Magic Class

This class of dragons is a very odd one. These dragons have more magic in their bodies than other dragons. Every dragon has magic in them, even a small amount is needed to change form from dragon to human if they wish. The planet, Arcaneia, is a very interesting place for them to live. The planet has a mystical feel to it that the dragons love.

Arcane Dragon

Color: Dark Purple and Light Orange

Symbol: Tenkkoa Head Silhouette

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Arcaneia

Enemies: Enchanted Dragons

Blood: Gold

Common Trait: Feathered wings, beaked muzzle

Arcane Dragons are considered to be the Tenkkoa of the dragons. They have advanced magical abilities and live in clans teaching others about their magic. The Arcane Dragons also teach and learn from the Tenkkoa as well. They also have magic for their breath element.



Artisan Dragon

Color: White with Tan tail

Symbol: Paint Brush and Paint Pallet

Diet: Herbivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Caves

Enemies: Spartan Dragons

Blood: Rainbow

Common Trait: Fur tuft on end of tail used as paintbrush

Artisan Dragons are one of the more unique breeds. They enjoy art of any kind and for some of their large painting jobs, they use their tail as a paintbrush. The lucky thing with this breed is they use their magic to summon up their materials and to even create with it. These dragons are commonly found living in small clans, usually with varying specialties to better assist many who require their skills. They do not have a breath element.



Briair Dragon

Color: Green and White

Symbol: Vines and Bubbles

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Damp, cold caves

Enemies: Underworld Dwellers

Blood: Light Grey

Common Trait: Can communicate with nature

Briair Dragons are a very unique breed of dragon that has major respect for nature. They are known for being able to communicate with plants of all kinds and even request assistance from the animals around them. The Briair Dragons also possess a very unique breath element. Although its bubbles, these bubbles can cause different things to a target that is hit by them. Paralysis, poisoning, and burning are a few of the things that occur when this breed uses its breath element.


Changeling Dragon

Color: Green and Black

Symbol: Dragon head, half of the face fuzzy and distorted 

Diet: Omnivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Unknown

Enemies: Dragon Hunters

Blood: Dark Green

Common Trait: Softer scales

As their name suggests, these dragons can change their appearance to match that of any other dragon they've seen. Though they are unable to use the breath element that dragon has. Not much else is known about these dragons due to their mysterious natures and choosing to live the life of other dragons.



Chaos Dragon

Color: Red and Dark Red

Symbol: Dragon eye with various rings around pupil

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Evil

Habitat: Arcaneia

Enemies: Cosmic Dragons

Blood: Pink

Common Trait: Black Pupils

Chaos Dragons live up to their name. They are a very chaotic breed and barely have control over themselves. They also use very chaotic magic and tend to feud with Cosmic Dragons who try to keep order over this breed of dragon. Their breath element is pure magic colored red to represent the chaos they have in their bodies.


Akail Conquest

Catrina Volbur

Cosmic Dragon

Color: Purple and White

Symbol: Swirl of Stars

Diet: Herbivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Arcaneia

Enemies: Chaos Dragons

Blood: Lilac

Common Trait: Chrome Eyes

Cosmic Dragons keep the balance among the planet. Enemies with the chaotic Chaos Dragons due to their unbalanced nature. Cosmic Dragons are all about keeping balance (despite there being Balance Dragons.) Cosmic Dragons have a breath element of pure magic. Colored purple to show that they have control and balance over their lives.


Cosmo Pahleinuv

Kaimin Saros

Divine Dragon

Color: White with hints of sky blue

Symbol: Three knot Celtic symbol

Diet: Frugivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Forests

Enemies: Evildoers

Blood: Silver

Common Trait: Has a unicorn horn and feathered wings

Divine Dragons are seen as holy creatures due to the unicorn horn and feathered wings. Some believe this breed to be a unicorn/dragon hybrid. Unicorns are a very rare sight in Dragoso, so it is believed that the theory of a hybrid breed is untrue. Divine Dragons do not have a breath element, but have a vast amount of magical ability which has been seen to be used with their horns.


Vatuna Felore

Enchanted Dragon

Color: Purple and Gold

Symbol: Wands

Diet: Herbivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Arcaneia

Enemies: Magic Class Dragons

Blood: Dark Red

Common Trait: Powerful Magic

Enchanted Dragons are seen as a typical magically powerful dragon. Not much is know about them due to their solitary nature. They have no breath element and rely solely on magic and intimidation.



