Ceramics II

Ceramics 2 was a class that I never intended to take. When I ended up having to I was on the fence about it because although I had taken ceramics classes in the past, I never particularly enjoyed them. But I was mistaken. This class ended up being my favorite art class that I took in high school. I had a lot more freedom over the projects than I thought I would and I got to create things that felt like they came from me. I found this class to be really enjoyable. I also learned that I liked working with clay more than I ever thought I would.

The hardest things for me in this class was time management. I spent a lot of time gazing my pieces. My little teapot took the longest with roughly ten hours of glazing put into it. I spend a lot of time outside of class working on my projects and I was often working on more than one at a time. It was kind of stressful and I was almost always behind everyone else. But that was alright because I'm used to taking longer when it comes to art.

My favorite project this year was by far the eccentric teapot. I loved how small and adorable it came out. It was also the first real thing I'd made with clay in years. The glazing I did on it turned out amazing even in my standards. It was overall just a fun project that did not disappoint.

My least favorite project this year was the tiles. The whole process was painful and the final result was incredibly disappointing. I didn't like making the mold and popping tiles out of it because they all looked terrible. I though glaze might fix it but no, the glazes bled together and made it look awful.

Honestly, I have no criticism about the way the class was run. It was a fun, low stress environment. I felt like I had enough time to work on all of my projects and even when I was behind it didn't matter. I liked almost all of the projects we did. I also liked how much freedom we got over them so it felt more like my decision. It was overall a great class and I'm sad it's over.