Sustained Investigation #1

Queen of the Night

acrylic paint

This the first project in a series of sustained investigations. This is going to be a long one for me because I chose to do a painting. Paintings can take me upwards of 50 hours so I will probably end up working on this one for several of the projects. My inquiry question was how can I show the beauty in death using skulls and flowers. To show that I have chosen to do a painting of a tiger skull with a queen of the night flower. The two don't have much to do with one another but queen of the night is my favorite plant and I just like tiger skulls.

The only materials used for this painting are acrylic paint on a canvas board. Acrylic paint is the material that I produce my best art with so I thought it would be a good idea to start off this series with a painting.

As you can see this project is not finished. I would say that I am about half way done. My next steps are to finish the teeth on the tiger skull and then paint the flower. I plan on doing the flower in color because the painting needs to have a little pop of color even if it is very dull and subtle. So far I really like the way it is turning out and I hope I keep on feeling this way about it.