

Satyr-like beings that are much taller than humans. They have a love for natural things from nature itself to animals. They are native to Zarlathil, home of the Nature Class Dragons.

Marble Rukmar

Although given this name, these Rukmar have no stone or marble traits, instead they are given this name due to their close connection to the Palinku Dragons. They specialize in light-based magic and have knowledge to help against demons and other Underworld beings. These Rukmar have dull blue skin but their bodies are marked with gold and yellow on their backs, their arms, and near their hooves which are also gold.

Wild Rukmar

The more wild of the Rukmar subraces. They have green skin versus the usual blue and are skinnier and more agile, which allows them to leap across trees in their scouting and hunting missions. They are so in tune with their environment that they even use the foliage that surrounds them to accessorize.