Color Matching Collage

The first step in this assignment was to create a collage using cut out images from magazines or printed images from online. After I was done with that, I traced my collage and transferred it onto a piece of canvas paper. Then I painted the collage on the canvas paper, trying to match the colors to the best of my ability.

Used acrylic paint on the project. I also used a bunch of different paint brushes. I had the largest on which I used to paint the black background, the smallest one, which I used for detail such as my name, and all sorts of different sizes in between.

Some elements that I used were color and value shape. I had to get the colors in my painting to match as close as I could to the collage. I used value shape because I traced the collage to make the shapes as accurate as they could be and added value to the skull and the rose.

I like the rose and the skull the best in my painting. The rose took me a while but it came out looking almost exactly like the the one on the collage.

In my opinion, this is the best piece of work that I have done in almost two years.