Find Your Voice

Caged Elephant

For this assignment I chose a controversial topic to turn into an artistic interpretation of it. I chose the topic of animal rights, specifically zoo animals. I created a painting of an elephant behind bars with red words painted on them that describe the things that a caged elephant would feel. I chose an elephant because it is well known that these animals do not take too well to solitary confinement. I chose this topic because I am a strong believer that animals should not be displayed solely for human amusement. This topic was that one that I felt the strongest about.

I only used acrylic paint one the project. That is that material that I work best with and I wanted this piece to look as nice as possible to best convey the meaning.

I stuck with my original idea very closely. I wasn't originally going to have the red works on the bars but after I got started I realized that it was going to need a pop of color somewhere. I am very pleased with the way this painting turned out and I don't think that I have any next steps I would like to take with it.