Sustained Investigation #6

Under My Skin

Micron pen

Here is another project that is going to take me several sustained investigations to complete. Not only am I using a method that typically takes a long time but I also chose to makes this piece fairly larger than I usually work with. I have changed my inquiry question to now fit the theme of nightmares and demons. I am drawing a dragon that has a human skeleton somewhat imbedded in it. I wanted to show what lurks below the surface of some people's skin. We all have dragons or other demons hiding under the surface and I felt the need to show that in a drawing.

For this drawing I am only using a very small point micron pen. I don't intend of using any other materials. I want to keep it black and white with the pen.

I am going to continue to do the stippling method throughout the entire piece. My next steps are to hopefully finish the entire thing before the next project is due. I am also going to try and smudge the ink as little as possible because the pen I am using takes a while to dry and I occasionally run my arm over it before it is dry. I have managed to disguise all of my small errors so far and I like the way it is turning out.