Squama Studies

Care of Hornblowers

Teacher: Verik Shadowscale

Hornblowers are a very sensitive creature that require high maintenance and understanding of the species. This class teaches all that.

Fire Breathing

Teacher: Kaa Cloudspike

As fun as it can be to breathe fire, it can be quite dangerous as well. This class trains Squama how to preserve their ability and how to control it properly.

Ninja/Spy Training

Teacher: Vimira Ira'tal

Stealth can be a key ability to survive in the world. This class teaches Squama how to use stealth in many different scenarios.


Teacher: Bastio Vorek

Being similar to the ancient reptiles that once roamed Earth, Squama have a fascination for the subject, so a class was created to teach them about it.

Squama Biology

Teacher: Mirra Hiddenclaw

Teaches Squama about how their bodies function.

Squama History

Teacher: Gul'barad Barrok

Teaches students about how Squama have impacted history.