
Faunice Class Dragons are dragons that were created in combination with prehistoric creatures taken from Earth and preserved on their own planet, Meglacia.

Arcmus Dragon

Color: Gray and Light Orange

Symbol: Arctodus Head

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Forests

Enemies: Saber Dragons

Blood: Dark Orange

Common Trait: Short snout, fur

Arcmus Dragons, while large and ferocious looking, are actually rather docile. As long as they’re left alone, they won’t bother with anything. Even if just nudged by something, they’ll usually just stand up and move out of the way. They are well aware of their large teeth and claws and the damage they can do, but won’t use them unless threatened. They are very protective of their babies, but even then won’t attack unless the mother or the fledglings are threatened. They have no breath element and no magic.



Boaphis Dragon

Color: Dark Green and Purple

Symbol: Titanoboa and Gigantophis Heads

Diet: Piscivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Swamps

Enemies: None

Blood: Dark Purple

Common Trait: Slender body

A solitary living breed, Boaphis Dragons lurk in swamps looking for their next meals, basking in the sun, and preferring to be left alone. Like snakes, Boaphis Dragons are ambush hunters, striking their prey to invenomate them before following the trail until their prey dies from the venom. They also use it for defense should anything think of picking a fight with them. They have no magic and can spit their venom if needed.



Bufo Dragon

Color: Yellow and Medium Brown

Symbol: Beelzebufo Head

Diet: Insectivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Swamps

Enemies: Arcmus Dragons

Blood: Tan

Common Trait: No scales, sticky tongue

Bufo Dragons are a rather reclusive breed. They spend a lot of time beside water when not hunting. Their hunting strategy involves burying themselves in the dirt and wait for their prey to walk by before they ambush them and eat. They have no scales so they need to be careful when dealing with predators else they end up with a lot of damage to their bodies. Their tongues are covered in a sticky fluid that makes catching their prey easier. They have no magic and no breath element.



Ceros Dragon

Color: Cream and White

Symbol: Megaloceros Head

Diet: Herbivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Plains and Forests

Enemies: Saber Dragons and Arcmus Dragons

Blood: Tan

Common Trait: Antlers similar to Blacktail Deer

Ceros Dragons are skittishly cautious and flee at the first sign of danger. They live in groups to keep each other safe from Saber Dragons and Arcmus Dragons. Their antlers are very much like deer antlers. They shed the antlers yearly and regrow them, the larger the antlers, the better chances a male has at getting a mate. Ceros Dragons will use them to fight off predators and battle with each other. Within the group, they don’t want to hurt each other, so they stick with using just their antlers. Aside from this they have no magic and no breath element.



Drepan Dragon

Color: Green and Cyan

Symbol: Drepanosaurus Head

Diet: Insectivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Trees

Enemies: Boaphis Dragons

Blood: Teal

Common Trait: Prehensile tail, forward facing horns, nose spike, long sticky tongue

A purely arboreal dragon breed, Drepan Dragons spend almost their entire lives in trees, using their tails to hold onto branches and their long sticky tongues to catch insects. They use their horns when protecting their territories and fighting for mates. Drepan Dragons never lay eggs, much like chameleons, they give birth to live young. Unlike chameleons, however, they will do their best to keep the newborns from falling from the tree, going so far as to cradle them in their tails to allow the newborns to gain their composure and grab onto the tree. Drepan Dragons are wonderful mothers and will die to protect their babies. They don’t have a breath element and don’t have magic.



Hyna Dragon

Color: Blue Gray and Light Tan

Symbol: Hyneria Head

Diet: Piscivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Lakes and Rivers

Enemies: None

Blood: Brown

Common Trait: Sensory canals on snout and ages slower

Hyna Dragons are deadly hunters. They stalk the water using the canals on their mouths to sense their prey before ambushing them and eating. They're otherwise rather docile when not on the hunt for food. They have no magic and use water for their breath element.



Icthy Dragon

Color: Cornflower Blue and Midnight Blue

Symbol: Ichthyosaurus Head

Diet: Piscivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Oceans

Enemies: Megalo Dragons and Pleness Dragons

Blood: Light Blue

Common Trait: Finned Tail, Thin Snout

Icthy Dragons are a very playful and curious breed. While they will flee at any sign of danger, they will investigate anything new, trying to figure out what the new thing is. They’ll poke and prod at it as well and even play with it if it proves to be a fun toy. They’re very much like a mixture of cats and dolphins. They have water for their breath element and cannot use magic.



Megalo Dragon

Color: Dark Orange and Light Brown

Symbol: Megalodon Head

Diet: Piscivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Oceans and Islands

Enemies: Pleness Dragons

Blood: Tan

Common Trait: Doubles in size in water, gills

Megalo Dragons were the first recorded Faunice Class Dragons when Megalica was discovered. Megalo Dragons enjoy basking on beaches and overall not bothering anyone as long as they aren’t hunting or being provoked. When in water, they double in size and can swim very quickly. Their feeding strategy involves thrashing around in the water and making quite a mess with their prey. Like most Faunice Class Dragons, they have no breath element and no means of magic.



Pleness Dragon

Color: Pink and Green

Symbol: Plesiosaur Head

Diet: Piscivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Oceans

Enemies: Megalo Dragons

Blood: Purple

Common Trait: Flippers

Pleness Dragons are built for a strictly aquatic lifestyle. They have flippers instead of legs, while this allows them to somewhat walk on land, they are better suited for water. This is a skittish breed that uses its fog breath element to hide itself when needed and doesn’t have any other means of magic.



Saber Dragon

Color: White and Brown

Symbol: Smilodon Head

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Caves

Enemies: Arcmus Dragons

Blood: Light Brown

Common Trait: Large canines protruding from mouth, short stubby tail

Saber Dragons live in groups with a male protecting the members while the females protect the territory and do the hunting for the group. Saber Dragons are very territorial and don’t appreciate any other Saber Dragons outside the clan wandering into their territory and won’t hesitate to attack and kill them. They fear Arcmus Dragons and do their best to avoid them when alone but will work together if the entire clan is present and one wanders into their territory. Saber Dragons have no magic and no breath element.



Tusk Dragon

Color: Medium Brown and Cream

Symbol: Mammoth Head

Diet: Herbivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Plains

Enemies: Saber Dragons and Smilodons

Blood: Tan

Common Trait: Long, curved tusks

Tusk Dragons are large, slow moving dragons that use their strength and their tusks to defend themselves. They use their body weight when fighting and travel in family groups. They are fiercely protective of their fledglings and will give their lives just to keep their babies alive, seeing as the entire clan will work together to raise fledglings. They have no magic and no breath element.

