor noticed Salem not really focusing on him and he cleared his throat. Salem snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head.

“My apologies, Trevor. My mind likes to wander to new projects I could work on,” Salem stated, bowing his head slightly. Trevor walked over to where Salem stood, setting the blade in its box that Salem had presented it in earlier.

“Oh yeah? Like what?” Trevor leaned against the nearby wall.

“The sword is a basic short blade, but you need a shield to accompany it. I’ll have to find a shape that works to your style. You have a built body versus what someone with a slim build would use, like Kathey.”

“What’s she use?” Salem waved him over to the weapon wall and pulled a red blade and what looked like a standard shield, though the top had two concave parts to form a point in the middle of the top edge. The shield was decorated with a red design while the base of it inside the raised outline was pink.

“This is a beveled edge shield. Most of this here is for aesthetic, but it’s one of my proudest works.” Salem boasted and smiled at the metal. He returned the red blade to its sheath on the wall and held the shield to Trevor. It was on the smaller side, but it was also a woman’s shield technically. “I have in mind to make you a kite shield. It looks a lot like an upside down teardrop. The point would come to your elbow with a curved edge on top.” Salem illustrated the shape on the shield Trevor had strapped to his arm.

“You think that’ll suit me best?” Trevor asked and slid his arm from the strap and replaced it on the wall.

“I do. I have your arm measurements, I’ll probably have one ready by tomorrow.” Trevor nodded. Leaving Salem to his work, he walked out of the armory and made his way to the griffin stables. The griffins were out for some exercise and standing by the fence was none other than Vatuna, the oldest of the Exotics. Trevor fixed his hair a bit and walked over to where she stood watching.

“Hey, congrats on joining the team,” Trevor spoke up and Vatuna looked over her shoulder as he approached before looking back at the griffins.

“Thanks. It's not like we really have anywhere else to go honestly,” Vatuna stated, her voice touched with sadness. Trevor raised an eyebrow.

“How come? Didn’t you guys have lives before the hunters captured you?” he asked, leaning against the fence with her. Vatuna shook her head, brushing a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

“No, not really. Ractor and I didn’t anyway. I was a cashier at a grocery store in Nevada. Ractor was a fry cook in Washington. Ferentar and Comeli are just kids, they told me their parents were killed by the hunters thinking both were dragons. Ferentar’s mom and Comeli’s dad were dragons, the other parents weren’t and they watched them get slaughtered.” Vatuna gripped the fence railing before shoving away from it and turning her back to the field. Trevor listened intently before rubbing the back of his neck.

“Well, what about you? You’re a Divine Dragon, right? Aren’t they like, super rare or something?” Vatuna shrugged.

“In a way, we are. I wasn’t born a dragon though.” Trevor tilted his head curiously and Vatuna turned to face him. “I was born early. They said I wasn’t going to live for long. My parents found a God’s Spring and Kaylano saved me.”


“There’s something that the Gods can do. Take the spirit of a dragon that already died and bond it with a living being. I was given the old soul’s name in honor of it.” Trevor blinked with surprise. “Sadly the spirit was a victim of the hunters in the past. And now once again, she... I was revictimized. I have some of the memories from the past life, it’s how I’m so comfortable as a dragon. She... didn’t go quickly. They did some Gods-awful things to her and it still haunts me, even if it's not actually my memories, you know?” Vatuna rubbed her arm. Trevor pushed off the fence and held his arms out to her.

Vatuna looked to him before exhaling and stepping into his arms, accepting his hug. Trevor hugged her tightly, he couldn’t do much else right now. He could only imagine how she felt, having those memories in her head, seeing the death of the dragon that she was bonded with.

“Are they still alive? You’re parents?” Trevor asked. Vatuna nodded against Trevor’s chest.

“Yeah, they live in Florida now, relocated from Nevada.” Vatuna stepped away and fixed her hair again. “They were so supportive of me and my dragon activities. I had a bad feeling and they took it seriously. I mean, we do have a sixth sense that’s instinctual. Soon as I said that something made me uneasy, they asked my opinion on what to do and I said they should move out of state for their safety.” Trevor nodded.

“Yeah I know that feeling. My mom has a Royal Guard watching out for her. She was moved to Ohio after we were brought here in June.” Vatuna smirked.

“You’ve been here four months then, you like it here?” Trevor shrugged.

“It’s definitely a great school, and it's become my life as well as my siblings.”


“I want Aya and David to have something more than just a life of dragons and fighting, you know? Aya is turning fourteen soon. David has so much growing up to do. I don't want them to feel stuck. On top of hardly knowing our dad is hard.”

Vatuna tilted her head. “When did your father leave?”

Trevor raised an eyebrow at her.

“Your mother wouldn’t have a guard if she could protect herself. She’s not the dragon, your father is. Unless he...”

“No, you’re right, he left. I was seven and my family has relied on me over the years.” Vatuna smiled and ruffled Trevor’s hair.

“Then you’ve proven already you have leadership skills. You’re brave and strong, exactly what everyone looks for in a leader. It’s what has made me a leader for the Exotics.” The two looked over when a griffin cooed at them. Stephanie to be exact. “She’s quite a gentle griffin.” Vatuna approached the fence and Stephanie lowered her head to be pet.

“She belongs to Kathey, that’s why.” Malice said as he stepped into the field, slipping a halter on Snowflake, a white griffiness. “We got some borrowed griffins coming today for breeding season if you two wanna help me later.” Trevor perked up at this.

“What’s all coming?” Trevor asked.

“Got a white for Snowflake, green for Roselia, yellow for Thunder, Madix is being paired with Stephanie, and best of all we managed to find someone who owns a Royal Indigo which we’re pairing up with Midnight.”

“Indigo?” Vatuna questioned. “That doesn’t sound like something you would see in the wild.”

“It’s not, he was bred in captivity and we have the honor of breeding him with one of our griffins.” Malice led Snowflake into the stable.

“This’ll be fun. He’s been telling me about breeding season ever since I took an interest in griffins,” Trevor said. It was true, anytime Trevor was working with the griffins, he and Malice talked about them a lot. Trevor had been most excited for breeding season.

Griffins in the wild naturally paired up in October and bred through what was called a “hibernation season.” Griffins stayed together through the fall and winter months. Come March, eggs would be laid which would hatch in June. Nine months later the babies would be full grown and off on their own.

“Incoming,” Vatuna warned and Trevor looked over his shoulder, seeing Kathey approaching them.

“Kathey,” Trevor greeted.

“Trevor, can I steal you for a moment?” Kathey requested, gesturing for him to follow. Trevor looked to Vatuna.

“I’ll see you around.” Vatuna nodded and Trevor pushed off the fence and followed Kathey as she started for the front of the Academy. “What’s up?”

“I was going to go talk with Deathbore, thought you would want to accompany me, see what the real vibe of the Underworld felt like without the feeling of doom hanging over our heads the entire time,” Kathey offered and Trevor smirked.

“Yeah, that would be nice, are we taking the portal?”

“No, I have a shortcut.” Kathey held up her amulet, the dragon pictured on it glowed pink and in a flash of light, the sunny outdoors was replaced with a dim and stale air. Trevor looked to his hands, finding he was in his dragon form now. Looking around, he realized he was in Deathbore’s throne room, turning when he heard the light chuckle behind him.

“Welcome back to the Underworld, Trevor.” the Death Dragon spoke. Deathbore Hell, the current King of the Underworld. He kept the Underworld demons in the Underworld, well most of them. Deathbore looked fully recovered from when he sustained injuries from Brokenstar when the Underworld was taken over, no thanks to a demon that double crossed him.

“Uh...thanks,” Trevor mumbled and looked out the viewing window that gave a decent view of the Underworld. Now that he was high up, he could tell that the Underworld was covered with a red fog of some kind along with the fire and lava pools he could see. “How’s the Underworld been since you reclaimed the throne?”

“It was a mess, but it’s cleaned up now. Demonic Hellhounds back where they belong, Hell Dragons under control, the Toxic Dragons locked away where they should be. Was quite the mess, now it’s only a few demonic creatures that wander the safer part of the Underworld, including a few Hellhound packs and the Hell Dragon pack.” Deathbore said, looking to his claws. “What brings you here, my niece.” Trevor turned to face the two dragons and sat back on his haunches.

“The Council of the Underworld,” Anna said. “They’re back. Cenod answers to Agony, they’re all back.” Deathbore stared at her dumbfounded before looking over his shoulder. The chamber where they killed Brokenstar.

“Are you sure?” Deathbore insisted.

“Who else can induce nightmares without being anywhere near us?” Anna questioned and Deathbore sighed.

“What do you wanna know?”

“I know there are books about them. Where are they?”

“Your uncle has them.” Anna tilted her head curiously.

“I thought you were my only uncle.”

“Who do you think is training Shooting Star? Blazefore is Dawn’s brother.” Trevor frowned at the exchange and stood, moving closer.

“How do you not know he’s your uncle? You can read minds!” Trevor asked.

“Trevor I never once saw him, just heard about him from Shooting Star, my older brother,” Anna replied.

“How many siblings do you have?” Trevor exclaimed. First her twin sister Eshala and now Shooting Star.

“Four. Anyway, let’s head back and to the temple, who knows, maybe we’ll stop by the castle and you can meet my family.” Anna looked to Deathbore. “Thank you for the information, we’ll get out of your way now.” Deathbore looked to his left and a blue portal appeared in the room. “That works.” Trevor stood and stepped through the portal. Anna stood to walk through as well, but stopped when Deathbore spoke again.

