Duck Stamp

Watchful Waterfowl

This assignment required me to draw a species of duck using a medium of my choice. The duck had to be as realistic as possible and the habitat also had to fit with the species. I choose the hooded merganser as my duck species. The reason I chose it was because of its odd appearance. I thought that its looks were quite hysterical and that captivated my interest. I included both the male and the female duck in my drawing.

I made this drawing entirely with colored pencils. I wanted to experiment with a medium I wasn't too familiar with and I knew that if I chose to use paint with this project then it would take too long. I later realized that it wouldn't have mattered in the end.

I changed my ideas on this project more than I ever have with any project before. I was originally going to do an acrylic painting on canvas paper but when I had finished drawing it out there was something about it that I didn't like so I started over using colored pencil on bristle board instead with two entirely different images of the ducks. I was satisfied with that design and that is what I stuck to. This drawing may have taken me just about forever to complete but I believe the end results are worth the amount of time I put in.