
Key locations that can be found on the planet Centiperon, home of the Insect Class Dragons and the Dymaleons.


Pronunciation: Sen-tee-pear-on

Order: 4

Dragon Class: Insect

Other Races Present: Dymaleon

Weather: Rain

Temperatures: 90s-70s degrees F

Centiperon is home to the Insect Class Dragons. The planet is said to be a warmer, much more humid version of Albimelo, which is home to Beast Class Dragons. Insects of all kinds thrive in a much more humid environment so this planet is perfect for them. Centiperon also has a desert which suits other insects that prefer a hotter and drier climate.

Temperatures can get up to 90 degrees and about as low as the 70s. Even at night it's still pretty warm. There is occasional rainfall as well to keep the forests and plains hydrated and lakes filled with water.

Ga'zilox Hive

The Dymaleon City. The city is built very similarly to a hive. A dome shaped structure with various roads and chambers that serve as homes and shops for the Dymaleons. The dome itself is strong and durable, it can withstand a variety of attacks. Anything built inside the hive is made with the Dymaleons in mind, especially ease of climbing structures. Dymaleons need to be able to move through their city easily in case there is a threat.

Zeneb'nalar Village

The Dymaleon Village. On the outside the village is described as looking like a termite mound on Earth. On the inside, however, various chambers and tunnels make up the structure of the village. Dymaleons live and work in the chambers and use the tunnels for travel. The guards of the village patrol around the outside of the village along the mounds of tough material that keeps the interior safe. 

Kra’zikal Village

The Insect Axol village. This village consists of various large tree houses surrounding a lake that houses the Astromantas of Centiperon. Using the height of the trees keeps the houses safe from flooding when the rains are especially heavy. Not all the trees are used for housing due to them being overgrown. At night, the lake and surrounding area is littered with fireflies.

Dawnsorrow Keep

A sanctuary run by the Elves. They treat Dymaleons and residents of other outposts anytime someone needs healing. The wood they sell is harvested and sold for various construction and repair projects. They take care to plant a tree for every one they cut down. 

Mordorok Hold

A trading outpost run by Rukmar. The Rukmar use their hunting skills to take down any problem insects that cause issues for the Dymaleons and in turn they sell the meat. Alongside this, they also capture and tame smaller insects that can become companions for anyone interested in them. 

Zodaar Post

A small outpost run by Wild Rukmar. Zodaar Post acts very much like a resting point for anyone traveling who just needs a bed and warm meal instead of the wilderness for a night. They also sell naturally created accessories for anyone looking to accessorize with plants.

Camp Triz’Zumon

Camp Tri'Zumon is an alchemist's dream. Trolls tend to gardens as they provide elixirs and potions to all who approach and swapping alchemical recipes with each other. Some of the Trolls even serve as providers of medicine to those who need it, acting as surrogate doctors for the sick. 

Nightweeper Hold

An outpost run by the Undead. Thanks to the unique plants and resources found on Centiperon, the Undead are able to make medications that can cure illnesses the plants on Whedabra are unable to do. 

Wild Dream Post

A trading outpost run by the Tigressa. While they usually focus on gathering efforts in their outposts, Wild Dream does a lot of hunting efforts as well, providing others with specialty bows made for the wildlife on Centiperon. 

Temple of Morexia

A temple covered in webbing and surrounded by trees. Insects are naturally attracted to this location. The temple is a gift to the Mantid Dragon Deity Morexia.