
circles, bears and penguins


Blick markers

For this artwork I wasent trying to say anything in-particular. The idea just came to me as I was brainstorming. I really liked making this artwork because it was fun and I liked the thought process that went into making it.

The specific materials that I used where blick markers. I used these because I wanted color and color use to be a large part of this artwork. I really liked using these markers because it is something that I am not used to and I really like how they came off onto the paper and showed the color.

The process between my idea and my finished piece was to start I was thinking that it would be cool to show Arctic animals in each circle. That Idea then lead my to penguins, polar bears and an ice berg. That is mainly when the whole idea came together in my head for this artwork. After that I started to sketch it out and make it.