“Do come back should you defeat Agony, the Council doesn’t exactly die after defeat,” Deathbore said. Anna stared at the portal for a moment before stepping through. The portal disappeared and Deathbore sighed. “Good luck, my niece.”

Chapter 5

Stepping out of the portal, Trevor found himself in the middle of nowhere. There were no landmarks in the plain he stood in. He looked around a little confused. Was this supposed to be where the temple was? There was nothing here. Trevor looked back when Anna stepped through.

“Where are we?” Trevor asked. Anna watched the portal disappear before looking at Trevor.

“The castle,” She replied.

“I don’t see any castle here, Anna.” Anna pointed a claw to the sky and Trevor looked straight up, spotting something floating in the air. “Uh...okay how?” Anna walked up next to him and gave him a look.

“Magic.” Anna opened her wings and took off. Trevor stared for a moment before following after her.

Flying closer, Trevor could tell what he saw was a castle floating in the sky. Water Dragons in silver armor flew and hovered around the castle, no doubt the Royal Soldiers. The castle looked to be made of a light colored stone, maybe marble? It was made up of a central part and a tower on either side of it. It looked as though there were five levels to the castle but only four walkways on either side connecting the main part to the towers on either side. Trevor could tell since one side of the walkways didn’t match up with the other side. There were three landing balconies that matched up to three floors that were decorated with flags. The fourth floor had three balconies side by side. A decent amount of the top part of the castle looked almost untouched save for a walkway.

Anna flew for the topmost decorated balcony and landed. She walked into the castle with Trevor close behind her and laying before them, on platforms almost like Deathbore’s, was a red dragon and a black and green dragon. The red dragon beamed and stepped off her platform and went to Anna.

“Anna! Oh my beautiful daughter let me look at you!” the dragon gushed.

“Mom, please,” Anna laughed. She looked to Trevor who stood at the threshold of the doorway. It was unusual that the castle didn’t have doors, then again the openings were big enough for dragons. “Mom, Dad, this is one of my students, Trevor Williams. Trevor, these are my parents.” Anna looked to the red dragon. “Queen Dawn.” She looked to the other dragon laying on the platform still. “And King Dusk.” Trevor gazed in awe.

Dawn was a Fire Dragon, he knew as much since Anna had a son that was a Fire Dragon. As for Dusk, Trevor had yet to meet a Black Dragon. Despite having black and green scales, the breed was known as a Black Dragon. The green scales were possibly a warning. Black Dragons could spit acid.

Trevor snapped out of his daze and bowed his head low. “It’s an honor to stand before royalty, your majesties.” Damn. I hope they didn’t see me as rude...

“Stand, Trevor, you’re a friend of my daughter, no need to be so formal. Drake and Voutneth are still so new, how are you liking the place?” Dawn asked and Trevor stood straight.

“My siblings and I moved there from Sand Creek, Michigan. It’s quite a change, but we love it there.” Trevor smiled. “I’m embracing dragon life easily and so are my siblings.”

“Judging by the way you speak, you were human raised?” Dawn asked, going back onto her platform beside Dusk.

“Yeah. We didn’t know we were dragons until last June. It was-” Trevor was cut off by an excited squeal and Trevor looked to the walkway to the right where a pink mass came running and collided with Anna.

“Oh my gods! Sissy!” it was another Flower Dragon who was smothering Anna in kisses and hugs.

“Okay, okay, enough! Not in front of my student,” Anna complained and shoved the other Flower Dragon off. A chuckle drew Trevor’s attention to the walkway again where Kano stood.

“Hey, Trevor,” The Volcano Dragon greeted.

“Kano? What are you-? Oh right, you married Anna’s sister,” Trevor remembered. “So that means you must be-”

“Eshala, Anna’s twin sister, nice to meet you,” the Flower Dragon in question greeted and grinned. Trevor could see her eyes were a dark magenta, almost purple. “Wow, a Water-Ice Dragon. Don’t see those everyday. How did that happen?” Kano sighed.

“Okay, Eshala, that’s way too much information, calm down,” her mate interrupted and Trevor chuckled nervously. “Sorry, she gets like this when she’s really excited.”

“You have no idea,” Anna added and Eshala went up to Anna and poked her snout.

“You hardly come around anymore, I missed you,” Eshala said.

“I have a school to run, Lala, I don’t have much time to visit especially now with the lingering threat.”

“You speak of the Council,” Dusk spoke up finally. They all looked to him and the king of dragons stood. “Eshala, Kano, clear the room please.”

“Come see me before you head home,” Eshala whispered to Anna and bounded out, Kano following behind her. Dusk watched them before sitting on his platform.

“Speak, my dear,” Dusk requested.

“Cenod was behind the attack on the Underworld and injury to Deathbore. Sometime after we reclaimed the Underworld from him, he went and worked with the Hunters. We managed to destroy him then, but the runes on his neck were red, not white like my first encounter with him. The Council is back.” Anna explained. “I asked Deathbore about the books on them.” Dawn went a little tense at the statement.

“Did he...say anything else?” Dawn asked.

“That Blazefore is your brother? Yes, I’m not pressing the matter. Matisa didn’t exactly have good intentions when she was still alive.”

“Matisa?” Trevor questioned.

“You don’t pay attention in history do you? She started the Pink and Moon War and is the reason Stella, Eshala, and I are the only Flower Dragons alive today,” Anna said and Trevor looked away. “Anyway, I’ll be going to see him and Shooting Star.” Dusk nodded.

“Be careful, my dear. You may be an all important protector, but we are still your family,” Dusk said and Anna nodded. She turned to leave, though hesitated. She turned and walked up to the platforms, stepping up onto it and hugging her parents around their necks. They hugged her back.

“I love you,” Anna said and Dawn crooned.

“Aww, we love you too, sweetheart,” Dawn replied and nuzzled Anna. They stayed like that for a moment before Anna stepped back.

“I’ll be back after I get the books.” Dawn and Dusk nodded and Anna headed out, Trevor following behind her onto the balcony.

“So where exactly is the temple?” Trevor asked. Anna pointed higher up to the left and another structure could be seen.

“The castle and temple are connected, they move locations occasionally when they need to, but these two always stay together.” Anna took to the sky and flew up towards the temple. Trevor followed and he could feel the magic coming off of it. The two landed on the platform and entered. Trevor was surprised to see what he saw. Four platforms on either side with offerings of some kind at each one. “This is the spiritual connection that the Gods use to be linked to the living world. And where dragons come to worship them.”

Near the back of the temple was another Fire Dragon and a silver dragon. They had silver collars of some kind around their necks that hung low on their necks and had pendants hanging from them. The two looked up and the silver scaled dragon’s face lit up.

“Little A!” he exclaimed.

“Double S, how are you,” Anna replied as the dragon approached. “Trevor, this is Shooting Star, my older brother. Double S, this is one of my students, Trevor.”

“Nice to meet you,” Shooting Star greeted and he bowed his head.

“I’m sorry if this is rude, but what kind of dragon are you?” Trevor asked.

“I’m the only known living pure Metallic Dragon. How I was named is even more bizarre.” Shooting Star turned and lifted his wing, revealing a mark in the shape of a star with streaks coming off of it.

“An actual shooting star, that’s kinda funny,” Trevor noted. Shooting Star chuckled.

“Yeah it is. So what brings you here, A?” Shooting Star asked.

“The Council’s books,” Anna said.

“Oh... business stuff. Teaching your students about them?” Shooting Star questioned, going over to a chest and opening them, pulling out eight books. A large uncut light blue crystal fell from the trunk which caught Trevor’s eye. “Fesh, why does that always happen?” Shooting Star cursed under his breath and set the books down to pick up the crystal. Anna looked from Trevor to the crystal.

“Hold up Double S.” Shooting Star looked up. “Let me see that.” Anna stepped forward and looked at the crystal. “What are you even doing with this?”

“Not really sure actually, just kinda hangs out here. What, you want it?” Anna nodded and Shooting Star handed it to her. “Good to see you again, A. Can’t believe how grown up you’ve gotten.” Anna smiled and hugged Shooting Star.

“Missed you Double S.”

“Missed you too.” After a small wave to Blazefore from Anna, they headed back to the castle and Anna showed Trevor her room.

It turned into an educational moment as well. Anna introduced Trevor to the creature that was responsible for the scar on her back, a Brimstone Fire Salamander. The creature’s flame was magically infused and very powerful. It had been an accident so the creature remained at the castle.

Trevor also met Anna’s very grouchy little sister, Moonlight. She was a Purple Dragon cursed to be a fledgling forever. Something that had happened years ago before Anna knew she was a Life Dragon. Trevor was also shown her youngest sibling’s room, her little brother Kaydaso. However the little Water Dragon was nowhere to be seen.

“Probably at lessons with Welsh,” Anna said.

“Wait Welsh is here? He’s the Royal Librarian right? I thought he like...had his own tower or something,” Trevor asked.

“Oh no, the entire top portion of the castle is the library where he lives. I’ll show you the rest of the castle first,” Anna explained. They flew out of the balcony connected to Kaydaso’s room and down to the barracks. There were dragons in different combinations of bronze, silver, and gold scales, one with even all three colors. They all had dragon wings markings on their chests.

