Wood Duck

Wood Ducks

Colored pencils

This is the feather pattern aspect of my study. This drawing was originally for the duck stamp competition but unfortunately I was unable to complete it before the deadline. I chose to draw wood ducks for this project because out of all the ducks on that list, the wood ducks had the most color. I wanted to experiment with blending colored pencils in more saturated tones (at the time this was my second or third colored pencil drawing) and the wood duck was the only bird colorful enough to allow me to do that. I included a male and a female, although honestly it could be a juvenile, for diversity. I combined multiple photos to included both genders in my drawing. Though it is hard to see the background is light blue. I didn't want to do anything to it because I wanted the birds to be the entire focus of this piece.

I only used colored pencils on this drawing. I am a one material kind of person so I didn't want to include anything else. This drawing is also an outlet for me to practice and get better at using colored pencils.

I started this drawing over a year ago in 2021. I have been working it for a very long time and have probably put over fifty hours into it. It is one of my longest worked on pieces. I paid extremely close attention to every tiny detail and spent a lot of time trying to match colors as closely as possible. I am very proud of it though and I feel as though every second was worth it.