
Key locations that can be found on the planet Xarzith, home to the Frozen Class Dragons.


Pronunciation: Zar-zith

Order: 24

Dragon Class: Frozen

Other Races Present: Anakulu

Weather: Blizzards

Temperatures: -60 degrees F

Xarzith is home to Frozen Class Dragons. If a creature not built for extreme cold comes to Xarzith, it would be a death sentence. Between the constant blizzards, poor visibility, cold, and wind chill, only Frozen Class Dragons, Anakulu, Polar Nagas, ice beasts, and white griffins can withstand this climate. Xarzith has no vegetation, but has a number of mountains with cave systems that are warmer than the outside elements. Much of the fauna takes up shelter and makes dens inside of these complex cave systems. Everything has adapted to carnivorous diets, but a few creatures, like griffins for example, are shown to have been built to eat more than just meat.

Xarzith has never ending snow with frequent blizzards. The planet is always -60 degrees.

Shaerdumu City

The capital city of the Anakulu. This is the biggest trading location for the Anakulu and anyone who is willing to brave the cold of Xarzith. Thanks to magic, Shaerdumu is relatively protected from blizzards and is a little warmer than the rest of the planet.

Kyanum Village

One of the first Anakulu Villages ever founded. This one is located closest to Shaerdumu City and is a big provider of the city’s resources. Between food, pelts, and other materials. The Anakulu here are fierce warriors, serving as front lines for protecting the city.

Zurilis Village

Alongside the population of Anakulu, this village also serves as a griffin sanctuary and nesting grounds for the native White Griffins. Then Anakulu are diligent in defending the grounds from predators and anyone looking to steal griffin eggs.

Skalri Farms 

This massive farm helps conserve and breed the many creatures that live on the planet. The efforts keep the populations steady and even add to the diets of the carnivores in the wilds. 

Kiume Village

Home to the male Anakulu known as Pannikulu. Each individual living in Kiume Village has proven their strength and continue to grow among the others. The village is fortified greatly to help in defending against large predators and pillagers.

Shiverdale Village

The Frozen Axol Village. The Axols make use of a flat area with walls of ice that had been built up magically from a battle in the past. Some say the Cryomancer Atrice created the walls, so the Axols have a large amount of respect for Atrice. Within the walls, the Axols live inside of igloos they built themselves designed to keep the wind off them. The Astromantas of Xarzith are kept inside a very large igloo built specifically for them to keep them safe.

Mt. Glassglaive

An outpost built within a mountain to act as a safe haven for weary travelers brave enough to venture out into the cold. It is also home to a renowned Cryomancer Ice Dragon named Atrice who guards the mountain and its outpost from a cave near the peak.

Frosthammer Hold

A mining outpost run by the Dwarves. With the vast possibility of rich resources on Xarzith, the Dwarves were given permission by the Anakulu to set up an outpost to mine in the mountains.

Whitescale Keep

A security outpost run by the Polar Nagas. While the Anakulu are very capable, sometimes they need a little extra help, which the Polar Nagas are happy to offer. In return they usually get paid in food which they are happy to have.

Snowfeather Outpost

A research outpost run by the Snowy Tenkkoa. The Snowy Tenkkoa research what little flora and the vast amount of Fauna on Xarzith to learn about how they all have adapted to the severe cold and punishing blizzards.

Temple of Sinsaso

The Xarzith Temple. A temple surrounded by an everlasting blizzard. Only those strong enough to get through the blizzard are worthy of entering the temple. The temple is a gift to the Ice Dragon God Sinsaso.