
Dragoso Wristband are on sale now! Check them out here!

Spacer Changes

Sites added Spacers to their tools. So instead of the divider I had been using before, spacers using the same background as the text boxes will be in place now.

Pyro Tenkkoa

A new subrace of the Tenkkoa, pyromancer skilled Tenkkoas that look like chickens.

Voutneth Reptiles

A new reptile has been added to the Voutneth Reptiles page. Check it out!

New Faction

Dragoso now has ambassadors to be representatives for the various races, subraces, and the dragon classes. Art to come of them at some point!


Insect and Faunice Deities

Morexia the Insect Class Deity and Valk'ag the Faunice Class Deity have been added to the faction.


Book Updates

Book 5 has been updated

Book 6 Posted

Chapters 1 and 2 of book 6 have been posted finally. Enjoy!


New Classes!

Battle Class

I've been working on a pretty big project related to Dragoso and noticed while I was working through the Mystery Class Dragons that I had quite a few dragons that are proficient in weapons. So say hello to the Battle Class.

The Battle Class Dragons live on the planet Dynastayria and share it with Squama, Dwarves, and Orcs. Seven dragon breeds have joined the Battle Class.

Enjigaku, Ken, Templar, Warsong, Elite, Sissan, and Spartan.

Insect Class

The Insect Dragons, Mantid Dragons, Arachnid Dragons, and Dynus Dragons are now part of the Insect Class (Insects and Arachnids welcome) They don't have their own planet, but they don't need it since the planets of Dragoso and Earth have suitable habitats for them already.

Faunice Class

Thanks to my wonderful aunt, she inspired a whole new slew of dragons thanks to one word. "Extinct." Various extinct animals have been taken and turned into dragons. Faunice Class Dragons live on the planet Meglacia, an Ice Age like planet terraformed by ancient races to keep the planet the proper conditions to keep the extinct animals and dragons alive. See the New Dragons section below for the new Faunice Class Dragons.


The Feather Dragons, Paradise Dragons, and Serpentine Dragons are now Beast Class Dragons instead of Nature Class. Beast Class is a classification for all animal like dragons, not just large mammals that us humans consider beasts.

After some debate and looking into them, I've decided to reclassify the Heal Dragons from Nature Class to Magic Class.

Grammar Changes

While working on the project I mentioned, I found a lot of grammar errors, so adjustments have been made. I type too fast sometimes and writers are blind to their mistakes. Luckily Google Docs sees them for me!

Planet Changes

Due to some new development of outposts on the planets that don't serve as home worlds for any of the other races, I'm updating what races are on each planet.

New Sub Race

The goblins have a new sub-race! Say hello to the electricity immune Spark Goblins! Read more about them in the Allies page under Races.

Goldtouch Marauders Changes

Thanks to some new research I did, the Goldtouch Marauders crew has been revamped. New members have been added and role names have been changed. 

Nuclear Fusion Dragon Changes!

I wasn't happy with the original information on the Nuclear Fusion Dragon so with some help from Mykau, it has been reworked! Now their name and information makes much better sense than what it had originally.

Page Deletion

The Non-Dragon Academy Students page has been deleted.

Race Name Change!

The Saurok was an original name from World of Warcraft for those who didn't know. I didn't find out until recently, so say hello to their new name, the Squama! The name comes from the order Squamata which is what scaled reptiles are listed under. If anyone finds the old name written anywhere, apologies, I tried to find every mention of the old name throughout the website and could possibly have missed a few.

Ancient Races

Thirteen new races have been added to Dragoso's history, and more history development has been added thanks to these Ancient Races! Their page can be found under Allies.

Notable Locations Update

Ixen, Albimelo, Abeco, Immensum, Toirneach, Sorus, and Astronomia have new additions to their locations. Dynasteria, Sakit, and Meglacia have been added to the Notable Locations page as well.

New Dragons!

Twenty new dragons have joined Dragoso!

Gypsmatic Dragon: A Mystery Class Dragon that is always traveling

Ore Dragon: A Boulder Class Dragon who's scales change color based on the minerals they eat

Oil Dragon: A Heat Class Dragon that sticks close to oil

Norse Dragon: A Battle Class Dragon based around Vikings

Nitro Dragon: A Heat Class Dragon with a very dangerous habit of exploding their enemies

Passion Dragon: A Magic Class Dragon that is a less deadly version of the Toxic Valentine Dragons

Carrion Dragon: A Beast Class Dragon that is another addition to nature's cleanup crew

Swamp Dragon: A Nature Class Dragon very similar to crocodiles and alligators

Pilocro Dragon: A Beast Class Dragon similar to hyenas

Rocky Dragon: A Boulder Class Dragon that lives on the mountains skillfully

Megalo Dragon: A Faunice Dragon mixed with the Megalodon

Pleness Dragon: A Faunice Dragon mixed with Plesiosaur and the Loch Ness Monster

Tusk Dragon: A Faunice Dragon mixed with the Mammoth

Saber Dragon: A Faunice Dragon mixed with the Smilodon aka the Sabertooth

Boaphis Dragon: A Faunice Dragon mixed with the Titanoboa and Gigantophis

Arcmus Dragon: A Faunice Dragon mixed with the Arctodus aka the North American short-faced bear

Drepan Dragon: A Faunice Dragon mixed with the Drepanosaurus

Bufo Dragon: A Faunice Dragon mixed with the Beelzebufo

Ceros Dragon: A Faunice Dragon mixed with the Megaloceros

Icthy Dragon: A Faunice Dragon mixed with the Ichthyosaurus

Bestiary Update Coming

Last thing I need to do, but it's taking way more time to get this section done than I want it to and I don't want to put off this update any longer. So in the meantime the Bestiary will be hidden until it's complete.