
Key locations that can be found on the planet Toirneach, home to Electric Class Dragons.


Pronunciation: Tore-knee-ch

Order: 16

Dragon Class: Electric

Other Races Present: Shocktaurs

Weather: Lightning Storms

Temperatures: 65 Degrees F

Toirneach is home to Electric Class Dragons. The majority of Toirneach's geography is plains with hardly any vegetation due to how aggressive the weather is. Electric Class Dragons live for the lightning storms so they are hardly bothered by them. Toirneach is known for being the location for the black market due to how dangerous the planet is. Luckily, magic protects those that can reach the location.

Toirneach has hot flashes due to the lightning, but typically it's a steady 65 degrees. As mentioned, there are constant lightning storms that never stop. Usually natural but at times the dragons shoot bolts as well from above the clouds, they can't see if they unintentionally hit someone.

Kol’rakar City

The Shocktaur City. This city is built with ease of living in mind. Roads are coated in material that is easy to grip with hooves, roofs are extremely high to compensate for their large size. Doorways are large and tall as well. There are multiple resting locations for when a Shocktaur needs to rest after a long day of travel or shopping. They even have various water stations to stay hydrated. While this is all beneficial for Shocktaurs, outsiders are more than welcome to use the accommodations as well. They may be a cautious race, but they are welcoming into their city and help weary travelers.

Ohn’kora Village

The Shocktaur Village. The buildings are designed in a circular fashion for the houses and tents with the village chief’s home being a large tower with ramps instead of stairs. Some of the larger houses have lightning rods to collect electricity from the frequent thunderstorms that they use for various needs. Since farms are hardly required, this village is more suited for warrior-clans to live and thrive.

Stoutplains Village

The Rapid Shocktaur Village. A village hidden within a valley to keep to their reclusive nature. The village is built near Ohn'kora as the fleetful inhabitants rely heavily on standard Shocktaurs. Even mimicking their building style as to appear as part of Ohn'kora.

Naman’dal Village

The Raivolt Shocktaur Village. Due to their very large size and defensive nature, the Raivolt Shocktaurs live within a bastille. The walls are extremely tall to conceal the mass that is the Shocktaurs with ramps coated in an easy to traverse material to get up to the walls and the many lookout towers built along the walls. Naman’dal acts heavily as a line of defense for Kol’rakar City, thus this village is the closest one to the city. Alongside the walls and towers, the inside of the village consists of mostly camps and tents with a central building for the lead Shocktaur. They also have managed to grow some crops and raise some livestock. Naman’dal is almost self-sufficient thanks to the Raivolt Shocktaur efforts.

Thundercall Village

The Electric Axol Village. This village is located beside a mountain in close proximity to an electrically charged cave. Among the buildings are also various lightning towers that absorb lightning that is used to power the village.

Carvesto’s Wing Hold

This outpost is signified by the statue of Carvesto in the center of it and is run by Spark Goblins as well as Electric Class dragons. Spark Goblins benefit from the vast amount of lightning present on the planet, making it ideal for them to set up an outpost. The hold also serves as a manufacturing station for Spark Goblin cybernetics.

Stormbringer Outpost

This outpost is a giant generator with large lightning rods. Shocktaurs and Spark Goblins run this facility while Electric Class Dragons guard it. The outpost powers other locations all throughout the planet.

Stormherald Outpost

A vital outpost for the other outposts around Toirneach as it tracks lightning storms across the planet to use for power or as protection when traveling. 

Toirneach Market

The Toirneach Black Market Trading Post. A black market protected by a barrier to keep its shopkeepers and patrons safe from the ever constant lightning storm. Only magic users and Electric Class dragons are able to access the market. While called a black market, with no other races present on Toirneach, hence no law enforcement, the market is safe from ever being torn down. It does have its own security to make sure no fights break out and its shopkeepers are kept safe.

Temple of Carvesto

The Toirneach Temple. A temple that is always conducting electricity and being struck by lightning. The temple is a gift to the Thunder Dragon God Carvesto.