
Gummy Worm Chasing Gummy Bear

Colored Pencil

For this project I was given a random prompt and had to create a drawing out of it. Luckily the one I chose was relatively simple. My prompt was a gummy worm chasing a gummy bear. Realism is what is easiest for me so I decided to keep it realistic because I actually could with this prompt. I found a picture of a gummy worm and a green gummy bear; I made sure that the colors were compatible. I wanted the photos mostly for light reference. I added a few words to give context because there isn't much movement in the drawing or anything to suggest there is running happening.

Used only colored pencils on this drawing. I chose this material because colored pencils are easy to blend and create realistic things with. I didn't want to use paint and it takes less time with colored pencils.

There wasn't much of a thought process behind this drawing. I knew what I was going to do the minute I chose my prompt. The most thought I put into it was choosing the colors and the position of the gummy bear and gummy worm. It's kind of a weird project but I don't hate it because the candy pieces are rather realistic.