Wire Sculpture

For this project I had to take an object and then create it using wire. The object had to give us a sense of nostalgia which is a longing for something from the past. I chose to do a camera because the photos held within a camera can give a person a sense of nostalgia.

First, I made a rectangular box. Then I added the cylinder shape and the little box-like thing on the top. After that I added the square on the back and added little details like the buttons.

I think that shape is the most prominent element in my project. When I was making it, I wasn't creating a camera but the individual lines and shapes that it was made up of.

This project was much more difficult than I first thought it would be. I ran into many problems while doing this. The one that kept reoccurring was that the wire would not tighten and it would slide around instead of remaining in place. I found out that there was one pair of pliers that worked much better than the rest and I used them to tighten the wire. Without those pliers I'm not sure what I would have done.

I'm not extremely pleased with the way this came out. It's not horrible but it could have been much better. However, with this being my first wire sculpture, I think it is pretty good.