

A mole-like race that is native to Ixen and thrives in the intense heat and volcanic environment. Goramoles are highly obsessed with treasure. So much so they will ignore anything and anyone if treasure is not involved. Even their careers involve nothing but treasure. Most Goramoles are treasure hunters, but some are gem miners, others are artifact authenticators,  some are even interested in art galleries due to the value of some ancient pieces.

Basalt Goramoles

A dark gray colored variation of the Goramoles. Due to the odd variation in their skin, they actually rely heavily on hot, dry environments. If they don't, their skin cracks and it's quite a painful experience. So they avoid it by living quite close to volcanoes or never leaving Ixen at all. Their claws are the strongest out of all the Goramole races.

Obsidian Goramoles

A black colored variation of the Goramoles. The Obsidian Goramoles can handle the highest of temperatures and have even developed an immunity to magma directly. They enjoy the thrill of searching within volcanoes for treasure. While they have the highest heat tolerance, they have the weakest claw strength out of all the Goramole races. To combat this when needed, they will heat their claws in magma to give them an edge in battle.

Pegma Goramoles

A lighter colored variation of the Goramoles. Their colors range from pure white, light cream, or even a light rust color. Their tolerance to heat is the lowest out of all the Goramole variations so they prefer to live either inside of mines and caves or on the surface altogether depending on the temperatures outside. Because they're surface dwellers, their claws are much smaller than any other Goramoles. What sets them apart even more is they have various different gems and crystals growing from their bodies. Some from their back, others on their arms, giving them much more defense if ever in combat.