Night Class

Dragons of the night class prefer the dark. They aren't like the space class however. Yamikage is perfect for these dragons. They have long nights and short days which works for them.

Dusk Dragon

Color: Purple and Dark Purple

Symbol: Bats

Diet: Frugivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Warmer Climates

Enemies: Swamp Dragons

Blood: Light Purple

Common Trait: Opalescent Scales

Dusk Dragons are a rather reclusive breed, only coming out at night. During the day they hide somewhere dark and sleep until night falls when they emerge and search for food or sometimes mates. They are very unique in some of their behaviors, like sleeping upside down, hanging by their tails. They also use their sound wave breath element to help them see in the dark, even though they’re made for night dwelling. It definitely helps them with quick landings from the air if they need to crash land for anything. They also are able to use magic to defend themselves if need be. 



Hollow Dragon

Color: Dark Green and Orange

Symbol: Pumpkins

Diet: Herbivore / Industrivore

Side: Good/Evil

Habitat: Haunted Places

Enemies: Dragon Hunters

Blood: Yellow

Common Trait: Eyes glow like a candlelight, permanent grin like a jack-o-lantern

Hollow Dragons are rumored to be haunted pumpkins that dragon spirits possessed and made into what they are today. Many dragons fear it due to the rumors, others respect the dragons' privacy and leave them be. It is unknown what truly created these dragons to be the way they are. Hollow Dragons don't have a breath element usually, some have been reported to breathe fire at times.


Midnight Dragon

Color: Midnight Blue

Symbol: Blue Yin, Black Yang

Diet: Omnivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Dark Caves

Enemies: Periwinkle Dragons

Blood: Blue

Common Trait: Feminine appearance regardless of gender or race

Midnight Dragons are a pretty unique phenomenon. Regardless of their gender, they always take on a feminine appearance, even males. Non-dragon forms take on a slimmer build, longer eyelashes, fuller lips, and more curves than typical male bodies. Dragon forms even have a much more feminine appearance than a standard dragon. They’re thinner and have wider hips than most dragons. On top of their appearance, their behavior is quite feminine as well. Midnight Dragons tend to take on caregiving tasks and careers instead of physically demanding tasks. They usually are the ones tending sick and wounded, cooking, gathering, and watching children. They are also observed as being exceptional parents. They tend eggs diligently and are very attentive to very young children, regardless of their race or dragon breed. While they are not outwardly aggressive, they are able to use magic and have darkness for their breath element should they need to defend themselves or young ones. 



Mind Dragon

Color: Purple and Black

Symbol: Brain with Dragon Head Outline 

Diet: Piscivore

Side: Neutral

Habitat: Unknown

Enemies: Flower Dragons

Blood: Royal Purple

Common Trait: Bigger Wingspan

Mind Dragons are another form of telepathic dragon. They are known to use their powers to attack the enemy's mind, unlike Flower Dragons. Mind Dragons are a lot more aggressive with their power and have no shame in invading minds.


Monomatic Dragon

Color: White, Grey, and Black

Symbol: Monochrome Rainbow

Diet: Omnivore

Side: Good/Evil

Habitat: Anywhere

Enemies: Rainbow Dragons

Blood: Rainbow

Common Trait: Fan like tail that reflects a rainbow of color

Seen as a monochromatic Rainbow Dragon, the Monomatic Dragon lives just about anywhere, has a variety of breath elements, and eats anything it can find. Unlike the Rainbow Dragons, however, they are very self centered and rely on themselves. Monomatic Dragons have a rather unusual feature with their breath elements, having almost no color to them, just a grey scale to each breath element. The only color to them is their blood and their tails. The entirety of their tail is a fan, instead of the muscle built reptile tail almost all dragons have. It opens up and reflects a pastel rainbow that they use to distract enemies or woo mates. They have no other magical ability, relying on their breath elements and distracting tail.



Nightmare Dragon

Color: Black and Yellow

Symbol: Stitches

Diet: Metusvore

Side: Evil

Habitat: Haunted Places

Enemies: Hollow Dragons and Nega Dragons

Blood: Orange

Common Trait: Faux scars, wounds, and stitches across whole body

Nightmare Dragons are a very bizarre dragon that many try to avoid as much as possible, even more than the Hollow Dragon. The Nightmare Dragon is said to be a lot like a scarecrow, but it will actively seek victims. They have a gas breath that makes their targets see their worst nightmares and the dragon feeds off the fear. The scars, wounds, and stitches on its body are all fake, a cosmetic effect to their scales to appear even more like a scarecrow. While their gas breath can induce hallucinations, they also have other magic that can promote victims to see things.



Purple Dragon

Color: Purple

Symbol: Spade

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Good

Habitat: Crystal Caves

Enemies: Everyone

Blood: Red

Common Trait: None

Purple Dragons are a very basic dragon that is viewed as weak if an individual has no breath element inherited from a parent. What they don't make up in strength or power, they make up in fierceness and courage.


Gemini Amethyst

Shadow Dragon

Color: Jet Black

Symbol: Cube with dragon shaped shadow

Diet: Umbravore

Side: Good

Habitat: Dark Caves

Enemies: Nobody

Blood: Brown

Common Trait: Can turn into a shadow

Shadow Dragons are actually a playful breed despite their ability to turn into a shadow and skirt around surfaces as if anything is water. It's unknown how exactly this ability works, but it can come in handy. Shadow Dragons can also bring another into their shadow and move them. Shadow Dragons have shadow fire and darkness in general for their breath element.


Darkness Shadow

Jarin'do Bladetusk

Spelaeum Dragon

Color: Indigo and Bright Purple

Symbol: Headlamp

Diet: Piscivore

Side: Evil

Habitat: Underground Caverns

Enemies: Cave Dwellers

Blood: Green

Common Trait: Night Vision

Nicknamed the Cave Dragon, the Spelaeum Dragon is a reclusive breed that prefers the dark caves they make their homes in. Many times they choose underground labyrinths to dwell in. With the magic they possess, they like to confuse their targets by causing hallucinations and visions. Driving their targets mad before killing them with their pure energy breath element. Or eating them. While these dragons prefer fish, they will eat anything they can get their jaws on.



Xeno Dragon

Color: Blood Red and Black

Symbol: Speartail

Diet: Carnivore

Side: Evil

Habitat: Dark and Humid areas

Enemies: Everyone

Blood: Green Acid

Common Trait: Eyes aren't visible, spear tail

Dangerous and ruthless, Xeno Dragons care very little about life and see killing others as a sport and almost a way of life. They are considered savages by other dragons and are constantly avoided when spotted. Xeno Dragons live in hive-like communities in dark caves typically with a hierarchy based around kill counts. They are feared not only for their acid breath element AND acid blood, but also their unique ability to use their spear tails as a weapon with deadly precision. Running into one of these dragons without knowledge of how to fight them is certainly a death sentence. 

