
Key locations that can be found on the planet Teresj, home of Boulder Class Dragons and Orcs.


Pronunciation: Ter-es

Order: 2

Dragon Class: Boulder

Other Races Present: Orcs

Weather: Rainy season

Temperatures: 50-120 degrees F

Teresj is home to Boulder Class Dragons. Teresj is described as a savanna setting with a vast amount of underground caves that hold underground water. Orcs reside on this planet, liking the hot dry air of the planet and the abundance of good rock which they share with other races, dwarves especially.

Teresj is typically around 120 degrees during the day and gets down to a cool 50 degrees at night. Few trees have managed to grow on the planet which Orcs are careful about using for kindling, preferring to use the stalky wheat plants that are similar to spinifex in Australia. Teresj has a rainy season that hits for two months in spring but otherwise they get almost no weather.

Mor’garath City

The Orc City. The crudely designed city of Mor’garath is a testament to the ingenuity of orcish construction. The mishmashed combination of wood and steel deceive those who look upon the buildings of the sprawling city, split into various valleys. The sturdy houses and even the forts show the strength of orcs.

Kil’rath Village

The Orc Village. A small farming village south of Mor’garath. Some orcs in this village have taken in Meteor Dragons as fellow villagers due to the location of the village being near the opening of a vast canyon that leads to Mor’garath.

Fade Rock Village

The Cavern Orc Village. The Cavern Orc village of Fade Rock rests well within Cavern Dragon territory, but cavern orc miners have said that some of the Cavern Dragons seen near the village are only aggressive if aggravated. It is uncertain if the two see each other as equals or if Cavern Dragons are simply ignoring the village for now.

Cragfall Village

The Molten Orc Village. Utilizing the land around lava pools that are a rare sight on Teresj, Cragfall Village’s Molten Orcs take advantage of their volcanic lands for their forges and to help shape steel for land development. The residents’ increased resistance to the heat helps to maintain the entirely steel-made village, deeming anything wooden to be too fragile for them.

Smoothstone Village

The Boulder Axol Village. While it’s called a village, this home for the Boulder Axols is actually a vast cave system with many winding tunnels and dead ends. Essentially the caves protect the Boulder Axols from intruders and predators. The Astromantas bred in this village are kept in an underground lake.

Ad Martis Forge

An outpost run by the Battoise. This outpost surrounds a massive forge that works almost like a primitive factory in which Battoise forge their weapons with. Most, if not all, Battoise adults work as blacksmiths for the large forge. Not only do they forge weaponry, they sell it as well. 

Piradot Outpost

A mining outpost run by Pegma Goramoles. The buildings are adorned with the gems that they find in their spelunking endeavors. With the focus being on mining, Pegma Goramoles looking for work either choose between jewelers, blacksmiths or returning to the mines. 

Vryzoz Hold

A small trading outpost ran by Marble Rukmar and is believed to be a Palinku Dragon sanctuary due to the normally shy dragon breed being seen as curious and quite friendly when around the outpost. The Marble Rukmar are usually called to quarries when any Paliku Dragons get defensive over their feeding grounds, being calmed and gentled before being brought to the outpost so the Orcs can harvest marble. Alongside this, they also identify the trees on Teresj and sell and trade game meat. 

Slis'ras Outpost

An outpost run by the Squama hidden in a tunnel system. This outpost is much more secretive compared to the other outposts on Teresj. The Squama here offer any stealth based services to anyone who needs something stolen quietly. They also sell glass made from the sands of Kanetsu. They're very wary of anyone who manages to find their outpost, but if proven to be a paying customer of their services, they'll allow guests in.

Sulion Hold

A trading outpost run by the Nycteri. Being a nocturnal race, the Nycteri of Sulion Hold set up in a cave, but are a little more public about the location of their outpost just by the fruit orchards set up outside their cave. Nycteri sell fruit and fruit seeds that thrive in Teresj's climate and they also sell fruit pies.

Temple of Gradroso

The Teresj Temple. A temple built underground to honor the way of the Earth Dragons. The temple is a gift to the Earth Dragon God Gradroso.