Anna pointed out that they were Elite Dragons, specially born dragons that were destined to be part of the Elite Guard. However, there was another dragon that wasn’t an Elite. Their captain was a Galaxy Dragon who knew how to keep the young dragons in line. It was interesting to see a Galaxy Dragon leading Elite Dragons, but somebody had to do it.

One floor up was the Royal Guard’s rooms where some soldiers rested in the room now. The soldiers, as Anna told Trevor, all shared the space. The platform beds and the hygiene area as well. Soldiers that needed a break or were off their shift came here to rest for their next shift. The castle was guarded round the clock non-stop so the soldiers lived at the castle. Anna also introduced the Royal Guard Captain to Trevor. An older Water Dragon who gave Trevor a run down of the Royal Guard. Water Dragons were a prime choice due to their stamina and hearty lives due to the fish they ate. It was a tradition the Royal Family held for years. The Captain had been around as far back as Matisa’s reign.

Anna finally took Trevor to the library and he couldn’t believe what he saw. So many books and scrolls lined the shelves that towered over his head. He couldn’t understand the titles, but it was still amazing to be surrounded by so much. Anna gave Welsh a little wave and spoke in a language unknown to Trevor before they headed off and back to the Academy with their books and the strange blue crystal in claws.

Trevor could only wonder what Anna had planned for the beautiful rock.

Chapter 6

“I’m gone for a few hours and this is what I come home to?” Kathey exclaimed. It was more bewilderment than anger. Kathey and Trevor had returned to the Academy and the first thing to interrupt the quiet day was an injured Metallic Ice Dragon dragging himself out of the Mausoleum in Drake’s cemetery. The stranger looked young, only about sixteen, but he had battle scars most likely from the Hunter and Metallic War.

“His dreams are littered with the war,” Sylark had said. The Metallic Ice had wounds not only from claws, but his flesh inside the wounds was burned to a crisp. It was a miracle he was alive, freezing himself for seventy years give or take.

Trevor leaned against the doorframe into the Med Lab watching the exchange between the two telepaths. It really was amazing how many new things were being thrown into his life. First the Royal Family, the castle, the temple, now a dragon from seventy years ago that hasn’t aged one bit since he froze himself.

The new arrival had silvery hair, though a good enough look, it had a light blue tint to it. Much like Sylark, he also had rather pale skin and each exhale was a chilly breath that they could see in the air. Pieces of rusted armor sat in the corner, clearly aged from being frozen so long.

“He needs rest and the scars will be deep once he heals, but he’ll be alright,” Sereph said. She stood beside the stranger holding a binder. “He’s lucky his organs aren’t harmed at all.”

“Exactly how is that possible?” Trevor asked.

“Dragons are hearty creatures alone. Metallic Dragons and all hybrids have titanium in their bones much like pins and replacements put into humans,” Sereph explained. “Their resistance is much higher than any other dragon breed. The fact he took the amount of damage that he did is surprising.”

“Sereph,” Kathey spoke up. She and Sylark stepped back from the bed, the stranger shifting in bed.

“Hey, look who’s back,” Sereph greeted, stepping into the stranger’s view. He reached up to rub at his face, flinching in pain and looking at his chest that was wrapped.

“Trevor, please step out, he might go manic,” Kathey requested and Trevor nodded. He backed out and into the hallway, leaning against the wall to wait.

What happened?” the stranger asked. It wasn’t English, it was Draconic, an old language that very few dragons spoke.

What do you remember?” Kathey asked.

Who are you?

Princess Anna Dragon, Dragon of the North.” The stranger attempted to sit up but cried out in pain.

What happened to me?

Looks like you got clawed in the chest, burned, and then you froze yourself for probably seventy years. What’s your name?

Private Glacclaw Cassen. She hasn’t said a word.” Glacclaw pointed to Sereph.

She does not understand Draconic like Anna and I do,” Sylark replied.

Okay, I have a lot of questions. First of all, a dragon of royal blood is also a Life Dragon? The Dragon of the North I know was a Fire Dragon. What the hell have I missed?” Kathey and Sylark exchanged a look and Kathey sighed.

Get comfortable, there’s a lot to tell you,” Kathey said and Glacclaw nodded.


“To think something like that was buried in the cemetery,” Brenda said. Trevor looked up from petting Stephanie. He had retreated to the stables and found Brenda grooming everyone. They both just finished getting the griffins ready for their new arrivals. Breeding season was about to start.

“You would think they would’ve at least investigated any hole they found, wouldn’t they?” Trevor asked.

“I went out there with Sylark after they found the guy. It was covered over, nobody knew he was even down there.” Stephanie cooed and rested her head on Trevor’s thigh where he sat in her stall. Trevor resumed stroking the blue griffiness.

“That’s insane, he hasn’t aged a day, what the hell happened?”

“Cryostasis. I guess it’s a defense thing Ice Dragons can do to survive. Course there’s that risk of being frozen longer than expected. That war ended in nineteen forty-eight and he was still frozen then.”

“Pros and cons to doing that, huh?” Brenda nodded.

“Pros and cons to everything, even this life we live now.”

“No kidding.” Brenda looked towards the stable entrance.

“Brenda, good, you’re here. Give me a hand here, this royal is a handful,” Malice requested.

“Hey man, I just wanna see the hottie, let go!” A new voice snapped. Trevor stood as Brenda hurried over to help with the indigo colored griffin with a gold tint to his coat. “Smells like a buncha females in here, who’s the lucky girl?”

“Hype, you need to chill, you’re gonna scare all the females,” Malice commanded. He and Brenda wrestled the male into the indoor riding arena and let him loose. “Major handful. His owner is in the military, it’s a miracle even he can control this rowdy male.” Trevor joined them in watching the male. He had a few scars on him, but otherwise was a healthy looking griffin.

“Being an indigo he was bred in captivity, right?” Trevor asked.

“That he was. Quite a line of breeding through. Blue and purple parents, but purple is a captivity color too so a red and blue are in his bloodline too. I got the records, all really healthy griffins and he’s just as hearty. I’m hoping for some interesting babies from him and Moonlight.” Malice watched Hype the entire time he explained all this. The griffin was sniffing around the sand of the riding arena.

“Kindergarten art class comes in handy here, huh?” Brenda joked.

“Works with dragons too, sometimes you get a mixture of the parents colors, other times it’s both colors on one baby,” Malice said. “Marty is an example of a mixture, pinkish-orange somehow is a color. Sandra and Sorren are an example of both colors from both parents.”

“Crazy to think there are so many ways for dragons to get a specific breed. Bloodlines matter too, right?” Trevor asked.

“Yup, Kathey and Eshala are Flower Dragons like their grandmother. Of course, their whole family is strange with the genetics. Somewhere down the line was a Metallic, a Purple, and a Water. She has no idea who in her family line since a lot of the family history is lost.” Malice shrugged. “The other griffins will be here soon, make sure the field looks good, we’ve got one female coming, she’ll be staying in there until introductions can be made between her and Thunder.”


Wow... that is a lot to take in,” Glacclaw mumbled. Kathey and Sylark had told him everything he had missed in the seventy years he was frozen. “So let me get this straight, you and Sylark are part of the second generation of Compass Dragons. The current Queen and King are your parents.” Glacclaw pointed to Kathey. “And the Council of the Underworld has risen again? Is their Master back?

No, we’re dealing with Agony right now though. He’s been attacking my students with nightmares,” Kathey said. “I’m afraid he’s just trying to exhaust all of us before launching a full scale attack on the Academy.

That is exactly what he is trying to do. He weakens his enemies mentally which turns into physical exhaustion. When the biggest threats are weakened, he attacks.” Glacclaw explained. “I...may have kept up with those fights while the Metallic and Hunter war was happening. Those Compass Dragons took such a beating from the fight against the Council’s Master, that was when the first one fell.

Excuse us,” Sylark requested and Glacclaw nodded. Sylark stepped towards the door and Kathey followed. Once out in the hallway with the door closed, they spoke. “We cannot let him free into the world.”

“I know. He’s a Metallic hybrid, it’s been our job as Compass Dragons to protect the breeds that are endangered and essentially extinct. On top of that, he’s so out of the loop, I’m pretty sure even laying in that room he’s having a major culture shock. Technology is very advanced now compared to seventy years ago. What are we going to do though?” Sylark hummed in thought.

“What about we teach him English, Zoymey, you, and myself, and in turn he teaches our students how to speak Draconic.”

“It’s such an old language, I don’t know how well that will be received.”

“Much like Latin among humans, but some places still teach it. I believe it would help not only dragons, but maybe if we ever connect Earth to Dragoso, other races can learn it as well. There are many old texts in Draconic and very few that can speak it. Teaching it could be beneficial.”

“Let’s hope so.” The two slipped back into the room and Glacclaw looked up.

What is going to happen to me now?” he asked.

Metallic Dragons and the hybrids are under our strict protection now. We can’t exactly set you free in the world. Not only that but you’re seventy years behind on the times. Technology has advanced greatly since you were alive. We’ll give you a home here, but we also want to ask you something,” Kathey started.

We would like to teach you English and in return you teach our students Draconic. Kathey, Zoymey, and I have too much on our agendas to teach it ourselves,” Sylark explained. Glacclaw grunted as he pushed himself to sit up.

I will do everything I can to help you,” Glacclaw promised. “What can I do right now?

Focus on recovering and your lessons will be given whenever possible,” Kathey said and smiled at him. Glacclaw nodded and laid back down, his eyes closing. Kathey and Sylark stepped out and started down the hallway.