Fairy Dragon

Color: Light Pink

Symbol: Rounded Fairy Wings

Diet: Scilivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Meadows

Enemies: Death Dragons

Blood: Purple

Common Trait: Fairy Wings

Created by ProSnivy

Fairy Dragons are a breed of dragon thought to be a hybrid of dragon and fairies. Though it is impossible, the theory is still in place. Fairy Dragons are very much like their namesake. They are playful, cheerful, and don't care much about what's around them unless it threatens them. Although its not a fatal breath, Fairy Dragons are known to have a magical dust for their breath element that looks a lot like glitter.



Fel Dragon

Color: Dark Red

Symbol: Bloody Dragon Horns

Diet: Dracovore

Side: Evil

Habitat: Underworld

Enemies: Life Dragons

Blood: Black

Common Trait: Pupiless black eyes

Created by Mykau

Fel Dragons are experts in demons, knowing which demon has what abilities, what they all are, everything. They have also been known to summon demons to fight their battles for them. Fel Dragons are a very dangerous breed to encounter, having made themselves ones with the demons over the generations. Within these rituals they discovered a magic that allows them to use blood as a weapon and breath element. The blood can be hardened to cause serious damage.


Heal Dragon

Color: Sea Green

Symbol: Green Health Cross

Diet: Herbivore

Side: Good/Evil

Habitat: Anywhere

Enemies: Attackers

Blood: Green

Common Trait: Eye color depends on dragons they serve

Heal Dragons are Dragoso's mages. They heal any who they pledge loyalty to, good or evil. They were created to heal and assist. To know if a Heal Dragon works for good or evil, look at their eyes. Good Heal Dragons have green eyes while evil Heal Dragons have red eyes. This is due to the magic in their bodies and knowing who they serve. Most Heal Dragons prefer to serve good dragons, but sometimes they are forced to serve evil. Heal Dragons use magic to heal and they have a sleeping gas for their breath element to help wounded dragons when pain is unbearable.


Hiertic Dragon

Color: Blue and White

Symbol: Shield with a Dragon Head

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Castles

Enemies: Evildoers

Blood: Gold

Common Trait: Never seen alone

Created by Mykau

Whether a defensive tactic or comfort, Hiertic Dragons are always in pairs or groups. They are a very pack orientated breed and work to keep each other safe. Not much else is known about these dragons because of their nature to avoid anything that isn't another Hiertic Dragon. They are known to have light for their breath element.



Hypnotic Dragon

Color: Magenta and Indigo

Symbol: Pendulum

Diet: Somnivore

Side: Evil

Habitat: Populated Areas

Enemies: Undead Class Dragons and Undead

Blood: Purple

Common Trait: Always has a pendulum

Hypnotic Dragons are a rather dangerous breed. While they are not dangerous directly, they are rather heartless. They don't care about what others are doing when they use their sleeping gas breath element to put targets to sleep and then eat their dreams. Some believe they also consume a small amount of the target's life force, though this is unconfirmed. They use magic to consume dreams.



Magic Dragon

Color: Purple and Silver

Symbol: Eight Pointed Star

Diet: Herbivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Arcaneia

Enemies: Myth Dragons

Blood: Metallic Purple

Common Trait: Glowing Eyes

Magic Dragons are full of magic. They can use a variety of spells to fight and protect themselves. Because of the skill, the fight with Myth Dragons to prove strength between individuals. Because of their morals, they choose to avoid a full out war. Magic Dragons have a pulse of magic, similar to the Earth Shot of Earth Dragons, for their breath element.


Myth Dragon

Color: Yellow and Royal Blue

Symbol: Triangle with an eye in it

Diet: Mediovore

Side: Good

Habitat: Magical Meadows

Enemies: Magic Dragons

Blood: Green

Common Trait: Stronger Magic

Myth Dragons, like Magic Dragons, have a high amount of magic in them and have very skilled magic ability. They are known to fight with Magic Dragons to prove who is stronger. Despite fighting with them, they avoid full out war. Not much else is known about these dragons due to their choice in keeping to themselves among the breed. Myth Dragons don't have a breath element, they rely on their magic alone.



Passion Dragon

Color: Pink and Red

Symbol: Swans

Diet: Frugivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Meadows

Enemies: Toxic Valentine Dragons

Blood: Pink

Common Trait: Slimmer Body

Passion Dragons are slightly similar to Toxic Valentine Dragons in the sense of luring in others, though they aren't as brutal. Instead, they lure in others purely for pleasure and they give their temporary partners the night of their lives. Passion Dragons are rather pleasant to be around, beautiful to look at, and even smell pleasant as well, some say they smell like roses. While they are usually quite passive, they do have magic and a magic pulse breath element when they need to defend themselves.



