Linear Perspective

For these assignments, I had to design the interior of a room and draw a hallway using linear perspective. I started by marking a vanishing point on my paper. All of the lines that make up the floor, windows, and ceiling beams/tiles, and floor tiles connect back to it. That gives the room depth. Things have to get smaller and closer together as they get further back. After I had the floor and walls drawn in, I drew the basic outline on the chairs, couch, and table. There was nothing on the floor in the hallway so I did not do that there. From each point on the shapes, I drew a line that connected back to the vanishing point. Then I replicated the the outline of the shape in those lines that connected to the vanishing point. That is how I made those objects.

The hallway was kind of simple so there was not a lot to shade. I used shading mostly to emphasize that certain things, like the doors and the pipe, were not a part of the wall or ceiling.

I did the same for the room drawing. I shaded the room, keeping in mind the position of the windows.

It is quite easy to tell form the drawings that I only used pencil. I used a blending stump to blend the shadows and show as little pencil lines as possible in them.

On the summative I used value and line. The whole drawing is pretty much a bunch of lines that look like a hallway. The value in the shade I added to places that were out of range of the ceiling lights.

I was originally not going to add any shading to the drawing but I like to shade because I think it makes things more realistic. So after a bit of thought I decided to add in the shadows.

I actually didn't have a lot of difficulty with this piece. The only thing I struggled with was getting the floor and ceiling tiles to be spaced like they were in the real hallway. Other than that this assignment was rather easy.

Because it was easy, the results were really good. I found that my drawing actually resembled the real hallway. I am proud of it for that reason. There are a few details that I left out because I didn't have time to do them. Adding them into my drawing would be the only thing I would change about it.