“What is the plan now?” Sylark questioned.

“I have the Council’s books, I’m going to read up on them as much as I can, hopefully we can be prepared for their attacks. And if their Master is as powerful as everyone says they are, we better hope they don’t have the power to revive him.”

“What do you suppose will happen if he is revived?” They stopped at Sylark’s classroom and Kathey exhaled.

“My best guess? The end of Earth and Dragoso as we know it.”

“Cheerful... I will see you at dinner.” Sylark bowed his head to Kathey and entered his classroom. Kathey headed to her classroom and sat at her desk, waiting for her next class to enter.


Miles away, beady red eyes watched everything unfold in a black and red orb. Agony closed his talons and the orb disappeared. “Excellent! They are slowly being weakened by my nightmares. No matter how much denial they are in, it is working.” Agony looked among his army that stood waiting for command.

The undead staring blankly at the space in front of them. Wendigos knelt in the cloak of shadow Agony made for them with the cambions. Zombies and ghouls were in a corral of darkness, bumping into the blackness as they shuffled around. Demonic Hellhounds and Orthrus laid waiting for a command, a few sleeping soundly.

Agony’s eyes landed on the creatures made entirely of flesh from humans. Agony was the type of monster to create something like that, he knew it would throw off the meddlesome Voutneth Team.

“This is going quite well. Those brats are slowly weakening, my army grows stronger by the day, they won’t be able to stop us once my plan is set into motion.” Agony growled a bit at the thought of Cenod’s death. “You failed me, Cenod. I have no plans to recreate you. I should have done everything myself in the first place.” Agony shook his head, replaying the scene he had witnessed two months ago.

“Malice, if you would.” Sylark said, walking away from a wounded Cenod as Malice approached. The Thunder Dragon’s mouth had a white glow in it. Cenod snarled to challenge the usually laid back dragon, but it was in vain. Malice released the blast of the Life Breath and Cenod screeched as he was erased from existence.

“We will not fail you, Master Rakasa.”

Chapter 7

Everyone was groggy the next morning. Hardly anyone at Voutneth was getting sleep now, even Kathey and Sylark seemed to be weakened by the nightmares plaguing everyone at night. Sereph’s energizing tea was about the only thing that could keep everyone going at this point. Kathey stood up from her usual table with the Compass Boys and called attention at breakfast.

“I know everyone is being affected by the nightmares due to Agony,” Kathey started. “The team is working to solve this issue, I apologize for not working fast enough. Because of this, classes will be cancelled until the problem has been resolved. In other news, Halloween is coming up, so I would like to announce that we will be having a Halloween party the day of it to celebrate. Party, dance, whatever you want to call it.” Kathey laughed a bit. “Get dressed up, come for food, music, and fun. I’ll have posters posted around the school for all the information. Thank you.” Kathey moved to sit down again.

Trevor listened carefully during Kathey’s talk before looking at his siblings. “She looks exhausted,” he noted. Brenda nodded.

“They all do. At least they’re trying to do something nice for everyone to make up for it,” Brenda said. “Guess we get to do Halloween this year at least, huh?”

“Not trick-or-treating, but at least we get a big party,” Aya agreed and smiled at David. Trevor grimaced.

“It might be for other reasons. Cancelling classes will reach Agony’s ears, the party might just be baiting him to attack and reveal himself to the team,” Trevor suggested. Ever since they joined the team, Trevor had been looking at things in a different way. When it comes to protecting Earth, he started seeing things like the dragons did, motives and the like.

“Who cares! What are we gonna dress up as for Halloween?” David asked. “Oh, what about pirates? We haven’t done matching costumes in years.” Brenda and Aya nodded.

“That could be fun, what do you say, Trevor?” Brenda questioned. Trevor hadn’t been listening, he was thinking more about Agony. “Trevor?”

“Hm? What? Yeah, pirates, sounds fun,” He agreed. Brenda crossed her arms.

“Trevor, don’t worry so much about the team and Agony. We may be part of the team, but Kathey understands that we’re still kids, we can enjoy the things we’ve always enjoyed.” Brenda advised. “Kathey can easily send us away, we finished our training, we don’t have to stay anymore.” Trevor exhaled.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. So pirates huh?” he faced his siblings with a smile.

“Yeah! Trevor you can be the captain. Too bad we don’t have a bird you can use to really make the costume believable,” David said. Something brushed against Trevor’s mind and he looked over at Kathey who was smiling.

I might have something to help you with that dilemma, Trevor. Come find me when you are ready.

“Kathey might have something to help with the bird,” Trevor informed David who nodded.

“Okay, we’ll have to find some great costumes. Do you think Drake will have something that’ll work?” David asked.

“Probably, if not we can always head to Clayton,” Trevor said.

The rest of breakfast was talking about their costumes and the party which was in a few days. After breakfast, the siblings got ready for the day and prepared for a trip out to Drake. Trevor was waiting by the gates when he heard his name being called.

“Trevor!” He looked up and saw Vatuna approaching.

“Vatuna, hey,” Trevor greeted with a smile.

“I heard you were heading into town, mind if I join you guys?” Vatuna asked.

“The more the merrier,” Trevor said and his face was colored in a light blush. What was this he was feeling? He hadn’t felt like this since... since Amy.

Was he falling for this beautiful Divine Dragon? No, he couldn’t be. Amy was the only one for him. But...she would’ve been in danger with the likes of him. Vatuna was a dragon as well, she was beautiful, no doubt powerful, and to top it off she was nice. Maybe...

“Ready to go?” Brenda asked as she approached with Aya and David. “Oh! Hi, Vatuna, are you joining us?”

“I hope that’s okay,” Vatuna asked, blushing a bit.

“Yeah, no problem. Let’s go.” Brenda said, taking the lead through the gates and into town.

Vatuna and Trevor walked side by side while they looked at the shops around Drake. Just like many other towns, there was a temporary shop that held all sorts of Halloween costumes and decorations. There were quite a few people in the shop right now, most likely other students at the Academy. Trevor even spotted Sandra and Sorren, Kathey’s Energy Dragon twins looking at some costumes as well.

After picking out their costumes, Vatuna picking a pirate costume as well, they paid and started back to the Academy. Trevor noticed Brenda had pulled an extra pirate costume.

“Who’s that one for, Brenda?” Trevor teased and his sister blushed.

“Um... well... I thought maybe Ractor would like to join in on the matching costumes, that’s all.” Brenda said.

“Oh my gods you like him!” Vatuna gasped.

“N-no!” Brenda denied.

“You totally do! Have you even talked to him yet?”

“During training...” Brenda sighed. “It’s that obvious, huh?”

“No, little sister, it’s not that obvious. But I know you,” Trevor said and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “You know the drill, if he hurts you, you let me know.” Brenda huffed a laugh and smiled, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

“Thanks, Trevor,” Brenda said and leaned against her brother a bit.

The group returned to the Academy and went to their rooms. Trevor and David broke out the costumes and put them on. Trevor looked at himself in the mirror, turning and looking at himself. They were high quality costumes, none of the stupid polyester stuff that hardly had any warmth to them. Drake really went all out for the best in everything.

“What do you think?” Trevor asked David, pulling his hat on and posing.

“You look awesome, Trevor!” David exclaimed with a smile. David looked more like a lesser pirate with a white shirt, slacks, boots, and a bandanna on his head, but he looked good.

“You’re not so bad yourself, little buddy,” Trevor said and smiled. “Kathey said she had a solution to the bird thing, let’s go see her.” Trevor and David started out and went to Kathey’s office, knocking on the door.

“Come in!” Kathey called from the other side. Trevor opened the door, seeing Kathey standing with her back to the room facing the window. She turned and perched on her hand is a beautiful orange and yellow bird as big as an eagle. “Ah, Trevor, good I was hoping to see you soon.” Kathey held up the hand holding the bird and it opened its wings, trilling sweetly. “This is Willow, my phoenix.”

“Phoenixes are real?” David asked, jaw dropped and staring with stars in his eyes. Willow cooed and flapped her wings, going to David and perching on his head.

“They are indeed, Willow is just a standard fire phoenix,” Kathey explained. “There are four kinds, fire, the Thunderbird, the Ice Phoenix, and the Earth Phoenix. I’ve only ever seen the other three in books Welsh has in the library. I was lucky to ever even find Willow, rescued her as an egg a few years back. She comes and goes as she pleases. She actually returned just last night.” David giggled as Willow hung upside down to look at him.

“Is she the solution to our missing parrot problem?” Trevor asked with a smile. He stroked the bird’s feathers. Willow was very warm, almost like a built in heater.

“She sure is. Willow is a smart bird, she’ll hang out with you on Halloween,” Kathey said and smiled as Willow moved to perch on Trevor’s shoulder. The phoenix started preening Trevor’s hair a bit as she sat with him. “Look at that, she already likes you.”

“What is it with your animal companions always grooming me?” Trevor laughed.

“Willow and Stephanie are related to birds, it’s natural to preen when they trust someone.” Kathey shook her head and crossed her arms. A knock on the office door pulled the attention of the three. In walked Arc, who was looking at a clipboard.

“Hey, Kathey, Malice wants to know how much we’re gonna need for the food and drinks for the party dance thing,” Arc said and looked up. “Oh... I didn’t realize you were busy.” He blushed a bit.

“Not busy, let me pull the numbers really quick,” Kathey said and moved to sit at her desk.