Psydrake Dragon

Color: Magenta

Symbol: Dragon head with third eye

Diet: Frugivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Shrines

Enemies: Telepaths

Blood: Pink

Common Trait: Opalescent Eyes

Created by Mykau

Psydrake Dragons are a very mysterious breed. They rely solely on their fighting ability and sometimes a means of knowing the immediate future. A decision is made, they'll know of it and act on it. They greatly dislike telepathic creatures poking around in their minds. Psydrake Dragons also have the ability to use Telekinesis when fighting, an ability they are proud of.



Puratine Dragon

Color: Pink and Light Blue

Symbol: Symbol for the planet Venus

Diet: Herbivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Forests

Enemies: Lust

Blood: Purple

Common Trait: All females, only ever produce more of their breed

Many believe these dragons are considered “pure maidens” and in a way, they are. Puratine Dragons are an all female breed, never has a male been produced and there never will be due to a few genetic factors. Puratine Dragons only ever lay eggs, the genetics taken from their partner give some varied genes in their fledglings, despite only producing more Puratine Dragons. Having variation to genes helps with survival and at times the male passes on his breath element or a breath element from his bloodline. Puratine Dragons are one of the best breeds to pick up more breath elements due to the inherited genes. Alongside this, they also have ice, flowers, and sulfuric acid for their breath elements and have other magic they can use. Magic capabilities can be boosted depending on the male’s breed as well.


Time Dragon

Color: Blue, changes to yellow when traveling through portals

Symbol: Hourglass

Diet: Piscivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Unknown

Enemies: None

Blood: None

Common Trait: Can travel between time, space, and dimensions

Created by Gemini

It is unknown how Time Dragons function as they do. Only one individual can explain his breed, and he chooses to be mute. He only serves Anna Dragon at the Voutneth Academy. The portal is described as a swirling tube that spits the traveler to their destination. Time Dragons do not have a breath element.


Useelie Dragon

Color: Dark Purple

Symbol: Pointed Fairy Wings

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Evil

Habitat: Dark Places

Enemies: Fairy Dragons

Blood: Black

Common Trait: Fairy Wings

Created by Silent Dawn

Useelie Dragons are the evil version of Fairy Dragons. The only difference is they have darkness for their breath element and greatly hate the cheery Fairy Dragons. Not much else is known about these elusive dragons.


Vahrkom Dragon

Color: Yellow, Red, Purple, Blue or Grey depending on personality

Symbol: Masks of Theater

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Good/Evil

Habitat: Gardens

Enemies: Depends on their mood

Blood: Grey

Common Trait: Color changes with personality

Created by Mykau

Vahrkom Dragons are the definition of multi-personality disorder. These dragons are seen to have five different personalities. As for what these personalities are vary between individuals. Some have been known to have good and evil personalities at the same time. These dragons are very unpredictable and a dangerous breed to approach when they are in a bad mood. They use their own abilities when fighting or create illusions, making their foes go mad.



Wasser Feuer Dragon

Color: Red and Ocean Blue

Symbol: Water/Fire yin yang

Diet: Ignivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Underwater Volcanoes

Enemies: Ice Dragons

Blood: Purple

Common Trait: Gills when underwater

Wasser Feuer Dragons (or Water-Fire) are a magical phenomenon. Much like Icy Fire Dragons exist, so do these two opposite elements. Due to being originally found in Germany, the dragon was named Water-Fire in German, the name Wasser Feuer. Dragons and non-dragons alike stuck with the name. Calling the breed a Water Fire Dragon was a bit on the nose. Wasser Feuer Dragons have water and fire for their breath elements.


Zen Dragon

Color: White and Orange

Symbol: Mindfulness Waterdrop

Diet: Granivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Temples

Enemies: Evildoers

Blood: Red

Common Trait: Facultative Quadruped

Zen Dragons are a disciplined breed and are better suited for living and solving problems in peace instead of fighting. They are, however, proficient in what would be considered hand-to-hand combat. Unlike all other dragon breeds, this is unique to them due to their Factultative Quadrupedal nature. This term has various names, but generally means the same thing. Zen Dragons mainly walk on four legs, but when it's needed, they are able to stand and move on their hind legs. Typically they only stand on their hind legs when they need to fight. Zen Dragons' spines are much more flexible to do this, but they also use magic to shift to this bipedal stance. As part of their namesake, Zen Dragons spend a lot of time meditating and studying the practice of zen. In Dragoso, zen is a special kind of magic that isn't considered normal. Zen uses specialized energy to give Zen Dragons power in their attacks, at times even using other elemental energy from other dragons. 

