Interesting Articles and Videos 7th September

Interesting Articles and Videos 7th September

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Whistle blower from the CDC breaks the silence.

Bill Thompson employee of the CDC reveals years and years of deliberate fraud designed to cover up the cause of the autism epidemic.

340% increased risk of autism in vaccines are given too early.

The numbers are twice as high for black children - and the CDC knew it.

It took 30 years for this info to be released. - See more at:

Major autism/vaccine link fraud revealed

Whistle blower from the CDC breaks the silence.

Bill Thompson employee of the CDC reveals years and years of deliberate fraud designed to cover up the cause of the autism epidemic.

340% increased risk of autism in vaccines are given too early.

The numbers are twice as high for black children - and the CDC knew it.

It took 30 years for this info to be released. -

See more at:

The Magical Forest - Gorgeous BBC Documentary

"Secrets of Our Living Planet" showcases the incredible

ecosystems that make life on Earth possible. Using beautifully

shot scenes in the wild, Chris Packham reveals the hidden

wonder of the creatures that we share the planet with, and

the intricate, clever and bizarre connections between the species,

without which life just could not survive.

Discover previously unknown relationships, like why a tiger needs

a crab, or why a gecko needs a giraffe. Chris visits the planet's most

vital and spectacular habitats and dissects it to reveal the secrets of

how our living planet works.

Video (59 mins):

The Magical Forest - Gorgeous BBC Documentary

If you don't spend any time outside, with direct physical contact with

your planet, Earth, then over the years, you can expect to see certain

physical ailments and complaints, that you probably would not have

had to experience.

This physical practice goes hand-in-hand with eating real food. It seems

absurd to even have to spell it out!

Modern Civilization's divorce from Nature is the cause of many ailments,

which can be avoided, if we learn to love and treat our planet with love

and respect, so that our own bodies may also reap the benefits of a real

relationship with Earth.

You don't have to buy anything. You simply need to make the time to find

some soil, grass or sand and walk on in, sit it - have a picnic - or my favorite

- go for a swim in a natural body of water.

Swimming in a natural body of water is perhaps the most restorative thing, that

seek to do I that and love to do, as often as possible.

Find yours, if you haven't already!

(Video: 2 minutes):

'The Grounded 2' - Introduction

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