Sustained Investigation #2

Barking Deer

This is the second work in a series of three or in my case only two. For this one I drew the outline of a barking deer skull and colored it with circles of different shades of blue and purple. I chose those colors because I like the combination and I was able to access many shades of these colors. I wanted to have the skull break some kind of border so I drew a square around it. Once that was done I filled it in with black to make the skull stand out better. Lastly I outlined the black square with yellow just to give it a pop of bright color. This drawing is refection the ideas of my inquiry question which was how can I use colored pencils and animal skulls to show the color in death. It may be somewhat morbid for most people but death and skulls are the most common theme in my art work.

As my inquiry question states, the materials used to create this drawing are colored pencils. There is a little bit of pen outlining the skull but the drawing is mainly done in colored pencil.

This drawing was more touch and go than my drawings usually are. I knew I wanted a skull filled with color but the type of skull and what colors were spur of the moment ideas. So was filling in the box around the skull. I didn't think that the skull stood enough and I knew that a solid black background would help with that. The yellow outline is only there because I felt like it needed another color. Overall, for a rushed drawing, it came out better than I expected.