Maine duck stamp

fulvous whistling duck

colored pencil, watercolor, a little white paint

11 x 8

The main idea that guided my artwork was to draw a duck. I knew that I had to draw a duck and I choose this duck because of it blue beak and legs. I liked this because I have never seen bright blue on a duck before and also the body is unique because it is neutral colors, this makes the beak and feet/legs look unexpected.

This work was made by using colored pencil, water color and a little white paint. I choose these materials because colored pencil is super good to draw detailed things with, and this is what I used for 95% of the duck and all of the grasses. I also used colored pencil because I needed a bright blue for the beak and the feet/legs, but then I still needed materials that had neutral shades ( brown, tan, white) that I could use for the body of the duck. I used water colors for the sky because watercolors have uneven shades in it. This is like the sky and the texture/color shades of the sky. I also used this for the sand/ mud and/or rock that it is standing on for the same reasoning. I used a little bit of white paint because there are a few feathers that it has that are bright white .

The process of this artwork is I first used shapes like a circle, square, triangle to to the basic shape of the body. From here I erased all of the extra lines and I started to make it look more like a duck and less like a bunch of shapes. I did this by connecting the likes and using my picture references. Then I started to slowlyadd color with colored pencils. I started with the bright blue feet/ legs and beak because I was most exited about this part. Then I worked on adding color to the body and blending that. After this I took a little bit of paint and I used it to make the bright white spots. Then I moved onto the sky with blue water colors and then I used the same teqinque for the ground as well.