2D Design

Semester one reflection

I feel like I learned quite a bit this year in class. I worked with materials that I have rarely is never used on a project before. The most prominent that comes to mind would be colored pencils. Until this year I had never used colored pencils for anything other than coloring a map or some other basic thing. I always thought that I just wasn't good with colored pencils and that they weren't my thing. I went into this class thinking that I would probably end up mostly using acrylic paint but I was proven wrong.

Despite not using acrylics that much some of my best work this semester was using that kind of paint. For example, I am extremely proud of my donate life design. However, and quite surprisingly, I think that my best piece of work was done with colored pencils. That would be the duck stamp drawing. I spend a long time on this project and I think that it was worth it. It was my first serious colored pencil drawing I am very pleased with the final product. I personally think that was my best piece of work and it is certainly the one I am most proud of.

But I also had some struggles. The struggles weren't really the projects themselves, although some proved more of a challenge than others. The struggle turned out to be completing the project in the allotted time and getting it turned in. I have never been known to complete a work of art quickly and because I like a lot of details it takes me forever to create a drawing or painting. I did manage to turn in 99% of my projects even if some of them were a little late.

I think that moving forward I am going to continue to work more with colored pencil. Now that I know I am actually capable of producing decent works of art with that material I will try to use that an expand my skills so I can keep improving.