

Bird/Humans that excel in magic. Tenkkoa spend most of their time on Arcaneia, home of the Magic Class Dragons. They practice and perfect their magic in their spare time. When not doing that, they read about it and research.

Snowy Tenkkoa

These Tenkkoa are arctic dwellers that resemble snowy owls. Their feathers are thick and built for the colder climates that they enjoy. They are naturally gifted with the use of ice and snow magic and get along well with Frozen Class Dragons.

Tropical Tenkkoa

These Tenkkoa enjoy warm and humid climates much like the birds they resemble, macaws. Tropical Tenkkoa come in a variety of bright colors and equally are skilled in a variety of magic. This Tenkkoa variant also has strong connections with all the tropical birds that live around their homes.

Desert Tenkkoa

These Tenkkoa are built for the heat of the desert and survive like the birds they resemble, Bearded Vultures. Desert Tenkkoa do indeed scavenge like the vultures do and their size and appearance makes up for their inability to camouflage among the desert sand. These Tenkkoa also get along quite well with Desert Class Dragons and all Squama variants.

Pyro Tenkkoa

Pyromancer skilled Tenkkoa that look very similar to Earth's red Leghorn chickens. They spend years perfecting pyromancy and using an ancient technique of strengthening their magic with gems. While they don't embed the gems in their bodies, they will wear pendants with attuned rubies.