
Key locations that can be found on the planet Arcaneia, home of Magic Class Dragons and the Tenkkoa.


Pronunciation: Are-can-e-uh

Order: 15

Dragon Class: Magic

Other Races Present: Tenkkoa

Weather: Clear

Temperatures: Low 70s-Mid 40s

Arcaneia is home to Magic Class Dragons. Arcaneia is a very unique planet, its sky almost always purple and its flora and fauna as magical as the planet itself. The Tenkkoa that live here care for Arcaneia's biggest attraction, trees that grow gems. Although to humans, pure precious gems are worth a lot of money, the same could go for Dragoso races, though the gems are used for magical purposes. A few specific magical things that the gems have been used for is giving a weapon elemental energy based on the gem color. Another use is for vampires to keep them from burning in the sun, Salem is one we have seen in TDS who has such an accessory to do this.

Arcaneia is on the darker side, so it's cooler, low 70s during the day and as cold as mid 40s at night. There is no actual weather on Arcaneia, though at times the magical energy can be seen on the planet when it's concentrated. Usually in purple sparks.

Krakkora City

The Tenkkoa City. The city is kept afloat through the use of arcane means. The city greatly adores the color purple for it’s rooftops but allocates rooftop color to correspond to different schools of magic. These colors help make buildings stand out during all sorts of weather. The city floats above the forests of Arcaneia and is primarily called home to Tenkkoa, Enchanted Dragons and Magic Dragons.

Vexis Village

The Tenkkoa Village. Vexis Village is built within the trees of one of Arcaneia's many forests. The huts are connected by bridges sitting near the canopy of the forest. Rope ladders are the only way anyone without the ability to fly can access the village, making it safe against any non-dragon or non-Tenkkoa trying to invade the village.

Frostfeather Village

The Snowy Tenkkoa Village. One of the many Tenkkoa villages within the forests of Arcaneia. While some Tenkkoa villages tend to stay in the trees, Frostfeather chooses to stay lower to the ground to show its reputation as being quite hospitable to travelers.

Rathroticlan Village

The Tropical Tenkkoa Village. Similar to the Aztec name it derives from, Rathroticlan Village’s buildings are thatched pueblo-style houses that sit along a coastline near the forest that Krakkora floats above. The most commonly practiced magic in the village is hydromancy due to its proximity to the sea.

Sandtalon Village

The Desert Tenkkoa Village. Sandtalon Village has the unfortunate honor of sitting deep within Dynus Dragon territory. Though it is only unfortunate to those who threaten the village as it is protected by numerous different clans of Dynus Dragons. The Sandtalon dwelling Tenkkoa have also studied the art of commanding sand through the use of arcane magic.

Scorchwing Village

The Pyro Tenkkoa Village. While the Pyro Tenkkoa work to enhance their pyromancy abilities, they are also farmers. Scorchwing is a known farm village that raises a variety of things from crops to livestock to even Arcaneia bees. Ruby gem trees are also very commonly grown in this village as well. Scorchwing also breeds high quality Hawcorons.


The Magic Axol Village. Spellhaven is located beside a lake and consists of many wizard towers and cottages. Many of the Axols that live in the village travel a lot to heal at villages that lack healers. The Arcaneia Astromantas live in the lake next to the village.

Pa’rivak Hold

An outpost run by the Dymaleons. Due to Arcaneia’s magical atmosphere, it is littered with a variety of magical insects. The Dymaleons work with the Tenkkoa to identify and research insect life. The Dymaleons also use the magical plants on Arcaneia to create various potions with unique effects when combined with their usual ingredients from Centiperon.

Temple of Melusina

The Arcaneia Temple. A temple that is surrounded by pure magic. Many who are close to it seem to have stronger magic due to its influence. The temple is a gift to the Magic Dragon Deity Melusina.