Ancient Races

Somewhere between Earth's age of dinosaurs and the Ice Age, many races were established in Dragoso, ancient races that are no longer found, but their ancient civilizations and relics still remain. Here is what information has been gathered on them so far.


Ancestors to today's Orcs. They were large, muscular people who were usually the ones turned to for tasks that required a lot of muscle. Warrunners usually appointed a clan leader based on a battle and a vote. Warriors would battle in a tournament for the top three leadership spots before standing before their fellow clan members for a vote. The victor would be the new clan leader and gain the previous leader's teachings before leading the clan. The Warrunner clans also had reigning champions and would be challenged every year by any and all opponents to prove if they could still hold their title, or ultimately lose it. One thing that the Orcs still held from their ancestors was honor fights. Warrunners would always fight for their honor if it was every challenged though Warrunners did it a little differently. While Orcs would fight to the death, Warrunners would face banishment should they fail to defend their honor.

Ancient Elves

Ancient Elves aren't too different from today's Elves, though remains have shown that the Ancient Elves were somewhat taller and thinner compared to today's Elves. Many traditions and societal norms are still very similar between then and now.


Ancestors to today's Rukmar. Woodhoppers had many more animal traits than Rukmar do today, much more animalistic in the face and said to have horns like Earth's Bharal, aka Blue Sheep. Some would say they were a type of Minotaur. The Woodhoppers were an agile people who would leap across trees to get around, as shown in ancient drawings and told of in many tomes. They would do this to stay above their enemies and their prey while also concealing themselves and leaving no trace of their presence. Woodhoppers were very skilled archers and preferred ranged combat, though they would carry hunting knives theorized to mostly be used to skin any game they hunted, but it could be used for defense in case an enemy got too close for their bows to be useful. Early in their history, Woodhoppers tame and trained predators to aid them in hunting and in combat. Many preferred canines and felines, though some drawings have shown Woodhoppers pictured with ancient creatures that looked very similar to today's griffins. Woodhoppers lived in a fair and sharing community, everyone helped each other and everything hunted and gathered was available to all. Hunters gathered meat and females would raise young together and gather fruit and herbs. Those that didn't hunt would defend the clan and escort the female and children when they went gathering. The clan would also look to their High Priest when they needed guidance and leadership. 


Ancestors to today's Naga. Hydroslinkers were described as armless snakefolk built purely for underwater life with a tail like a rudder. They are pretty feral in terms of behavior, though they were just starting to gain sentience at the time. Clan leaders would be chosen based on strength every year. A battle against the current leader would determine if he remained or a new leader would be chosen. Strength for the clan was always important, even the young Hydroslinkers coming of age were tested. They would be sent out on a solo hunt to determine if they would strengthen the clan or be taken down by their predators. Survival proved strength while death proved weakness, weeding out the weak members to keep the clan strong.


Ancestors to today's Tigressa. Clawstriders appeared to have been mostly quadrupedal but were able to stand up on their back legs like hunched over bipeds when they needed to be. The Greater Tigressa hold the most traits from the Clawstriders than the standard Tigressa do. Clawstriders held druids in high regard, viewing them as elders and even leaders. While they did this, they still relied heavily on their instincts and never trusted outsiders, not even other Clawstriders.


Ancestors to today's Squama. Saurriders were described as anthropomorphic lizards with features very similar to Earth's prehistoric Megalania. A good portion of Saurrider culture was becoming skilled thieves and assassins which required perfect stealth and sleight of hand tricks to make their livings. Most of the time they just stole from each other and were in competition with one another, though everyone in the thieving business agreed on one common thing. Never interrupting the researchers that participated in the ultimate goal, creating the perfect mount. Saurrider researchers teamed up with a group of Arcanewalkers in the creation of the Hornblowers. It took decades of researching various dinosaurs from Earth and altering genetics to create the perfect mount. The Saurriders never had a chance to properly test their creations before their ultimate extinction, so they did the next best thing. They preserved the Hornblowers and their research, leaving everything to their future people, the Squama.