Agony raised an eyebrow, so to speak, as he watched the exchange between Arc and Kathey in a black orb of magic. He was glad Arc forgot that his rings were magically infused to allow the Tenkkoa to watch everything around the Archangel Dragon.

“A party, huh? Cancelling classes because of my nightmares but hosting a party for the stupid human holiday? Now this should be quite an entertaining way to infiltrate. Everyone will be in costume, I can easily slip one of my minions in to start the breach.” Agony turned to his cambions, pointing to one. “You!” The red skinned demon stood.

“Yes, Master Agony?” he asked. The creature looked human had it not been for the small horns on his forehead, leathery wings, tail, claws, and skin. His arms were decorated in intricate black patterns.

“That idiotic Anna Dragon is hosting a party at her stupid school. I want you to look like those human scum and sneak into their party. You will be my first step in infiltrating the school. We will be attacking them at their most vulnerable,” Agony said and the half demon nodded.

“As you wish, Master.'' The cambion bowed his head to Agony. The Tenkkoa turned his back to the demon and walked away, hands clasped behind his back.

“When I revive my Master, the first thing we shall do is end the Academy and those who support it, that includes the Royal Family. They are the ones who control the Compass Dragons, they will be the key to stopping all who stand in our way. Perhaps the Royal Family will be the first target. Anna’s sister is her weakness, threatening her will get that no good Flower Dragon to surrender to us.”

Though... I should be sure to check that the others are ready for the next phase if this does end up failing on us. Agony thought to himself. He pulled a goblet from thin air, it was filled with a thick red liquid. Lust’s face appeared in the blood.

Agony dear! I’m so glad you came calling, the others are so boring,” Lust whined.

Can it, Lust!” Pride snapped next to her and shoved her aside to look into the pool. “What do you need, Agony?” the elf asked.

“My nightmares are working wonders on Anna’s lackies. They cancelled classes and are planning on a party for that annoying holiday coming up in a few days. The... hollow whatever it’s called.” Agony rolled his wrist as he spoke.

Halloween?” Pride suggested.

“Whatever. Anyway, I plan on sending in a cambion to infiltrate before we launch a full attack on the Academy. Should it fail, I need you seven to gather your minions and carry out Valentine. And so on should it fail. I’m starting to think calling it operation whatever is a bit foolish.”

I’ll say. Sounds stupid if you ask me,” Wrath said in the background.

“Yes I’m well aware now,” Agony pinched his beak like one would pinch the bridge of their nose. “Just...carry out the next plan if Nightmare fails, alright?”

Of course, Agony. We are fully capable of carrying out a simple plan if we want to rule over Earth and Dragoso alongside our Master,” Pride said.

“Good.” The image faded and Agony willed the goblet away with magic. “Your end is near, Anna Dragon, mark my words.”

Chapter 8

Halloween was upon them and oh was it an exciting day. Even at breakfast there were students dressed in costumes. Over the past few days decorations had been put up around the halls, everyone was in the Halloween spirit.

Trevor stood in his room, breakfast having been over. He adjusted the hat on his head and looked in the mirror. He put his hands on his hips and nodded. Willow chirped and flew from her perch on Trevor’s bed to his shoulder.

“And with that, I’m ready,” Trevor laughed and looked to David who was pulling his boots on.

“Me too!” David said and smiled.

“Awesome. Let’s go see if the girls are ready too.” Trevor said and David nodded, getting to his feet and following Trevor out into the hall and to Brenda and Aya’s room. Trevor knocked on the door and waited.

“Ow! Just a second! Aya move!” Brenda called out.

“You move! I was here first!” Aya snapped.

“You take forever!”

“Girls come on, we don’t have all day,” Trevor yelled to them with a smile on his face. The door opened and Brenda peeked out. She opened the door all the way and let her brothers in.

“Sorry, Trevor. Been bumping elbows trying to get ready,” Brenda explained. Aya was leaning towards the mirror applying makeup to her face.

“Oh boy, she’s getting to that stage, huh?” Trevor joked, crossing his arms.

“Shut up, Trevor!” Aya laughed, recapping the mascara she was putting on and turned to face her siblings. Brenda and Aya were in the main parts of their costumes, all that was left was the accessories.

“Hey, you’d be going through this stage if we weren’t dragons anyway. I’ve seen it before with Brenda, don’t forget. There’s nothing wrong with exploring what you like and don’t like.”

“Thanks, Trevor.” Aya pulled on the last of her costume pieces, as did Brenda, and they were ready to go.

The four siblings made their way down to the mess hall where already music was playing and a few people hanging around. Trevor recognized some of them as Kathey’s kids. Just like Kathey loved Halloween, so did her kids. Each of them were dressed up as an assassin from Assassin’s Creed. Trevor wasn’t sure they all even knew of the game series. Maybe Kathey suggested it and got them the costumes.

Speaking of Kathey, she was sitting at her usual table with Malice, Sylark, and Zoymey. Kathey was dressed as a biker, Malice a cowboy, Sylark had a kimono on and a bow hanging off his shoulder with a quiver of arrows, and Zoymey in some armor and a rather large axe leaning against the table beside him. They were talking amongst themselves.

“Well, not really much to do until everyone shows up. Didn’t the posters say there was some band coming too?” Trevor asked.

“Yeah, the M Drags or something like that,” Brenda said. Watching Aya and David head over to the snack area where Darkness was managing the food and drinks. The Shadow Dragon handed the two purple colored punch and smiled at them.

They sat at a table and spoke about random topics. At one point, five men dressed in red with black accents were setting up instruments on a platform they brought with them. This was most likely The M Drags. They looked like a rock band group, what caught Trevor’s eye was the fact all five members had black eyes like Darkness did.

They’re all Music Dragons, Kathey’s voice spoke in Trevor’s mind.

Really? Trevor asked.

Indeed. Music Dragons like to form bands and make it their hobby. The M Drags are the first ever Music Dragon band so they had free reign with the name and color scheme. They’ve met with my parents before, which means they have also met me. They’ve been wanting to play for the Academy for a while, I just had no creative way to bring them in.

Works for everyone, huh? How well known are they? Trevor looked over to Kathey who smiled.

Dragon raised dragons know about them. They’re quite popular, much like many other Music Dragon bands. Just wait until you hear them play.

Trevor watched the band set up, more students trickling in. Eventually the Exotics showed up, Vatuna and Ractor in their pirate costumes. Ferentar was dressed up as a monk, even carrying a staff with him. Comeli looked like Medusa.

“Hello everyone,” Vatuna greeted. Her eyes went wide upon spotting Willow. “Awwww, where did you get a phoenix?” she asked, reaching up to stroke the bird’s chest. “She’s beautiful.”

“Kathey owns her,” Trevor explained. Willow trilled beautifully and Vatuna swooned. Trevor couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face at Vatuna’s happiness. They were all momentarily distracted by the band testing their speakers and microphones.

“No way, the M Drags?” Comeli and Ferentar looked to each other, ecstatic about the information and they ran over to the band. Ractor rolled his eyes and laughed.

“You would think they’d read the posters saying they would be here,” Ractor chuckled. Brenda blushed a bit and Ractor nudged her with his elbow. “Let’s go rein them in before they talk their ears off.” he joked and Brenda nodded, following him over to Ferentar and Comeli. Aya and David went over to the snack station again, leaving Vatuna and Trevor alone.

“They mean the world to you, don’t they?” Vatuna asked, sitting in the chair next to Trevor. Trevor nodded, watching Brenda with Ractor.

“They’re all I have now. Our dad disappeared, we can’t see our mom, grandparents we know of have been gone, the rest of our family, cousins and all that are scattered. Dad’s side we know nothing about, being a Nixes Dragon and all.” Vatuna rested a hand on Trevor’s knee.

“Don’t worry, Trevor. You have them, and you have the team and your friends.” Trevor smiled and nodded.

“You’re right.” Trevor looked up when Brenda and Ractor returned with Ferentar and Comeli in tow. “You two have fun fangirling and fanboying over a Music Dragon band?” he teased. Vatuna punched his arm playfully.

“Be nice,” she scolded and Trevor laughed.

“Gooooooood evening Voutneth Academy and Happy Halloween!” the lead singer of the band spoke into the mic, quieting the room and drawing everyone’s attention. The sun was just starting to set so the hall was starting to get darker. “How is everyone today? Got a lot of crazy costumes going on here and I love it! You guys love this?” the singer asked his band and the others nodded. “Spook night is the best night in the year in my opinion. Who’s ready to get the party rolling?” Students cheered and the lead singer smiled. “Let’s start off with an old classic humans are so fond of.” The lead returned the mic to the stand and adjusted a few things to the guitar hanging from his neck before the first few notes of Thriller were strummed out and the rest of the band joined in.

The rest of the evening was filled with music, cheering and dancing students, and food constantly being made and brought out for snacks. Trevor spent a lot of time just watching Aya and David dance with Ferentar and Comeli. At one point, he, Brenda, Vatuna, and Ractor got onto the floor to dance as well, Willow sitting on Trevor’s chair while he danced. After dancing for a bit, Trevor made his way to the snack station for some water, panting as he stood drinking the cold liquid. His eyes scanned the entire hall, taking in everything and everyone going on. During his scan, he noticed something, or rather someone.

Standing in a corner, back to the corner itself was a man with red skin, black hair, horns, wings, a tail, and armor of some kind. Trevor didn’t see him enter the Mess Hall at all since he showed up hours earlier. Trevor looked around for Kathey, spotting her talking with Sonar.

