2010 Jan-Feb-Mar

2010 January-February-March

Life with PJ

5 January 2010: 25 Months

PJ had a busy holiday season, with trips to both sets of Grandparents and Uncle Will. Regarding his development, he has started to throw temper tantrums, which led to his first "time-out". His bouldering skills are also developing, as he climbs onto and off of his changing table.

After the new year, the Tang sisters and Grace came up for an overnight visit, during which Jennie filmed PJ during a "wheels on the bus go round and round" session at the Sunnyside Café.

PJ learned the hard way that sticking your face in the bath water sometimes leads to a moustache and goatee.

PJ loves his trike, a Christmas gift from Gong-Gong and Lau-Lau. He hasn't learned to pedal yet, but likes to coast and push with his feet. Sometimes he treats the trike like a dog and pulls it with the leash.

We almost caught the elusive scowl in the two photos below of PJ and the bear.

5 February 2010: 26 Months

Beppo Rests

Daddy rushes home at 9:30 pm

Not knowing why

PJ is crying

For 5 minutes says Mark

The babysitter who now leaves

Daddy and PJ are alone

PJ is crying

Will he stop?

Daddy enters PJ's room

Adjusts PJ's blankets

Rubs PJ's back

And whispers

"I love you"

"I love you so much"

"I love you the FULL AMOUNT"

PJ is asleep

Daddy leaves the room

Daddy is crying

PJ at the Little Farm with a bag of celery and lettuce for the cows, pigs, goats, and sheep.

Below are 3 photos of PJ and the Bear. I'm not sure how much longer we'll continue with the bear photos.

March 2010: 2 Years, 3 Months

I guess the "PJ and the Bear" era is over. However, don't fret! Em is proud new owner of an i-Phone so we'll still be taking and posting lots of pictures.

Sunglasses - PJ has had these sunglasses for quite some time, but only recently has he allowed them to remain on his face. In the second photo, PJ has put on his sunglasses at night, after his bath, just before bed time. Even though it's blurry, it's one of my favorites.

Naked Time - Before bath time, PJ loves to get out of his clothes/diaper and get wrapped up in this soft fleece blanket. Of course he has too much energy to stay put for long, and will move onto other tasks, as shown in the second photo.

Soup - PJ loves the soup at Jac's Asian Bistro, incidentally, so do Mommy and Daddy. While it's hot he'll eat with his spoon, but once it has cooled sufficiently, he eats it in a much more efficient manner.

Smoothie - Great smoothies give great "ow-ood-za".

Miscellaneous - PJ with: the screen door at home, Benjamin in a car at Oakland's Fairyland, a Goat at the Oakland Zoo, Gong-Gong at the Oakland Zoo.