Extended Blind Contour

For this assignment I turned a bunch of scribbles into something recognizable. Now well I understand that scribbles are technically art I don't view them that way and wanted to draw something people would recognize. The base of this drawing consists of three "portraits". They are extended line drawings that I did while looking in a mirror. Line drawings are when you draw something without lifting up your pen and in my case I wasn't looking at the paper either. The drawings looked absolutely nothing like faces but they did look a little bit like the centers of flowers.

I used colored pencil and pen on this drawing. I outlined all of the parts of the flowers with a micron pen and then colored on the shapes with some colored pencils.

I'm going to be honest; I put little to no thought into this piece. I don't like doing assignments like they because they are usually more abstract and I hate abstract work. My original idea was the one I stuck with. I used no references. The most amount of thinking I did was centered around choosing colors that would look good next to each other. This could have been a lot worse and at least it's not abstract anymore. The original lines fit very well into the actual drawing.