
Key locations that can be found on the planet Kanetsu, home of Desert Class Dragons and the Squama.


Pronunciation: Cane-sue

Order: 10

Dragon Class: Desert

Other Races Present: Squama

Weather: Sandstorms

Temperatures: 100-25 degrees F

Kanetsu is home to Desert Class Dragons. Kanetsu is a desert planet, all you can find is sand, desert plants, desert creatures, a few pyramids, and Squama villages. Because there is very little vegetation to hide in, dragons and Squama have adapted to burying themselves in the sand to ambush their prey or in the case of Desert Dragons, use sandstorms to kill their prey.

Because of the lack of moisture like on Earth with their deserts, temperatures get as hot as 100 and cold as 25. Typical weather is sandstorms, and the occasional random storm that Anubis Dragons can summon up.

Tol’Raka City

The Squama City. The stone structures of Tol’Raka City provide shade from the intense heat of Kanetsu for the numerous Squama that inhabit the city. Its box-like layout helps channel water throughout the city and helps any nearby villages with artificial rivers that flowed from the city that sat upon a mesa.

Mak’dal Village

The Squama Village. The village sits at the base of the Tol’Raka mesa and is even built within the mesa itself. Using bridges to connect the two halves of Mak’dal that had been split with one of the largest rivers that flowed from Tol’Raka. The Squama dubbed this river: Mak’raka River.

Z’karal Village

The Desert Squama Village. Z’karal sits within a lone oasis in Kanetsu. The sandstone buildings encircle the small pond that sits below a lone palm tree. Its location serves as a safe haven for travelers who move through Kanetsu’s massive desert.

Ashva Village

The Desert Axol Village. This village is located within an oasis which is used for the Astromantas of Kanetsu. The buildings are made of sandstone and at times clay that had been dried in the hot sun. Desert Axols are quite skilled with their building tactics.

Amoros Station

An outpost run by the Battoise. Thanks to their advanced skills in weaponry, they train anyone interested in various disciplines. Alongside this they also forge weapons for their students and sell weapons for anyone in need of skilled craftsmanship.

Bladewing Hold

A research outpost run by the Desert Tenkkoa. The sandstorms of Kanetsu appear to be unpredictable and random. The Desert Tenkkoa have taken the liberty of researching these storms and trying to figure out a pattern to them. 

Rol'kaja Outpost

A trading outpost run by the Trolls. The Trolls primarily rely on shipments from Engimanis to create the potions and brews they sell. At times they will use what little vegetation is on Kanetsu for their mixes, sometimes even using the fauna as well. 

Dusthollow Hold

A security outpost run by the Skeletons. Their appearance alone is enough to scare some people and they tend to thrive in any environment, so the Skeletons offer security services. 

Thal’vaz Post

An outpost run by the Dymaleons. The inhabitants of this outpost are Dymaleons who lived within the desert of Centiperon, allowing them to thrive and be able to identify any insects they find. They also sell various interesting potions using ingredients from Centiperon. 

Temple of Spantex

The Kanetsu Temple. A temple surrounded by sand dunes to keep it hidden in a way. The temple is a gift to the Venom Dragon Goddess Spantex.