

Beings that have somehow evaded death when the final blow was administered in their past life. Unlike the reanimated dead, Undead have cognitive function and are more than mindless zombies. Undead live among the Undead Class Dragons on Whedabra. An Undead has roughly 20% or less of their flesh still missing to be considered Undead.


Considered an in between of the Undead and Skeletons. The Realives have any percentage of flesh missing that isn’t less than 20% or more than 80%. When the amount of missing flesh is questioned, they are labeled as Realives. While this is somewhat like living in Limbo, Realives are respected among all Undead. To them, they are just another Undead reanimated and living once again.


Skeletons are long dead beings that were either reanimated or built and brought to life. An Undead is considered a Skeleton when roughly more than 80% of their body is missing flesh. They come in many shapes and sizes.