Dinky Lakes

2001 August

Dinky Lakes

Henrik organized this trip and along for the ride were Emily, Rodger, Nathan, Nicole, me, and of course Henrik. This was a one-day in and one-day out trip so we left the Bay Area Friday night and stayed in a Motel 6 in Fresno and left for the trailhead early the next morning. While loading our packs, when Nathan went off to pee, Henrik and Rodger put about 10 pounds worth of rocks in his already bulging pack, so he didn’t notice until camp that night. Emily and I made macaroni and cheese dinner for everyone that night and it gave Rodger gas. For an overnight trip, Nathan had packed a six-pack of beer, some amount of whiskey, a gi-normous Maglite, and about 5 pounds of dog food. Of course, Paz never even touched the dog food, preferring our cheese and salami tidbits.

Although it takes a bit of time to drive to the Dinky Lakes Trailhead, you are rewarded in that you start at a high elevation, the trail is very gradual, and spectacular lakes are only a few miles away. Indeed, at the first lake we all swam before continuing on to a lake by which we would camp that night. The next day we hiked out and drove back north.

Dinky Lakes is east of Fresno and a pretty dam long drive from the Bay Area for an in-and-out trip. The loop we went on is at the bottom left corner of the map.

Emily cruises on the easy trail near the parking lot. I have never been anywhere in the Sierras where the hike in is so easy.

I float on a log while Emily admires my form. We camped near this lake.

We had a very nice sunset that night.

We also swam at this lake on the way out.

And after swimming Nathan put on sunscreen.