Contour Drawing

For this assignment we had to draw our hands and shoe using as much line detail as possible but with no shading. For the hand drawing we had to draw a picture of our hands holding an object. We had to draw all of the creases but make sure that some lines had different weights.

For the shoe drawing we had to draw three views of one of our shoes. I had to draw at top view, a front view, and a side view. Different lines had to have different weights just as the hand drawing did.

On both of these assignments, I used pencil. It was the only material we were allowed to use and was the easiest to use for the task.

The elements that I used were line and form. The drawings were made by using lines. Different lines were supposed to look different and give the drawing depth. Lines gave the drawing form. They had to look like the object I was drawing so they had to have form.

The thing that I am most proud of in my three views of a shoe drawing is the side view of my shoe. I like that part the best because I feel like it was the view that look most accurately like my shoe.

I'm proud of my overall hand drawing. I have never really tried to draw a hand before so that was the first time I had drawn one. I am very pleased at the way it turned out.

There isn't anything I would change about the shoe drawing but there are some things that need improvement in the hand drawing. My hand doesn't really look like it is holding the paintbrush. It's kind of just laying in the hand. If I could go back, I would change it so it look more like the hand was holding the paintbrush.