Bass Lake

2004 September 6th

Bass Lake

Emily and I both agree, a day spent at Bass Lake in Point Reyes is just about perfect. But it isn't just the lake that we enjoy, but rather the whole experience, which usually goes something like this. First we gather food for a picnic; if it is a Sunday we will surely go to the Thai Temple but on other days we may make our picnic or get Vietnamese sandwiches. Next we drive to the Palomarin Trailhead, also an enjoyable experience since we will drive up the very scenic Highway 1 past Muir and Stinson Beaches. Once at the trailhead we start the ~3-mile walk which is also drop dead gorgeous. On this particular day it was very hot so we covered the distance in just under 40 minutes. Upon arriving flat area above the lake we quickly strip and jump in, and only once we are properly refreshed will we spread out our picnic, eat, read, nap, and play on the rope swing.

Every time we drive to Bass Lake we pass by Star Route Farms, just behind the school in Bolinas, and every time Emily says that we should stop since they supply produce to Chez Panisse. This time we did.

More fun at Star Route Farms. Note that the date is in the day, month, year format.

Only minutes from the Palomarin Trailhead you walk through a forest of Eucalyptus trees. and here you can see me standing at the base of one of the larger ones.

Emily on the trail just before it veers right to cross the small canyon.

Another view on the trail, however, for some reason I am facing south when at this time we were still walking north towards the lake.

And after ~3 miles we arrive at Bass Lake, already full of swimmers.

And several minutes after the previous photo was taken we arrive at the flat area above the lake.

Time to get in the water. Hey, I have sunglasses on.

Here is the famous Bass Lake rope swing and an action shot of me traveling backwards just before my release and probable belly-flop. Emily took both photos while floating on an inflatable seashell that we found here earlier this year and gave to another group before leaving on this particular trip. Don't give Emily a hard time for the poor action shot until you have tried to take one with a digital camera!

A random woman and the rope swing.

After cooling off in the lake it's time to eat!

On the way back from the lake we always pick up trash, this was the first time we found a half-eaten marshmallow.

Almost back to the Eucalyptus grove and the parking lot, Emily stops to ponder the cliff.