Kathey. Trevor called out in his head, hoping to gain her attention. His eyes landed on the strange man again. Kathey!

What’s wrong? She finally answered.

Back corner, demon looking guy with the armor. Is he a student here? Trevor asked. He looked to Kathey again and watched her locate the stranger.

That’s not even a human. That’s a cambion, distract him somehow until we can get a bead on him. Kathey commanded and Trevor nodded, getting another cup and heading over to the demon, holding the untouched cup to him.

“Crazy event huh?” Trevor asked. The cambion looked over at Trevor and shrugged, taking the offered drink and sipping it.

“I suppose. Would never suspect dragons would like to party like this,” the cambion said. He looked to the orange liquid in the cup and swirled it around a bit. Trevor spotted Kathey and Sylark moving about inconspicuously through the crowds towards him and the demon.

“So what are you supposed to be dressed up as?” Trevor asked, attempting to distract him.

“Just a generic demon of sorts. I am not very good at coming up with costumes,” the cambion said. Out of nowhere, Sylark appeared and pinned the demon by his throat against the wall.

“Funny how you say that, and yet you are a child of an Incubus,” Sylark snarled. The demon struggled in Sylark’s hold, kicking his legs at him. “You could at least attempted to look a little more human.”

“Go to hell!” The cambion hissed. Kathey approached.

“What do you want?” she demanded.

“Wouldn’t you like to know? Gurk!” The demon choked as Sylark’s grip grew tighter. “M-Master Agony told me to infiltrate, said I was the first step to infiltrating the entire school.”

“What’s he planning?”

“I don’t know! Nobody knows, didn’t talk to any of us...he summoned up hundreds of us, demonic hounds, undead, cambions, and a bunch of other Underworld creatures. He has an army he’s waiting to launch. That’s all I know!” The cambion gripped Sylark’s arm as his airway was squeezed. Kathey stared at the demon before turning away. She started towards the exit to the Mess Hall when the doorway was suddenly blocked by dark magic.

“Dammit!” The music was suddenly cut off as the speakers shorted out and there’s a cackle that echoes through the room. An orb of black magic appeared in front of Kathey before exploding, revealing a black and red feathered Tenkkoa wearing a dark purple and red robe. He looked almost exactly like Severik, save for the clothes.

“Well well, Anna Dragon,” the Tenkkoa spoke.

“Agony...” Kathey growled, getting into a stance.

“You just had to ruin my plans, didn’t you?” Agony snarled. Kathey surged forward, dragon hands appearing and attempted to claw Agony, only to have her claws phase right through him. “Did you honestly think I would come here in the flesh? I’m not suicidal like a certain dead human. Cenod was a fool to enlist the Hunters. He failed me.”

“Oh like you won’t fail? You did once before!” Kathey retaliated.

“Bold of you to assume the Council is the same as it was five hundred years ago,” Agony threatened.

“Bold of you to think we won’t stop you,” Kathey retorted with a growl. Agony crossed his arms.

“If you’re so confident, then come fight me yourself. You already know where to find me I assume, you won’t need him anymore.”

Agony held a hand out towards Sylark and the cambion and the demon suddenly burst into flames with a scream. In a matter of seconds he was nothing more than a pile of ash. Agony laughed and disappeared. The magic disappeared from the door and students murmured amongst themselves.

Trevor approached Kathey as her hands returned to human. “What was all that about?” Trevor asked.

“Agony is getting impatient and bold. He has an army of demonic creatures and innocent undead ready to attack at any moment. We’ll have to go to him,” Kathey said and looked to Trevor. “Get the team together, we have a war to prevent.”

Chapter 9

Trevor stood still as Salem attached armor to his body. The vampire had been working on armor for the newer members of the team in the event of being unable to fight in dragon form. This would be one such battle where preserving energy would be vital to victory.

Trevor’s armor was a very light grey with ocean blue accents much like his scales. The armor was much like a paladin’s armor from the video games he had played over the years. He had chainmail under it and a cloak on his shoulder that had his old jersey number. It was nice to have something familiar close to him.

“You’re sure this will be okay to fight in with hardly any time adjusting to it?” Trevor asked. Salem tightened clasps as he secured the metal.

“Armor from centuries ago was made of heavy metal, the metal I use is a combination of steel and titanium. It has it’s high defense and it’s also not that heavy, as you can tell,” Salem explained. He stepped back and looked Trevor over before nodding. “I have something for you I think you might appreciate for the upcoming battle.”

Salem stepped over to the chest that had held Trevor’s armor and pulled out a sword and a shield. The two looked to be made of crystal. The same crystal Kathey had taken from the Dragon Temple.

“No way, she had you make it into a sword and shield?” he asked, taking the shield and sliding it onto his left arm, testing the weight. He slid the sword from its sheath and spun, striking the air and feeling the weight. “I have to admit, you really have outdone yourself, Salem. It’s the perfect size.” Salem bowed slightly at the waist and offered the sheath to Trevor. The sword was returned to it and Trevor strapped it and the shield to his back.

After saying his thanks, Trevor made his way out of the forge and towards the front of the Academy grounds where the team waited. Trevor had been the last one to be fitted with his armor. He turned dragon as he approached and stood beside his siblings.

“All set, Trevor?” Brenda asked and Trevor nodded, looking to where Anna and the Compass boys talked quietly.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“I guess Kathey spoke to Kaylano about the army Agony had summoned. There are hundreds of forces of different types. It’s more than she or Sylark saw in the cambion’s memories.” Trevor exhaled.

“It’s our duty to protect Earth, isn’t it? That’s why we joined the team, even if it means putting our lives at risk.” Trevor looked at his younger siblings and snorted. “But...we’re not going to be stupid about it. Listen to me, the moment it looks like we’re bound to fail with no hopes of victory, you three turn tail and run.”

“We’re not cowards, Trevor.” David snapped.

“No, but it’s not a coward’s move to run from a losing battle. It’s smart to run when things look hopeless. Mom still needs you guys. I’ll watch your backs if we run.” Trevor looked between his siblings before David wrapped his arms around Trevor’s neck. His sisters joined the hug as well and somehow, Trevor let out a strange sound, almost like a rumble in his chest. A dragon’s purr.

“Alright everyone, we’re all here,” Anna called out, drawing the attention of the whole team. “There’s not much of a plan that we can really rely on. When we get there, everyone split off to hit the edges of the army, do not face Agony alone, it will be a death wish. Watch each other’s backs. Let’s move!” Anna opened her wings and took off, everyone following in pursuit.


The team flew for about an hour through the dark October night. Of all nights to threaten the team, Agony picked Halloween. Considering his abilities, it was fitting; even if it was an evil thing to do.

Trevor looked about as towns turned to farmland and farmland turned to a field surrounded by forest. Most likely a forest preserve and off in the distance was a horrific sight. Demons, undead creatures, demonic hellhounds, and even some kind of fleshy blob creature that could hardly be described.

The groups split off and Trevor led his siblings to some of the possessed undead, diving down and freezing them along with Brenda. David and Aya landed and swiped their claws and tails at the soldiers that raised their swords at them. Trevor wheeled around and landed with Brenda to assist his siblings in their battle.

Trevor dodged a sword swing to his wing and snarled. He would end up with cut wings if he wasn’t careful. Trevor pushed off the ground into the air, glowing and turning human. He drew his shield as he fell and bashed an Undead right in his head, knocking him out. Trevor blocked another swing and drew his sword, cutting the soldier’s leg and toppling him to the ground.

Something barked a few feet away and a large two headed dog charged at Trevor, snapping both jaws onto his forearms and pushing him back. “Trevor!” Brenda shouted. She glowed light blue and became her human form, jumping onto the canine’s back and stabbing it with her two small blades. The dog howled and released Trevor long enough for him to stab the beast in the chest and it collapsed.

Brenda’s armor was built more for women, a breastplate over her torso to protect organs while the rest was strong leather, all brightly colored to match her scales. Trevor’s attention was pulled to small cat sized demons flying at him, gremlins. The Academy taught students about the little buggers. They were more of an annoyance than a threat. Trevor raised his shield as one slammed into the crystal dragon head and it squeaked.

“Stupid bugs,” Trevor grumbled and shook the demon from his shield. He turned and watched Brenda slash at them with quick movements. She looked up once they dispersed and her eyes went wide. Trevor spun around in time to block the slashing claws from a Wendigo. He retaliated with a stab to the creature’s belly and he growled. “Nice to know Agony was behind you assholes,” He said and withdrew his blade.

A fleshy blob following a herd of zombies approached the four siblings where they fought. Trevor and Brenda turned to their dragon forms and took off. David and Aya followed in suit, looking around. “There’s too many...” David said, distressed.

“I know, buddy. But we have to keep fighting,” Trevor replied. “Aya, surround them with snow, box them in. David, you and I will hit them with water. Rotting flesh and water don’t mix well.” Aya flew circles around the herd of undead and snow started swirling around them. Trevor and David flew through the circle and hit everything with water, what Trevor didn’t expect was to be hit with a fleshy appendage and thrown to the ground, instantly swarmed by zombies. Brenda and Aya blasted the zombies with their breath elements, freeing Trevor of the swarm and leaving the fleshy creature before them.

“This is so not gonna be fun...” Brenda noted, looking up at the humanoid figure the blob had on top of it.

“No turning back now. Charge!”


