Insect Class

Insect Class Dragons are dragons that are similar to the various insects and arachnids that exist on Earth. Centiperon, their planet, is very similar to Albimelo, though much warmer and has higher humidity suited for various insects and arachnids.

Arachnid Dragon

Color: Black, Red, White, and Gold

Symbol: Spider

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Caves and Wooded areas

Enemies: Dynus Dragons

Blood: Luminescent Green

Common Trait: Eight eyes, hair fibers, hooks to assist with climbing

Much like their namesake, Arachnid Dragons just want to live their lives surviving and raising their babies. They stalk their prey when hunting and usually use ambush tactics along with their silk breath element to capture prey. Unlike spiders, they do not consume the insides of their kill, they eat it like any other dragon would. Their eight eyes help them see better and the hair fibers they have act like the urticating hairs tarantulas have. While they have their normal claws, they also have hooks on their feet to help them climb on virtually any surface that spiders can climb on. Textured walls and ceilings mostly, glass tends to break under their weight and slippery surfaces have no traction to allow them to grip. They do not possess any other magic.



Dynus Dragon

Color: Tan and Black

Symbol: Scorpion

Diet: Omnivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Deserts

Enemies: Anubis Dragons

Blood: Brown

Common Trait: Stinger Tail

Dynus Dragons are named after Emperor Scorpions. Due to their large size, color, and their stinger. While Dynus Dragons are a neutral breed, a few were actually happy to help in research when they were discovered. While they are big dragons and some breeds have a high venom content, Dynus Dragons were also named after Emperor Scorpions due to their mild venom. Dynus Dragon venom can affect dragons, though it's comparable like a human receiving a bee sting. Their venom does paralyze smaller creatures and being opportunistic feeders, they will hunt and eat a human if they are hungry enough. Also like scorpions, they glow under a black light. Dynus Dragons do not have a breath element or other magic.



Insect Dragon

Color: Lime Green

Symbol: Beetle

Diet: Herbivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Forests

Enemies: Fire Dragons

Blood: Green

Common Trait: Beetle Wings

Insect Dragons are very skittish, much like their namesake. Insect Dragons are compared to beetles due to their wings and markings. The beetle they are compared to the most are actually scarabs, holy beetles in ancient Egypt. These dragons prefer solitude and fly at any sign of danger, which is seen as anything new and unknown. They don't have a breath element, but they are known for secreting a foul odor from their scales when frightened.


Mantid Dragon

Color: Green and Pale Pink

Symbol: Mantis

Diet: Insectivore / Carnivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Forests

Enemies: Insect Dragons

Blood: White

Common Trait: Grasping Spines on legs

Named after the family Praying Mantises are in, the Mantid Dragon is very much like these insects. They're ambush predators that feed on insects of all kinds and even hunt birds. They are also known to sit perfectly still and sway sometimes exactly like their namesake. While they are dragons and can usually just bite their prey, they have grasping spines like mantises to grab onto their prey before eating it. Unlike mantises however, females will not kill their mates after breeding. The males, however, have been seen not really caring too much for their fledglings, the females are good mothers though. The Mantid Dragon does not have a breath element and they can use other magic, primarily to camouflage themselves to hide from predators.

