Covid-19 Sculpture

This project was a rather difficult one for me. In the beginning I had absolutely no idea what I would do for it. It took me a while to decide that I should do something simple and I ended up creating a globe wearing a mask. I think this makes a lot of sense for the topic because masks are a big thing right now and the whole world is wearing them. I got inspiration from photos I have seen all over the interest and social media apps of globes wearing masks. I took that idea and made it 3D.

I used only materials that I had in my house. Luckily for me I happened to have an inflatable rubber ball sitting in my garage which was the exact size that I wanted. I used acrylic paint on the ball and the mask is made of material from an old sheet and two strings of yarn.

It was not a complicated process to make this project. First I cleaned the ball because it was filthy from sitting in my garage. Then I painted it starting with the ocean. Once that was all done I made the mask by folding a rectangular scrap of fabric and using hot glue to keep it in that shape. I glued the yarn string in between the folds and hot glued them onto the back of the globe because they were too short to tie and I wanted the mask to stay put. After it was done I was pleased because it looked like what I had envisioned in my head.