

Freeport Falcons

I created two logos during this assingment. One was for a clock and one was a Freeport logo for our high school. I chose to incorporate the letters in the word clock into the number of a clock. For the Freeport logo I chose to do a falcon because I felt as thought it represented out school the best. I also wanted to draw a falcon.

Both of the pieces are done using pens and markers. The clock is just red and black pen but the falcon has maroon and yellow markers on on the feathers and on the beak and feet.

I had a very specific idea going into both of these projects. The clock design did not change at all but the falcon one did. I had to choose what position I wanted the falcon in and I restarted it several times before I settled on the falcon that is shown in the photo. One next step that I could take would be to make the lines thicker and darker on the falcon to make it more like a design.