Anna and Malice soared over a big part of the battlefield, hitting it with their lightning breaths and rising above everything, hovering above the fights.

“I don’t see Agony around here, he’s probably somewhere in the forest or hills watching the fight,” Malice said, looking around.

“This is my fight, Malice. Agony wants me, he’ll get me,” Anna snorted. She started to fly off, but stopped at Malice’s words.

“You better come back, we need you.” Anna smiled and flew off towards the hills. She looked around a bit before out of nowhere she was hit in the belly with a black orb of magic. The force threw off her balance and she nosedived towards the ground. She managed to pull out of it and soared about a foot over the ground before landing. Anna coughed and looked back towards the direction she had just come from.

“Damn...that wasn’t fun.” Anna growled. “Cheap attack, Agony!” she shouted, getting only the faint sounds of battle in response. She snorted and walked towards the hills. The attack came out of nowhere, it would be hard to pinpoint where it came from. Anna climbed a hill, finding a flat area surrounded by hills and standing right in the middle of it was the bird himself, Agony. He held a magical staff of sorts as he waited for Anna.

“Took you long enough, Dragon,” Agony snapped, crossing his arms. Anna growled softly.

“What’s the point of all this? Threatening me, creating an army. Why?” Anna asked. Agony chuckled, holding his arms out to the side, almost like he was presenting something.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Behind him, two portals appear in the ground and a Demonic Hellhound emerged from each one, charging at Anna.

She dodged a bite and hit the second one with her ice stream, freezing it. She faced the first one and shot it square in the forehead with a spike of ice, the beast falling dead. Anna pushed off the ground and launched herself at Agony, mouth open. She hit a wall of some sort as Agony raised the staff and was thrown to the side. Anna rolled a few times before coming to a stop, getting to her feet and hissing.

“Enough! You will not defeat me that easily! I know just what the limits are to a dragon’s abilities, especially a Life Dragon! I’ve faced your ancestors, Dragon. They successfully sealed us away for a few hundred years, but as you can see, they failed.” Agony said, walking back and forth slowly. “New magic will never conquer old magic.”

He waved his staff and hit Anna with dark magic again, sending her against an incline and she slid down it. Anna got to her feet again and growled. “I will admit, you are persistent for a Flower Dragon. Maybe that’s why they all failed in the war, got more than they bargained for, hm? Come to think of it, the Royal Family played a key part in it, right?”

“Shut up,” Anna mumbled under her breath.

“Matisa Dragon, the instigator for the Pink and Moon War, bringing the supposed extinction of Flower Dragons. I can see how they failed, acting recklessly without considering the consequences.”

“Shut your mouth! You don’t know anything!” Agony was getting on Anna’s nerves. How could such a rage filled Tenkkoa be so calm right now to ramble about dragon breeds that were so few in numbers. Life Dragons, Flower Dragons, what next?

“Oh I don’t know anything? You weren’t even born yet! You-” Anna had blasted Agony with her earth shot, launching him across the clearing and into the far incline. Agony recovered enough to plant his feet into the incline and stumble down to flat ground. “You little bitch! That’s it, I’m done being nice! If it weren’t for Kaylano, you wouldn’t-” Agony stopped himself and growled. “No, I won’t spoil that surprise.” Anna prodded Agony’s mind, only to be hit with a heavy wall of resistance, one that she couldn’t penetrate.

“Damnit,” she huffed.

“Did you seriously just try to read my mind? Our master didn’t create us with weak minds, our defenses will never be broken!” Agony shouted and was surrounded in black magic. It swirled around him before growing to twice Anna’s size. The magic exploded away from Agony and disappeared.

In his place stood a black and blood red dragon with a beak like snout and a crown of feathers on his head. Agony opened his wings and roared at the sky. He lowered his head and snarled at Anna, in a stance ready for pouncing if he so wanted.

“My master will surely reward me greatly when he finds out I killed the infamous Anna Dragon,” Agony snarled. Anna got into a stance as well, muscles rolling and ready to launch her into the air.

“You’re not walking away from this field!” Anna declared and launched herself into the air.

Chapter 10

Agony flapped his wings and chased after Anna, roaring. The Nega Dragon could easily be seen by the rest of the team fighting the army, but the battles kept everyone from going to Anna’s aid. Anna looked back at Agony pursuing her, teeth bared and pushing himself harder than any of her past enemies ever did.

Anna flipped around to face Agony, spitting venom into his eyes. The Nega Dragon roared in pain and stopped, hovering in the air and pawing at his eyes. “You’ll regret that, bitch!” Agony roared. He swung his head wildly, black mist escaped from his mouth as he did so. Anna flew out of range and hit Agony with water.

Agony wiped his eyes of the toxic liquid and water, squinted as he looked around, spotting Anna and snarling. Anna glanced up before flying high, heading for clouds above them. She flapped her wings and disappeared from Agony’s eyes, using her Life Dragon speed to move too quickly for her enemy to see. Agony followed her into the cloud cover, hovering in the white expanse and looking around.

“Where did you go?” Agony asked out loud, not expecting an answer. Anna flew around silently, putting herself under Agony and she smirked as she passed under him. She angled herself to fly up in front of Agony, releasing two streams of ice. As soon as it hit his scales, it froze to Agony’s body. “Dammit!” Agony snapped his jaws at Anna, coming inches from her underbelly before she disappeared again. “Get back here!” Agony flew after Anna, clawing at the ice on his scales as he flew. Agony grew closer to Anna and his jaws closed on Anna’s tail. What he didn’t expect, however, was a jolt of electricity to hit his tongue. Agony roared with pain and released her, spitting blood from his mouth.

“What is this sorcery?” he questioned, moving his tongue around a bit to get some feeling back in it. Anna spun and faced Agony, out of reach of his jaws.

“You’re underestimating my power?” Anna asked. She released a lick of flame at Agony, the Nega Dragon ducking his head to avoid getting his face burned and he snarled, flinging his head up and hitting Anna with his breath element, engulfing her in the shadows. Agony grinned as the darkness cleared, revealing Anna with her eyes shut and gritting her teeth. Anna opened her eyes, revealing the black orbs and she growled. Agony’s grin fell.

“What? How? That should’ve sent you spiralling to the ground!” Agony exclaimed. Anna spoke with almost two voices.

“Brokenstar and Cenod attempted to send me into a state of fear, but many forget or are uninformed of one key fact about me. I have more darkness in my mind than what anyone can begin to understand,” Anna replied and surged forward, black fire escaping from her mouth and hitting Agony square in the face. The Nega Dragon, beyond enraged now, grabbed Anna and snarled at her.

“No matter, I will kill you, your stupid army, your family, and revive my master without fail,” Agony growled. Anna threw her head back, pink flower petals appearing and swirling around her, cutting through Agony’s scales on his hands. Agony shrieked and released Anna, the Flower Dragon catching herself and flying a few yards away from Agony as he looked to his hands. “You will not defeat me!” Agony roared. Anna opened her mouth, the familiar white glow appearing in it.

I highly doubt that, Anna thought as she wheeled around, facing her opponent. Agony’s anger turned to confusion, then straight up regret when he realized what she was about to do. Anna pushed herself forward towards Agony before releasing her Life Breath. Agony screeched as he was surrounded by the holy power.

Unlike their past foes, however, Agony wasn’t eliminated from existence. Instead, he was forced into his Tenkkoa form and he fell to the ground. Anna watched for a moment before gliding down to the ground, landing a few feet from where Agony had landed. The Tenkkoa groaned and rolled to his side, pushing himself to his feet and stumbling a bit, regaining his balance and wiping blood from the corner of his beak. He looked rather ragged now, his robe tattered and his cloak was scraps. Agony pulled the piece of fabric from his neck and threw it aside.

“You cannot destroy old dark magic with new holy magic!” Agony snapped, his talons being surrounded by dark magic. Anna growled and glowed pink, returning to her human form. Kathey was dressed in silver armor, a pink cloak on her back and any other fabric was colored pink as well. In her hands was a short sword and shield, colored pink and red. Her amulet that hung from her neck glowed, the dragon red while the rest was white.

“Fine then, old fashioned.” Kathey said, getting into a stance and watching Agony closely.

The two started to sidestep, circling each other in a way. Agony attacked first, lunging forward and swiping his talons at Kathey. She raised her shield to block the swipe and retaliated with a kick to the bird’s stomach. Agony stumbled backwards before spinning and launching black orbs of magic at Kathey.

Instead of blocking with her shield or dodging, Kathey moved the shield away and with a few quick exhales, launched fireballs from her mouth, successfully canceling out the magic and remaining untouched. Despite it being a rather intense battle, Kathey appeared at ease in the face of danger. This wasn’t her first battle against a powerful enemy and Agony could see it. His eyes were drawn to the amulet around Kathey’s neck and he growled quietly.

“You are nothing but a pawn for the Gods, you will never be accepted!” Agony shouted. Kathey rushed him, and drove her sword into his stomach. Agony didn’t even have time to react, standing there with a blade in his body, staring down at Kathey with shock.

“Maybe so, but I will always do what I was chosen for, protecting Earth and Dragoso from tyrants like you,” Kathey said and pulled her sword from Agony. The Tenkkoa fell to his knees and his head fell forward. Kathey wasn’t fooled though, his heart still beat in his chest. She could hear the sounds of battle still occurring in the distance. “You’ve met your defeat, but I can’t leave you here, you’ll recover. Sealing you away where you were before didn’t last forever. What else could I do with you?” Kathey asked, looking down at Agony as she sheathed her sword and strapped her shield to her back.

