Abstract Shoe Drawing

On this project I had to create an abstract painting/drawing out of a zoomed in drawing of my shoe. This project was basically part two of the three views of a shoe drawing. Once I had finished the shoe drawing, I had to take one area of one of the views and focus on it. I had to zoom in on it three times as shown in the picture above.

Once I finished those, I chose the one that I liked best and copied it down on a large piece of paper with a two inch side border and a one inch top and bottom border. I drew landscape scenes into the larger spaces and painted the night sky into the 'bands" that were once the shoe laces.

On this assignment I used water color. It was the material that I felt most comfortable using and that I would get the best results from.

Some elements that I used are color and value. I used color by giving the painting other colors that were not just black and white. I used value by giving the mountains highlights and shadows. I did the same with the trees.

Some principles that I used are balance and unity. Balance was created by having all of the colors work together and not having large gaps without color or areas that seemed to have more weight than others. I used unity by giving my painting a theme. I used landscapes and tried not to make it too random.

I am most proud of the city landscape and the mountain landscape. I really enjoy looking at the black buildings against the light sunset background. I am very pleased at the way the buildings came out.

I am proud of the way the mountains turned out to. They started out as the shapes of the shadows. At first they didn't really look like anything but once I painted them in, they looked almost exactly how I wanted them to look.

The only thing that I would improve would be the night sky. I kind of rushed through that part so it was not as good as it could have been.