time capsules

self portrait time capsule

Self Portrait


8 1/2 x 11"

still life time capsule

Still Life


8 1/2 x 11"

corner time capsule



8 1/2 x 11"

The ideas that are visually evident in my work is the idea of a self portrait of me. The story of this artwork is we had an art assignment and it was to draw three things that each were timed for 20 minutes, this was one of the drawings and it is a self portrait of me. this drawing relates to my life because it is a drawing of me and what I look like. This drawing also represents the time in my life because in the picture I am wearing a mask witch shows the time period that I am living in.

the materials that I used to make this art piece was a 2hb pencil. If I go back to this drawing then I would definitely use some shading in certain areas to add texture. I also would use some color to show the colors and contrast of my face. throughout this drawing I used many types of drawing with the pencil to show what that part of my face looked like. An example of where I used different techniques was the hair was little short lines and the eyes had light lines and then a dark dot where I had to use some shading.

During this drawing I experimented with the process by starting with very light lines so that they would easily erase and then I could redraw then and make sure they fit the face and then go back and darken them. After I finished the sketch I went back and drew a little darker in some areas to show the contrast of the face better. This project definitely evolved because in the beginning it was very unproportional and I was able to erase some of those lines and make them smaller or bigger so that they would fit the face and make it look more like my face. My next steps could definitely be going back in and working on the hair because in the drawing my hair looks short but it is actually medium to long length and in a pony tail so I would definitely go back and add more lines, texture and contrast to make my hair look more accurate.

the ideas that are visually evident in my work is the idea of a still life object. in this drawing, I drew a water bottle on a desk with some other small items that surrounded the water bottle. This drawing was an assignment for art class. The assignment was to draw a still life drawing in 20 minutes, this is my second-time capsule drawing out of the three. This artwork relates to my life because this drawing was a picture of something that I see almost every day when I sit down to do my school work. this picture was of a water bottle on my table with some M and Ms and a marker. I choose to draw this picture because it is something that I see almost every day and the centerpiece of the picture, the water bottle, is something that I use almost every day.

The materials that I used was a 2hb pencil. If I could go back to this drawing and add to it I would add color because I think that color could be creatively used in this picture because there were a lot of colors and textures in the scene that I was looking at such as pink, blue, purple, white and yellow. The material I would use to add color is watercolors. I also think that I would add texture because I think that a really cool idea, if I were to go back to this painting, is to draw the textures of the water in the water bottle.

During this drawing, I experimented with the process by first sketching the objects and then following over and making the lines darker. It was very helpful that the objects were still while I was drawing them so that I could focus on some of the details. My project evolved thought the process of drawing it because originally it was just going to be a water bottle but as the drawing evolved I decided to add a few of the smaller items that were around the water bottle to add more to the concepts and value to the drawing. My next step to this drawing would be adding more color to the different items in the drawing and I would also want to add texture into the drawing. I would want to especially add texture into the water inside of the clear water bottle. I think that by adding color and texture it would make the drawing have more value.

The ideas that are visually evident in my drawing is the idea of the corner of a room. This drawing has many different objects in it and it was fun to draw because of all of the lines and shapes throughout it. This drawing relates to my life because it is the corner of a classroom that I am in on a regular basis. I choose to draw this corner because it looked like it would be a drawing with lots of lines and shapes. I also choose to draw this drawing because I thought that it would be fun to make the objects that were on the wall look like they were on the wall un the picture and I think that I was pretty successful in doing that.

the materials that I used to make this drawing was a 2hb pencil. If I could go back to this drawing I would use a black pen and trace over the objects to make the lines look cleaner. I would also use the pencil to shade some of the areas where there were small shadows . I think that this drawing could also use some color and for that I would use a colored pencil because you can make the colors darker or lighter depending on how hard you press. I think colored pencil would also be a good idea to use for this drawing because there are so many shapes and lines close to one another you need a thin line to make the objects in the drawing to be clear and visible.

During this drawing I experimented with the process by first making sure that the lines of the wall looked like a wall and that there would be enough space to fit all of the object on the wall. After I finished that I kept all of the lines really light because I knew that I would have to erase parts of them due to the objects on the wall. Next, I started on some of the objects on the wall. My strategy to doing this was I did one objects that I was high up on the wall and then one object that was low on the wall and then worked my way to the middle so that all of the objects would look proportional and not all be really big on the top and then really squished on the bottom. After I finished this I went back in a darkened the lines with pencil. If I could go back to this drawing I would use a black pen to make some of the shapes and lines more defined and clean. I would also use some colored pencil in the drawing to show the colors that were on the wall.