Out of nowhere a portal to the Underworld appeared and Deathbore poked his head through. He looked around a bit before looking at Kathey and Agony.

“Greetings, my niece. I was not expecting you to have defeated Agony so soon, but I may have a solution to stopping the Council once and for all. Drag him through here if you could,” Deathbore requested and disappeared through the portal again. Kathey raised an eyebrow before turning dragon, picking up Agony by the back of his robe, and disappeared through the portal.


Anna looked through the magical glass where Agony laid unconscious in the cell. To think the chamber where they dealt with Brokenstar would turn into magical holding cells designed to keep outside magic out and contain the Council when they were incapacitated. Though there were nine chambers. Eight members of the Council, did Deathbore expect them to capture the Council’s master? Either way, they were on the right track.

“The first generation of Compass Dragons sealed them away before, but as you can see, it failed to hold. Keeping them here will allow me to keep an eye on them while keeping them locked away,” Deathbore explained beside Anna as they watched Agony.

“I suppose it’s a smarter idea than what they originally had done. Agony won’t be waking for a while. He took a full force Life Breath and a sword to the stomach,” Anna said and Deathbore chuckled. “I should return home, will you deal with the demons Agony summoned?”

“Yes, the natives of the Underworld have been returned, though you have about two hundred Undead soldiers displaced from Whedabra.” Anna hummed, looking back at Agony. “I can see the gears turning in your head. Voutneth could get quite the attention if you were able to accommodate more than just dragons around Earth.”

“I’ll have to talk to my team about it. It’s quite a big change.”

“Good luck, my niece.”


Kathey stood in Drake’s town square, looking to the two red portals that rested before her. Elven mages who managed portals on Orrumai stood on either side of her looking at the new portals.

“I must admit, Ms. Royals, I never would’ve expected Earth and Dragoso to reconnect after generations,” one elf said.

“Well, it’s just the start of a bigger plan. These portals shouldn’t be available to the Dragoso public yet. Voutneth and Drake are not ready for the connection yet. I need to get security for Drake and Voutneth needs to be rebuilt to accommodate everyone who wishes to come for learning. Think of it as schooling on another planet, which is basically the idea,” Kathey explained and the elves smiled before bowing to Kathey.

“We look forward to your next message,” the second elf said before the two disappeared through one of the portals.

Kathey watched them leave before looking to the fountain behind her where Severik stood waiting. Once she nodded, Severik stood, cracking his fingers and holding his hands out to the first portal, creating a barrier of sorts. Nobody would be able to access the portal from this side while the barrier was up. Severik stepped over to the second portal, but paused. Portals make a low humming sound while idle, but this one was louder and made quite a bit of noise.

“Someone is coming through,” Severik said, his talons surrounded in magic and Kathey got into a stance, waiting. The portal had two surges of energy, but nothing solid came through. Kathey spotted the shadows of two dragons fly along the ground like a Shadow Dragon typically would in its shadow form.

“Watch it!” Kathey warned, pointing to the two shadows that stopped in the grass a few feet away. The two dragons poked their heads up, one pure black and the other black and purple. A Shadow Dragon and a Moon Dragon. The Shadow Dragon had an underbite with his lower canines being slightly longer than what was usual and the Moon Dragon’s horns were shaped differently, almost with a few curves to them.

“Ey, mon, over there,” the Shadow Dragon said with a Jamaican accent, looking at Kathey and Severik. The Moon Dragon looked and smirked. The two dragons pulled themselves from the ground, solidifying entirely. On their backs however, sat two others. A human on the Moon Dragon’s back while an elf with pink skin sat on the Shadow Dragon’s.

The human slid from the Moon Dragon’s back and approached. Her hair and eyes were silver and she had a scimitar strapped to her back. She wore black slacks, a shirt that exposed her stomach and black leather boots. Her silver hair was short all around except her bangs which were on the longer side. Her eyes landed on the amulet around Kathey’s neck before looking into her eyes.

“Princess Anna?” she asked timidly.

“The portals aren’t open to the public, what’s your reason for being here?” Kathey asked. The human dropped to one knee, bowing her head.

“I am Nyx Foredring, this is my team. We have heard a lot about the Dragon of the North. We are the Night Walkers and we wish to help you as much as we can,” Nyx said. She stood and looked to the other three. Kathey looked at the four of them, scanning their minds briefly.

“Nyx Foredring, Haarvik Moon, Jarin’do Bladetusk, and Kyona Duskwood,” Kathey said. They all looked to Kathey, hope in their eyes. “Let me be the first to officially welcome you to Earth and Drake.”

Chapter 11

To say that discovering there were four new members to the team that weren’t from Earth was a shock was an understatement for Trevor and his siblings. While Nyx was a typical dragon they had seen around the Academy, Haarvik, Jarin’do, and Kyona were far from normal.

Haarvik was known as a Rukmar. He had blue skin, long black hair tied back into a ponytail, purple eyes to match his Moon Dragon form, and was rather tall. Close to seven feet tall. What made him even more unique was the fact his legs and feet were that of a hooved animal, the closest thing Trevor could compare Haarvik to was a satyr. The large man had quite a bit of muscle on him too, which he needed to carry around and wield a rather large hammer in his non-dragon form. He still had the oddly shaped horns curving from his head. Haarvik was usually seen in a leather tunic and tight black pants. Having hooves, he didn’t wear shoes, but instead had covers of sorts below his knees. Another unique thing about Rukmars was they had tails, long tails that matched their skin. Males had larger, thicker tails, but every Rukmar adorn them with rings and bands of sorts for decoration.

Jarin’do was a purple skinned troll. Unlike the trolls from books, he was lanky and had rather long legs along with a pointy nose and his underbite with longer canines. In battle, Jarin’do wore all black armor, casually however, he wore an animal pelt of some kind to cover what was necessary and was decorated with animal skulls as pauldrons. Jarin’do however, hated shoes so when he wasn’t in battle, he walked around barefoot. Jarin’do also had a cloak also made of animal skin, it looked like wolf fur. Jarin’do’s eyes and short spiky hair were pitch black, something common in Shadow Dragons. He was proficient in using not only a bo staff, but a large scythe as well, he tended to switch between the two weapons for his battle style.

Kyona was a rather young Night Elf. She wasn’t very different from other elves aside from her pink skin and how at ease she was in the night. Kyona was even more unique due to being a Galaxy Dragon. Her hair was long and golden while she had no pupils in her gold eyes. She wore very little to allow her to move silently through the night, using small daggers and a bow and magical arrows that did a variety of elemental magic damage. On the hunt she wore a breastplate, shorts, gauntlets, and leather boots. When she wasn’t out hunting, she wore a ranger’s outfit, a leather shirt and slacks. Very rarely was she seen without her bow and her daggers.

“Our first Dragoso natives here at Voutneth, can you believe it?” Brenda asked. Trevor and his siblings sat at breakfast recovering from the day before. The battle with Agony’s army was intense, they hardly knew of Kathey’s victory over Agony until the army suddenly retreated and the Undead Soldiers surrendered, being free of possession.

“Why even open portals when they aren’t going to be used?” Trevor wondered. His eyes lingered on Kathey speaking with the new members of the team and apparently security. Kathey had given the Night Walkers a new home and put them onto the night guard as well. The four of them would patrol the ground of Voutneth at night so Darkness wouldn’t be the only one keeping watch at night. Kathey glanced up, meeting Trevor’s eyes and smiling, she said something to the Night Walkers and made her way over to Trevor and his siblings.

“The portals aren’t usable yet because Voutneth is going to be rebuilt so we can teach the races of Dragoso more than what they would learn in their villages,” Kathey explained.

“Really?” David asked, smiling. Kathey nodded.

“Yup, Voutneth is going to be closed down for a few months, a lot of us are going to a dojo that Malice, Sylark, Zoymey, and I were living at before I had Voutneth built,” Kathey said. Trevor frowned.

“What about everyone who doesn’t have a place to go home to? And the griffins?” Trevor questioned.

“The dojos are rather big, plus the one I was at in the past can house the griffins until everything is ready. You four, however, can go back home to your mother.” Kathey smiled. “I’m sure she’s missed you and you all have control of your powers finally, you can go see her. I will contact you when Voutneth and Drake are ready for you to return to help keep Earth and now Dragoso safe.” Trevor stood and held a hand to Kathey to shake. She looked down at it before shaking his hand.

“Thank you, Kathey,” he graced and Kathey nodded.

“Of course, Trevor.”


A black gloved finger traced around the rim of a wine glass filled with a deep red liquid, thunder rumbled above as the glass was lifted to light purple lips and drank from deeply. The glass was set on the armrest of a throne with pink cushions. Red eyes looked through an orb showing Agony pouting in his holding cell.

“Oh Agony, dear. It’s so sad that you claim to be the strongest out of all of us, and yet you got your tail handed to you by a girl.” the onlooker said. The orb disappeared and the vampire stood from her throne. Thigh high boots, a very short skirt, and rather revealing shirt that barely kept her breasts contained, Lust looked as provocative as ever. She approached the succubus that sat before her with bright purple hair and pink eyes.

“I am ready to serve, Mistress Lust,” she said in a sultry tone.

“Good, my dear Carmilla, for we have a lot of work to do,” Lust said and rested a hand on Carmilla’s head. “Do not fail me, love.”