Ancestors to today's Dwarves. Quite the contrast to the Dwarves, Forgeclimbers were a very large, burly race with high quality smithing skills. Skeletons alone showed they were around 12 to 15 feet tall (3.6 to 4.5 meters). There were two significant classes among the Forgeclimbers apart from the smiths, Mages and Shamans. Mages were able to create moving statues and golems powered with their own life energy while Shamans were well respected among the Forgeclimbers and sometimes viewed as leaders. Shamans left many wise writings behind for any who looked for guidance in the future, even after their extinction. Dwarves today are still attempting to decipher many of the Forgeclimber writings. Forgeclimbers rode on large creatures with skeletal structures similar to the Paraceratherium from Earth. Dwarves dubbed these massive creatures Theriparams.


Ancestors to today's Undead. Writings told of how they were skilled summoners and drawings showed they looked similar to today's Night Elves. There were also writings about a massive experiment backfiring on the Beastskippers and turning Whedabra into what it is today. Beastskippers had perfected their summoning skills, able to summon a variety of creatures, demons, beasts, etc, though they preferred to use decaying bulls called Necrovines as their mounts. Despite the undead appearance, the bulls proved they were strong, resilient creatures fit for travel and battle. Wanting more of a variety of undead creatures to use, the Beastskippers attempted to summon more. Instead of more undead creatures, they ended up reviving a massive undead beast that wiped out the Beastskippers and tainted Whedabra's entire ecosystem and structure. The dead were risen to bring the creation of the Undead. The few that had been Beastskippers that were reanimated recorded the accident to prevent any other summoners from attempting it before they disappeared. They left their work in an ancient library for others to discover and hopefully keep them from repeating their mistake.


Ancestors to today's Tenkkoa. Arcanewalkers were ancient magic users that specialized in their choice of a single elemental magic type. They enhanced their magic power by embedding gems into their bodies, using the gems grown on the trees on Arcaneia and matching their element to the gems. Arcanewalkers were always researching, always discovering, always wanting to learn more, they were a curious race. Some wanted to play God, however, and bend the laws of nature. High ranking sorcerers seen as leaders forbid nature bending, though some still did as they pleased. Some cases of this have been recorded, the terraforming of Meglacia was most likely one of the biggest ones. The final recorded case was the creation of the Dragons by an Umbramancer, the last Arcanewalker and member of the Ancient Race Era. Arcanewalkers rode on ancient birds called Phoruson, possible ancestors to Hawcorons.


Ancestors to today's Goblins. Technopaths appeared to be larger goblins with highly advanced technology for their time period. Their technology was capable of terraforming planets and gathering research. A lot of their technology was either powered by electricity they gathered from lightning or powered by steam. Technopaths rode on mechanical creatures powered by steam, though their name was unknown. Texts and tomes described them as enlarged versions of Earth's spiders.

Ancient Werewolves

A much more feral version of today's Werewolves. The Ancient Werewolves relied heavily on instinct for their survival and at this time, they were mortal enemies of the Vampires. They would constantly fight with Vampires for territory and resources, both being creatures of the night no doubt brought on this rivalry for millennia. In this age, Werewolves were not only breeding, but also still biting to infect others to create more wolves, though biting amounts had started to drop at this time.

Ancient Vampires

Very similar to today's Vampires. Not the first Vampires in their history, more like the third as far back as their research tells. The Vampires of this age were starting to evolve to bear children, it was a new discovery at this point in their history. Vampires aren't much different back then compared to now, aside from their choice in mount, black unicorns with bat wings which have gone extinct since then.

Ancient Trolls

A much more savage version of today's Trolls. The Ancient Trolls were taller and bulkier than today's Trolls and participated in blood rituals and cannibalism at this time as well. Ancient Trolls began the tradition of using Raptors as their mounts, having been introduced to them while the Saurriders were looking for their perfect dinosaur. Raptors evolved to carry the heavier Trolls and proved to be stubborn, but so were the Trolls. Appointing their leaders didn't happen like most of the other Ancient Races. While most of them either fought, were chosen, trained, or just aged into leadership, Ancient Trolls instead rely on superstitions and deities to decide on their leader. Should a leader prove incompetent, however, the clan would kill and eat him. When a new leader was picked, he would consume the previous leader's heart.