
Key locations that can be found on the planet Ixen, home of the Heat Class Dragons.


Pronunciation: Ikes-en

Order: 1

Dragon Class: Heat

Other Races Present: Goramoles

Weather: Ash

Temperatures: 150+ degrees F

Ixen is home to Heat Class Dragons. It has no vegetation and has many volcanoes and lava lakes which Heat Class Dragons have adapted to living in. The planet is covered in dirt and ash, ash also covers the atmosphere so seeing the sun is difficult but can still happen. The dwarves have a power plant on this planet that Nuclear Dragons have made as their home as well. A new discovery of a hidden race has proven some can withstand the heat of the planet. Goramoles thrive in the intense heat.

Ixen's volcanoes keep the planet hot 24/7 so there is no such thing as the "cold side" especially with the strength the atmosphere has. Temperatures are typically around 150 degrees, higher if a volcano is actively erupting. Ixen doesn't have weather unless one counts falling ash as a weather condition.

Notomaza City

Located at the base of Kaylano’s Maw. The city itself is kept above ground so visitors can easily gain access to the rest of the planet. There are tunnels underground as well for the Goramoles to navigate and anyone else willing to attempt the enclosed areas. At the center of the city is a lava lake. 

Kerome Village

A village found underground in an area close to a volcano. Goramoles thrive on the heat, so the village is close to one. Though not too close. The homes of the Goramoles are dug out from the ground as well as the tunnels they travel through. 

Magrora Village

Located very close to an underground lava river, Magrora is home to the Basalt Goramoles who need the hot and dry environment that the heat of lava gives them. The caves of their home were actually formed by the cooled lava itself, air pockets that occurred and cooled, leaving naturally formed caves. Though the Basalt Goramoles can easily dig into the hardened rock should they need to adjust their homes. 

Dumega Village

The Obsidian Goramole Village is located in the heart of a volcano. With their extremely high tolerance and ability to wade through hot magma, they thrive inside the volcano itself. Very few outsiders are ever able to withstand the heat of their village. 

Nikmoru Village

Found in the caves of an abandoned mine, the Pegma Goramole village has the mildest temperatures due to having the lowest heat tolerance. Plus the best gems are found inside of the mine at times when they go looking. 

Flameheart Village

Village of the Heat Axols. This village acts as a mining village. Axols, Goramoles, and Crag Dwarves all work in the mines to help harvest and distribute the resources that are only found on Ixen. The Astromantas bred here have adapted to the heat and the lack of water. They’re kept in an enclosed stable to keep them safe from potential predators.

Shardstone Hold

This outpost is run by Crag Dwarves who set up the hold and Valmora Plant to harness the resources and thermal energy of Ixen, being able to withstand the heat. The buildings of Shardstone Hold are crafted using the hardened form of lava. This allows for extra protection in case of an attack. 

Valmora Plant

The Ixen Power Plant used to harness the resources and thermal energy of Ixen to assist in Crag Dwarf mining efforts. The plant also acts as an outpost for the Dwarves with buildings made of hardened lava which adds extra protection in case of any sort of attack.

Gral'stagg Forge

An outpost run by Molten Orcs. Not only are they capable of trudging over still cooling lava, but they also use this outpost as a home base for any rock mining efforts they have. The rocks found on Ixen are very unique and useful for other races to use as well. A lot of their stock is sent to Teresj for analysis before being used elsewhere.

Sunfeather Hold

A research outpost run by Pyro Tenkkoa. The effects of volcanic energy and heat on pyromancy intrigue the Tenkkoa. The Pyro Tenkkoa were sent to gather more data due to their proficiency in pyromancy and resistance to heat. 

Kaylano's Maw

The largest volcano on the planet that houses the Temple of Kaylano. Kaylano’s Maw rains its ash and gives off the most heat for the planet. 

Temple of Kaylano

The Ixen Temple. A temple hidden inside Kaylano’s Maw. The temple is a gift to the Fire Dragon God Kaylano.