Great Demons of the Underworld

These demons are the spawn of Rakasa, created for the sole purpose of causing the pain and suffering in the Underworld. They choose to enjoy the torture of the damned, but some like to play with the living.


The Lord of Hatred 

Influences his victims to hate one another, causing pacts and battles that he influences without hesitation.


The Lord of Terror

Just likes to scare his victims, it's no fun when they aren't scared or die from the tricks the others play.


The Lord of Destruction 

Loves to anger his victims and make them cause all sorts of destruction around them. He loves seeing buildings turned to rubble, forests flattened, you get the picture.


The Maiden of Anguish

Makes her victims feel all the guilt, regret, and self-loathing that could ever possibly be felt. She enjoys seeing the pain that is cause physically and emotionally. Her victims typically fall under her brother, Ellereth, after enough time has passed.


The Lord of Pain 

A pure sadist. He loves to cause slow and agonizing pain to his victims.


The Lord of Lies

Is known for his tricks and lies. Loves to lay traps for his victims to fall into.


The Lord of Sin

Uses Lust's personality as major influence to his torture. He fools his victims into following a figure of their desires through a labyrinth, unable to reach the one they desire the most, driving them mad.


The Lord of Torment 

The oldest of the eight so to speak. He watches over everyone's work and enjoys seeing their victims in so much pain and misery.