Sustained Investigation #5



This will probably be my last digital portrait drawing. They are easy to get bored of doing especially when you do one after another. This was part a lager piece but I got bored of doing it and it was taking me forever. This one is supposed to show how the year of 2020 was for teenagers. I used myself as the subject because I am in that category and an answer to that question. I also chose to make it black and white to add to the theme of depression that I was trying to convey.

I used the Adobe Photoshop program on this project. I liked that one much better than Acorn because the images look better and less pixelated.

This project took me much longer than I expected it would take. If I had completed it, it would probably have looked pretty good but I did not have time to complete it and after a week and a half of working on it I got sick of it. This part of the drawing is the depression side. Like my other digital drawings I outlined the photo and then filled in the areas of shade with the same colors from the photo. I chose not to add a background because I didn't want to take away from the figure. Overall, this piece isn't too bad but I wish I had done more with it.